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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Red , White and Blue Freebie

Happy Tuesday, dear friends. I just finished a little quick stitch and thought I would share it with you. 

 This is a simple little stitch with sweet buntings and 2 small houses - one of which is a blue log cabin. 

Now I have to be honest, in my eyes I think the design is cute , but I am not crazy over my stitch. 😒 Why you ask? Well let me tell you. It all started with the fabric. I Rit dyed mine with charcoal gray which usually turns my fabric a dark blackish-brown. But oh no not this time- it was very light. So I added more dye, dipped it again and let it sit. After several minutes, I took it out and rinsed it  ; it wasn't dark, but ok I thought I will go with what I have. 

Since I was anxious to stitch, I rushed to the bedroom to put the fabric under the fan and in about 30 minutes I was ready to go. So I started pulling flosses. Now here comes the 2nd problem I had . Eeek - my blue!  I floss tossed my blues and had so much trouble finding a blue that remotely stood out on my drab and dreary fabric. Lol.  DMC 798 was what I settled on because that's all I had.  


After I had it all stitched up , I thought, "Hmmm , this is not too bad", but then hubby walked in. Now he rarely says anything about my stitching other than "That's pretty", but  as he passed by he said "The blue does not stand out" .  

Aaaah! for him to notice means it really is dull. lol . 😲😀😆After getting over my shock that hubby noticed a detail over my stitching, I decided to go ahead and finish it. This was such a quick stitch that when I get new floss I can always stitch it over.  This was one of the easy finishes because I knew ahead of time that I wanted an ornament for my patriotic tree. I mounted the stitch on batting covered foam board. The finishing fabric is one of hubby's old shirt and the ribbons were from the Dollar Tree. 


If you are interested in this stitch, I would be so delighted for you to check out the pdf's below. This is one where you choose your favorite Red, White and Blue floss and your favorite colored fabric. I did list mine but I strongly encourage you to do a floss toss on your fabric.

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs.

Click here for the instruction page. 


Click here for the colored chart. 


Click here for the black and white chart .

Thank you so much for stopping by to see what I have been up to. I hope that whatever you are doing today, that you are finding joy  and as always...
Happy stitching, ya'll

My Patriotic Heart beats for the red, white and blue! 

Hugs and Stitches 


  1. Drab, you say?? Why I think this little pretty is lovely....light blue and all. Such a sweet design, Melisa

  2. I think that this is a great design! And we are always are worst critics. Smile. I just picked up some tiny little rusty stars...I can see me finishing this as a very prim piece. Thank you for all the lovely designs you share with us.

  3. I love your blog! I think the blue looks great!

  4. Un nouveau modèle très sympathique. Merci.
    Amitiés de France,

  5. Thank you! The last couple days I've been organizing all my free patterns and most are from you. I have enough to fill a 2inch binder! They are now organized by season. You are very talented and so generous. Patty McDonald

  6. Thank you so much for another free cutie! I have stitched the last two you have shared. I LOVE them. I am going to post on Instagram once I get them totally finished. Anxious to start on this one!


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