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Monday, July 25, 2022

Happy Thread the Needle Day- A Basket Freebie

 Hello there , Sunshine and Happy Thread the Needle  Day. Isn't this just a grand day to celebrate?

 Do you have any plans to celebrate this special day? I will certainly have needle and thread in hand .

 Last year I shared Needle and Thread

Well I just knew I had to create another piece to go with it. This one is called Grandma Annie's Sewing Basket. 

It is a teeny basket with a needle , thread, pincushion and of course a pair of scissors. 

If you are interested , please check out the links to the jpgs . 

Click here for the instruction page. 

Click here for the charts. 

I actually have my Great grandma's sewing basket.  You wanta take a lookie inside? 


Lots of sewing and trinkets inside. 

I am sure most of these items are a mix of Grandma Annie's and Nanny's belongings. 

Threads , hoops, pins, and foreign tokens. 

Zippers, buttons, bookmark, scissors, crochet hooks . Gotta have a comb. 

Yes, that is a bullet ! Was Grandma Annie toting? 😀 Probably just  scooped up when cleaning pockets. 

Scissors, sea shell, threads wrapped around nails and screws. 

Cloisonne frame with a vintage label in it. 

It is so interesting to look at the goodies in old sewing baskets. Don't you agree? 

Edna Viola's Saltbox 

So what do  you have in your sewing basket? Thank you for the sweet visit and as always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


Tommy Toe Snatcher

Be the needle that brings everything together along with the thread. 

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗❤🧵


Dedicated to Great Grandma Annie and  Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy.  Love and miss you., Amo ❤❤❤


  1. I have to admit my sewing basket is pretty boring - just the things I need.

    1. Good morning, Donna. Lol well I have to admit those are probably the best kind of baskets. Just the right things you need so you can get busy. Mine tends to be a catch all- I guess like my great grandma's. lol I hope you are having safe travels and are enjoying the summer. Summertime hugs.

  2. My grandmother's sewing basket fell apart, but I have a lot of her items in mine. I believe my mother's sewing basket has more of my grandmother's items also. I saved that pretty cross-stitch pattern. Thank you.

    1. Good morning, Cathie.  It is so wonderful that you have your grandma's sewing items. Isn't it fun to look at the vintage items ? I always marvel at the graphics and how well made the pieces were compared to now. Oh yes those older sewing baskets especially that were made of wicker are awful delicate. My grandma Annie's is hanging on by a thread . I have to hold it with kid gloves so most of the time it is high on a shelf. I am so sorry that your grandma's fell apart. I am sure that it was well loved and used. I hope you enjoy the little patterns. Happy Thread the Needle Day. 

  3. Darling basket stitch! I think my grandmother's sewing basket is probably in a landfill somewhere.

    1. Happy Monday, Robin and good morning. Lol my Grandma Annie's sewing basket is awful delicate. If I hadn't kept it on a shelf for years I think it would have fallen apart and landed in the landfill as well. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed week . And thank you for the giggle. Hugs. 

  4. Sweet trip down Memory Lane. I did love looking through the sewing basket. Adorable little sewing stitcheries! Thank you.

    1. Good morning Susie. Thank you so much for the sweet Monday visit. It had been awhile since I had looked in Grandma's sewing basket. It was a lot of fun to see all of the trinkets. Have a great day.

  5. Good Morning Melisa my friend! I have enjoyed my visit with you. I inherited my Great Aunt Ethel's button box and her White treadle sewing machine. There are wonderful treasures in the drawers I have discovered. I love both of the patterns you shared today and I will be stitching them with pink on the spools. ;) Thank you sweet friend!

    1. Good morning, Vickie. I am so thrilled that you stopped by for a visit. Oh my what a treasure to have your dear Aunt Ethel's collection of buttons. Don't you just love looking through them? I bet her treadle machine is a beauty. I hope you enjoy the little cross stitch patterns. Mmmm Pink - a girl after my own heart. Lol. Have a great day. Hugs

  6. Replies
    1. Aaah you are the sweetest Shelly. Thank you so much. I had a great time stitching this little basket up and it brought back a lot of fun memories being in my Nanny's sewing room. Have a great evening. Hugs.

  7. Cute basket! I see similar things in the sewing machine drawers from my grandmother. I have multiple 'baskets' for hand piecing. Easy to grab as I leave the house.... or keeping the car

    1. How fun that you have your grandma's sewing machine and can see what she stuffed in all of the drawers. It's like little treasures isn't it?  I am like you, I have multiple baskets and bags too. It's fun to have something for on the go. Have a great day , Deb and thank you for the sweet visit. 

  8. Merci pour ce nouveau joli modèle.
    Il y a toujours de fabuleux trésors dans les boîtes à couture de nos grandma's.
    Amitiés de France,

    1. Aaah you are so welcome, dear Christel and thank you for the sweet visit and compliment. Oh yes! I loved looking through my grandma's sewing basket. Lots of little trinkets to admire. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  9. I have a dough bowl in my stitching room and it is full of old spools, my mother's old tomato and some of the smalls I have stitched. Come fall, it will be full of all the fall goodness. Is it just me but I am ready for fall!!

    1. Oh , Arlene . I just love dough bowls and what a treasure to have your mother's tomato pincushion to showcase during the summer time. I  bet your dought bowl all decked out is just beautiful . Yep, I am ready for fall too. I have already started fall quilting. Lol. Have a great evening and thank you for the sweet visit. 

  10. How wonderful to have Great Grandma's sewing basket, still chocked full of such interesting treasures!. I never had grandmothers in my life, my maternal one passed away when my mother was a child, and I dont remember meeting my paternal garndmother at all.

    1. It is a treasure to have Grandma Annie's sewing basket. I wish I would have met her, but I feel like I know her well from all of the stories about her . I did know my great grandpa and loved him dearly. I am so sorry that your grandparents were not in your life. Wishing you a blessed day, Jenny and thank you for the sweet visit.

  11. So sweet that you have that precious sewing basket and all of the treasures contained inside. I dearly love going to places that have sweet treasures and looking at wjat people kept in their baskets. We have a Hospice Store that sometimes has the best little treasures that families have donated to raise funds for Hospice. Thank you for the pattern, it is darling and it will join the one from last year. Have a wonderful day and a great week. Sending hugs from too sunny Arizona.

    1. Good afternoon, dear Mary. Grandma Annie's basket is certainly filled to the brim. I had a good time revisiting it ( I hadn't looked in it for years) Such teeny little treasures . I am the same way I love looking at "treasures" especially when they are vintage or old. Items were certainly made a lot better and had so much character to them. Have a wonderful day my dear. I always look forward to hearing from you.

  12. Oh wow! What a treasure that sewing basket is. Going through the contents must be such a joy. A little celebration of the lives lived and how very resourceful they were.

    1. Good afternoon, Tammy. Oh yes, it is a treasure to have this little sewing basket and I am always intrigued by the items in it. I got tickled how she wrapped thread around the nails for that is something that I have been known to do. Lol Have a blessed day and thank you for the sweet visit.

  13. I love that in all the yummy stitchy stuff, she had crochet hooks, too. Yay! Thank you for the sweet patterns dear friend. Wishing you a most lovely day full of many blessings. :)

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear. It is a lot of fun to look back into old sewing baskets. You never know what you might find. Lol Thank you again ,my dear.

  14. love all the needle and thread designs. I have not been getting the emails since July 25. Can you send me an email. Thx

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear. I am not sure what is going on with blogger and why some of the followers get dropped. I am not able to send an email from here, but from what I understand you can resign for the emails using the Follow me by email on my sidebar at the top. I hope that you are able to do so. I will post about this in my blog too Thank you so much.

  15. Love all your beautiful charts my Granny taught me to embroidery, she gave me her Green stamps to go buy me something. I got me a new sewing basket, don’t know who got it after she passed, but I know she loved it, had everything she could pack in it.

  16. I did enjoy that - still no tracing wheel. Maybe she never bought one?

  17. I enjoyed your great grandma's sewing basket. I don't recall that my grandmother had a sewing basket. She kept her sewing stuff in the drawers of her treadle machine cabinet. Love the cross stitch designs, Melisa! DarleneJ


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