Blog Archive

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Summer Farm Pasture - A Little Summer Freebie

Welcome, dear friends and Happy Wednesday! I have not been spending a lot of time stitching. Aarghh! I am still trying to figure out the email services for subscribers. They are just not working out so far .😕 I am not very techy ,and I do not understand the terminology that is used when I am working on setting them up. Oh yes! I have googled it , but I am just plumb tech dumb! Lol.😆😜  Fingers crossed I will muddle through it soon.  I am not sure if my email service is working and am trying to figure out which is  a better fit for my needs-  "Follow it ' or Chimp Mail . My daughter has been trying to help which is a good thing. 

I had meant to post this earlier ,but better late than never.  Are ya'll ready to head out to the bottoms? That is the lower pasture . It has been pretty rainy these last few day so put on your rubber boots , and let's head out! 
We can hitch a ride on the four wheeler if you like.
  Last week I shared my Summer Farm series with Summer on the Farm  which had  Pa Pa's barn
 and Summer Farmhouse which had Nanny and Papa's house and dad's red truck.

This week I wanted to share Summer Farm Pasture.  Behind the barn is the pasture. So what is going on in the summertime in the pastures on our farm? 

The cows are moved from field to field depending on hay baling. The cows are usually milling about, swatting flies with their long tails and enjoying some time  in the shade near the pond. 

I have included Mollie, aka No. 4, which is the red cow. 

I have told you about her before. She is the smartest cow in our herd. 

 Blackie, our old milk cow ,is also included in this design along with with two little calves one of which is Mollie's . 

 In the front field is a small patch of corn- peaches and cream which will be very yummy when it is ready for the pickin'! Big sunflowers are reaching for the sun. Of course, I had to include my old treehouse which was located in an apple tree. 

Dad built a 2 level wooden tree house  from cedar posts and pieces of plywood against the larger of the apple trees . My platform was the 1st level ; my sister's level which was a bit smaller was in the crook of a tree. I can not tell you how often my sister and I  sat in that ole' treehouse filling our bellies full.  Underneath the platform was the "garage" where we would pedal up on our Big Wheels and park . lol.

 Two little Pekin ducks are enjoying some time on the pond. 

I finished Summer Farm Pasture just as I did Summer on the Farm and Summer Farmhouse  which was  on a Dollar Tree unfinished wooden tray that I painted white and  with a bit of Dollar Tree lace  added for embellishment. The fabric is scrap fabric that I have had in my stash for years. 

If you are interested in this little stitch , just check out the pdfs below . Since I am not a designer, please check out my little disclaimer too. 

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs.

Click here for instruction page. 

Click here for colored chart. 

Click here for black and white chart. 

I am so delighted you took a tour of the family farm with me. There is nothing like farm life , and I am very grateful that you took the time to visit and check out my little designs.
I am hoping to do a fall farm tour through my cross stitching in the future. So I hope that you will pop in for a visit

 Have a blessed week and as always...
Happy Stitching, ya'll,
Always do your best! What you plant now; you will harvest later. 
Hugs and Stitches!

Summer on the Farm  Series. 



  1. It's a lovely series, Melissa. Thank you for sharing it. Mollie is a pretty cow. She has beauty and brains. Reading about your tree house reminded me of the pointsiana tree my brother an I used to sit under in the winter and have picnics and play games in Goldsworthy. It was too hot in the summer (the average high was 103 degrees).

    1. Happy Wednesday, Sue. Thank you so much for stopping by today and the sweet compliment. I am so glad this little post could bring back some fond memories of your childhood. Goodness 103 in the summertime. Nope I wouldn't won't to have picnics then. Lol. Have a wonderful evening and hope you have a great rest of the week.

  2. Your cross stitching is so lovely, very cute design. We're in the process of baling straw now. Happy stitching!

    1. Happy Wednesday, Gretchen. I figured ya'll were pretty busy on the farm too. I hope all is going well with the baling. Have an awesome rest of the week and thank you for the sweet visit.

  3. I love your little stories and the sweet memories that go with your stitches.

    1. Aah you are so kind, Penny. Thank you so much. It makes it a lot of fun to relate the stitch somehow to my family.It is a lot of fun to sit, stitch and reminisce. Have a blessed week.

  4. My husband just cut the alfalfa yesterday. He grows it for our bees and then he gives it to a friend for his cows.

    1. Oh how wonderful that the bees and cows both get use of the alfalfa. I bet that makes for some good honey by the bees too. Thank you so much for the sweet visit and hope you have a blessed rest of the week.

  5. This is darling, Melisa! I love reading the stories behind your designs.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. It was so much fun to stitch this little piece especially when I was putting in the teeny cows. Lol. They always make me smile. Happy you are having a great week and staying busy.

  6. I love your designs, thanks for sharing. My friend had a farmette (5 acres) and I named them Bessie and Molly. Then he had the bull Buford. He sold the place and we both really miss it. I wish I had a place similar to his. A feral cat just moved her 5 babies over to our backyard. Very cute but I already have her and 7 feral cats I feed. If I had a big barn like his was it wouldn't be so bad.

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear for the kind words and the visit. I sure do appreciate it. I love those names especially Buford. I am going to have to remember that for one of our bulls. Lol. Aah I bet you get joy out of seeing the sweet kittens; I hope they will tame down, but I do understand it would be a lot nicer if they had a big barn to live in. It has been a long time since a stray cat has adopted us.I do miss my Kat the cat. Have a wonderful week, dear.

  7. Such a fun stitch project you have created, love the stories of your childhood. Thank you so much for your time and talent that you share with all of us. Computer headaches and technology; I have to call my grandson and he helps. I do get the eye-roll and a little smirk, but that is okay, I remind him "I'm old". Have a wonderful week, sending smiles and hugs to you and family.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Mary . I sure do appreciate the lovely visit and compliment. Lol I get the eye rolling and smirks too when I ask for help with the computer lol and I say the same thing-. I think my 4 year old grandson can do better than me. hee hee. Have a blessed week Mary and happy stitching. Hugs.

  8. Un très trio que cette série estivale. Merci beaucoup pour ce partage de votre enfance. On se régale en lisant.
    Amitiés de France,

    1. Aah thank you so much, Christel. It was so much fun to share this summer series and also to take a stroll back into my childhood. Thank you for the sweet visit and kind words and have a blessed week, dear.


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