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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Miss Emma Jean

Hello, dear friends. Welcome! Grab yourself a cup of coffee and let me tell you about my latest thrifty find. 

 Last week hubby and I got to go on a little camping trip. During the days, we  spent our time  thrift store shopping, and boy did I find some thrifty treasures. But the one that I wanted to share with you is this sweet quilt.

 When I go thrifting, I always make a bee line straight to the linens in hopes of finding a quilt , pieces of embroidery, crocheted items or aprons. Of course the linens are always in the back . As I made my way through the store , I checked out the prices and yikes😜 they were a little pricey . Hubby soon turned around and went back to the truck - to high for him too. ( We like anything between the quarter to  $5.00 range- lol Now you know I am a cheapskate.😃)   Well anywhoo, I was rounding the aisle, when, I saw it! A little purple quilt . I sprinted over just knowing it was going to be pricey too ( This store was asking like $200.00 for thrifted items- that is antique store prices - not thrift store prices).  I could not believe my eyes ! $4.98 . "You are mine!"  I silently screamed in glee! 


After scanning the racks for my treasures which I found none, I paid and skipped out of the store exhilarated by my find. I got in the truck and looked over this beauty that I had purchased. It had teeny hand stitching. 

So beautiful! I turned it over and saw that it was signed - " Emma Jean  2001". The name of the quilt is "Nine Patch"  Oh how exciting, but then I felt a bit sad.  How did Miss Emma's quilt find its way to the thrift store?  


I looked on the internet immediately and found Miss Emma Jean. She had passed away just 2 weeks ago and already her hand made quilt had made its way to the thrift store.  I read her obituary in  interest and  with an aching heart .

 I learned that Miss Emma Jean was born in 1928 in Alabama and worked for many years in the banking industry. She had a love for gardening,  quilting, and baking. She particularly had a fondness for sour dough bread. Just looking at the colors in this quilt I could tell her love for flowers and gardening.  She completed this quilt when she was 73- just 20 years ago. 


Learning all of this made this quilt mean even more to me. Miss Emma and I enjoyed a lot of the same things and though I didn't personally know her, I felt a connection to Miss Emma.  This little quilt  has found its forever home with me. 


I already have it displayed in the foyer hanging from a pip berry wreath on the door. 

 I plan to make a tag and add Miss Emma Jean's history onto the quilt as well how I obtained it.  So in memory of Miss Emma, I wanted to share a couple of flowers from my garden that reminded me of her quilt. 


My favorite flowers to grow are zinnias. I can imagine Miss Emma Jean puttering around the garden as I do. I am sure her garden looked a  lot better than mine does now. Lol. 

Thank you so much for the sweet visit and allowing me to share this little story with you. Have a very blessed day and as always...

 Happy quilting and Stitching, ya'll


We do not remember days; we remember memories. 

Hugs and Stitches!  


  1. Melisa, you have made my heart sing and cry at the same time. So sweet of you to look up this dear sweet lady and add it to her little quilt, it has definitely found a very special forever home. Hugs to you with blessings.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Mary. It definitely made me sad when I found out she had just passed away and that I got the quilt so cheap, but I am so glad that I was able to save the quilt. It is a treasure just knowing the bit that I found out about Miss Emma. Hugs and blessings, dear.

  2. This is a wonderful tribute to Emma. Such a very special little quilt. I'm sure it's very thankful to be loved and treasured in her new home.

  3. Thank you so much, Gretchen. The photos do not do it justice and Miss Emma's quilting is stunning. My heart ached that it her quilt ended in the thrift store. But I would like to think that Miss Emma knows it has gone to a good home. Hugs.

  4. Tès jolie courte pointe : la composition , les couleurs sont très belles. Elle est au bon endroit dans votre maison; bonne journée Isabelle

  5. Oh my goodness! That is the sweetest story every. Very sad that no one in her family felt any sentimentality towards keeping it but that pretty little quilt is certainly in good hands now and was meant for someone who will cherish and care for it. I love that you felt compelled to look up her name and then learned so much about the maker. Absolutely amazing.

  6. Melisa,
    Beautiful colors!! My bedroom growing up was painted a deep lavender and I had lots of purple accessories in it!! Thanks so much for all your visits!!And for your sweet words!!

  7. It was meant to be!! Miss Emma made that quilt for you and never even knew it. It is gorgeous and I love your sweet ❤️ And thoughts behind this treasure.

  8. Oh My! What a heartbreaking yet wonderful story! Thank you for buying this with care and then labeling it with more info.

  9. Oh my, what a gorgeous quilt you found thrifting, Melisa. It was meant to be. How inspiring to be able to find out more about a kindred spirit. Enjoy your pretty new quilt.

  10. This is a very sweet story Melisa. Thanks for sharing. (Nanaknitter on IG)

  11. Melisa, what a stinkin sweet story. Miss Emma’s quilt will have a wonderful place in your home where she can be remembered. Thanks for sharing your stories with us. You are like a great friend and I am so blessed that I found you. Have a good day sweetie. ♥️❤️

  12. I have no doubts that Miss Emma Jean is smiling in delight, down from Heaven, that a kindred spirit has her beloved 9 Patch lovingly displayed in their home. God Bless your beautiful spirit Miss Melisa.

  13. I am imagining Miss Emma just beaming from above knowing her handiwork found it’s way to you!!! Thank you for introducing us to this lovely lady 🥰

  14. What a sweet story, Melisa! Obviously the store didn't know what the had. It's a reminder to let someone know what you want done with your quilts.

  15. This sweet and touching story warmed my heart this morning. You truly found a treasure and are honoring it and Miss Emma so beautifully.
    By the way, I LOVE the colors in the quilt, so very special.

  16. What a wonderful story, even though it is a bit sad! That little quilt has ended up exactly where it was supposed to - in your home and heart. I often wonder what will become of all the things I've stitched over a lifetime. Hoping that my boys and their families will treasure them and find them good homes after I'm gone.

  17. Miss Emma Jean is gone but not forgotten. May it be a reminder to us all that we should always label our quilts with name, date, and place, because you never know whose hands the quilts will end up in.

  18. Miss Emma Jean's quilt ended up in the right hands. This is a lovely story and also a tribute to your personality. Bless you. Patty McDoald

  19. How wonderful that you know the story behind this beautiful quilt, Melisa! I'm so glad you stumbled upon it and the price was right--I think it was meant to be! Enjoy your little treasure ♥

  20. I don't need to be weepy today, Melisa. Lol! Bless your heart for rescuing Miss Emma's quilt.

  21. Quilts are made with love and should be treasured. Love your bee and patriotic charts. I was wondering where the bee skep chart was from that you have on your blog home page. It has two red flowers on it. Also where is the patriotic saltbox house on the your home page from? You have awesome creativity in your designs.

  22. Oh how sad that Miss Emma Jean's beautiful quilt was 'gotten rid of' so quickly after her passing. You were meant to find this beauty, Melisa. Miss Emma Jean is smiling to know that a beautiful lady will treasure 'her' quilt forevermore. Miss Emma Jean's green and purple beauty will sing a beautiful song in your home. A lovely post!

  23. What a beautiful rescue. I only hope others of her work were more valued than this small one. It's a beauty and I love that you looked her up and found out about her. I love that you've put more on the label about her and are cherishing this little beauty.


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