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Sunday, July 17, 2022

Rambling About Sunday

Well hello there, honey pies. Come on in and grab a glass of iced tea.
  How has your week been?  Have you been buzzing about being a busy bee or just relaxing and enjoying the summer days? I have done a bit of both . 

On Monday, Mr. Pinker and I visited the Mennonite community. My heart leapt when I saw the sheep grazing in the field. You know me and my love for sheep. 

  I was hoping the Quilt Shop would be open , but soon found it was closed on Mondays . Oh , bummer. I will have to remember that. 

I canned 22 pints of squash and zucchini. These will be so yummy in casseroles come winter time. 

 I finished this darling freebie called  Bee Brave by Gail Pan Designs


On Wednesday, Mr. Pinker and I took the grandbabies camping at the lake. They enjoyed the water. 

Can you tell the little one is a character? lol

And the oldest really enjoyed kayaking. 

As we were at the river, we saw an all out brawl between an eagle, a blue heron and an osprey.  ( I wish I could have gotten a photo of all 3) 

The eagle was the aggressor . It dove down upon the blue heron trying to take its fish. 

Who won? The blue heron. It kept its fish and flew off. 

With the blue heron out of the picture, the eagle then continued the fight with the osprey. 

The osprey soon moved on and the eagle dove and captured a fish. It was all so interesting. 

So today's slow stitch project is continuing on the Rainbow Sherbet quilt. By the end of the week, I will have 3 rows of blocks completed. 

Have you already started making your plans for the week? I do not have too much on the agenda. 

What's the Plans for the Week?  Well....

🌞 1. Work on my Summer Days quilt blocks.

🌞 2. Quilt on the Rainbow Sherbet Quilt

🌞 3. FFO some cross stitch projects waiting in the wings. 

Whatever your plans are, I hope that your week is filled with blessings and lots of joy. Thank you for the sweet visit and as always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


If happiness is the goal- and it should be- then adventures should be a priority. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. Love and miss you. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

     Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday

Linda at Texas Quilt Gal for To Do List Tuesday - Tuesday


  1. Sounds like you had a great week! I'm sure the grands enjoyed their time with you and the eagle/heron/osprey challenge would have been very interesting to watch. Happy stitching!

  2. You got some amazing photos of those birds! What a sight! I stitched that Gail Pan design, too - it's a favorite. Have a great week, and good luck with your list!

  3. Glad the boys enjoyed their camping trip! What incredible pictures you shared of the heron, the eagle, and the osprey. Have a good week, Melisa!

  4. Those were amazing pictures of the birds trying to sort out who gets to eat! Have a great week!

  5. WOW!! thank you for sharing your Wild Kingdom with us. Your grandkids are cuties :)

  6. Your quilt is looking good. How amazing watching the birds squabble over fish. I"m visiting from Slow Sunday Stitching.

  7. Sounds like your summer is filled to the brim with cooking, crafting, and adventures with your cute grandsons, Melisa! Love the photos of the fighting birds--I'm glad the heron didn't let the eagle steal his fish :) Your pretty quilt is growing nicely--hope you have a wonderful week ahead ♥

  8. I watched three Mocking birds chase off a Woodpecker today.

  9. How exciting to see "nature in the raw" with the birds fighting over fish. Of course, that eagle probably could have caught his own fish to begin with, but must have decided it was more fun trying to steal it from others!

  10. To hear the tale of the birds is amazing and to capture much of it on film is so lucky. I am in awe of the call of the wild; they are all such interesting birds, each on its own. What fun to have the grands!

  11. What a great week full of memories! your project is coming along nicely!

  12. Your grand boys are so cute, I'm sure they have wonderful memories of that day. Wow on the birds fight! I love your sherbet quilt with all those pretty colors.
    Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!

  13. Sad about the Quilt Shop being closed. We have several in our area that are closed on Mondays also. What great pictures you have of the stand off between the eagle the heron and osprey. Amazing! I bookmarked the Bee Stitchery. Not that I really need any more to-do stitcheries. But I like having them ready to grab and stitch.

  14. I always enjoy seeing your photo vignettes! And that stand off between the 3 power birds!!! Wow, what a sight to see! It's always great spending time with the grands--looks like you made some great memories!

  15. Looks like a lot of fun with your grandkids. Love the action pics of the birds. Sheep always look so forlorn when they've been shorn. Gail Pan has some fab designs.

  16. Hi,
    I really like your Rainbow Sherbet colorful. I've never ate Squash before...but a few years ago my son planted Zucchini and he had a boat load of I made lots of Zucchini Bread. It was yummy. Great pictures of the eagle and osprey, thanks for sharing the photos. Have a great day!


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