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Thursday, August 8, 2024

Summer Checklist

Woo Hoo! I have  a finish!  Excuse me a minute while I do the happy dance! 😀💗💗

Welcome, y'all and Happy Thursday. 

Though it is a small finish, I am still doing a happy dance. After weeks of dragging my feet,  Summer Checklist  is embroidered and quilted. 

I shared this little embroidery design  in my May 9, 2024 post. 

The finish was super simple. 😀🤗

The finished embroidered block  measures 8 1/2" x  10 1/2"  . I  used 2 strands of DMC 898 for the embroidery work using the back stitch.   

All of the units ready to be pieced into a quilt. 

I cut 2 strips of border fabric 2 1/2" x WOF and then coffee dyed the strips.

 I subcut the fabric to 2 - 2 1/2" x 10 1/2"  to sew on the sides and 2 - 2 1/2" x 12 1/2" for top and bottom of stitchery. 

Fabrics are cut and laid out , ready to be sewn. 

I sewed the 2 1/2"x 10 1/2" strips to each side of the embroidered block. 

Side borders are sewn to each side of the embroidered block. 

I then sewed the 2 1/2"x 12 1/2" strips to the bottom and top of the embroidered block. 
Summer Checklist is pieced and ready to be put in the hoop. 

I quilted around the embroidered design. I then used DMC 898 to create a running stitch 1/4" from the seams of the border in the embroidered block. Soon a little yellow binding was added and...

 Wahlah! Summer Checklist was complete!

A Fall Checklist will be coming soon, but for now I am going to sit back and enjoy these warm summer days. 
Thank you for dropping by to see my little finish. 
Have a beautiful day and...

As Always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


"If it could only be like this always- always summer, always alone,  the fruit always ripe..."- Evelyn Waugh

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

A peek into Amy's garden.  Did you notice the heart rock that I found this year? 

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I love and miss you so much.. Love you , Amo. 

🧵Spring Checklist Pattern is posted in the February 29, 2024 entitled Hopping on the Bunny Cart

🧵Finishing Instructions for Spring Checklist  are posted in the March 11, 2024 post entitled A Tale and A Finish

Graphic is from Pinteret


  1. Summer and Spring Checklist ist lovely. I understand why you dance. I like the quilting things but.. no, no, no I don't start this work. I am satisfied with my cross stitch things and need centuries to stitch them all.
    The heartstone is awesome. Hugs, Gabi (sitting here with a cup of coffee and read )

    1. Happy Thursday, Gabi. I hope your day is off to a lovely start. Lol I had to laugh I need to live few centuries to complete all of the cross stitch and quilting I want to do too. LOL. Thank you so much for the kind words on my mini quilts . They were relaxing projects to work on. Have a super day. Hugs.

  2. Summer Checklist is so cute! I don't recall seeing Spring check list, but I just completed another trip around the sun, so the old memory is not what it used to be. LOL They are both right up my alley for embroidery projects. Have a wonderful Thursday! Darlene J

    1. Oh thank you so much, Darlene. They were super quick to stitch, but I was as so as molasses about finishing the Summer one. I like to embroider on Thursdays when the grandsons are here so I will be picking up another piece soon. Have a beautiful day, sweet friend. Hugs.

  3. Replies
    1. Aaah thank you very kindly, Gretchen. I wish you a beautiful summer day. Hugs.

  4. What an adorable finish for your Summer Garden blocks..great to get your checklist done!!
    That heart stone is a wonderful remembrance...
    Hugs, Julierose

    1. Oh thank you so much , Julierose . I am excited to have Summer Checklist completed. I have had a good year on finding "heart " rocks. I created a small garden in memory of my sister and will expand on it each year with butterfly bushes. I put the little angel and one of the rocks in it for her along with a bench. It is a peaceful spot to sit at in the evenings. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  5. Darling finish, Melisa! Did you get any rain from Debby?

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. It was a fun piece to work on. Yesterday , the sky darkened and we thought we might see some rain , but alas not a drop fell. How about you? Have a fabulous day. Hugs

  6. Congrats on a very cute finish!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kate. I am happy to have it finished so I can display it for a few more weeks. Have a beautiful day. Hugs.

  7. What a beautiful finish Melisa! It looks so pretty on your marigolds. That heart stone is a great find, I bet Amy guided you to it. :)

    1. Oh thank you so much, Linda. I was hoping to get Summer Checklist completed sooner. My marigolds have done great this year, but the 2 weeks of rain was a bit too much so some are starting to look poor. I have had a great year on finding "heart " rocks. I pick them up if they are not too large and place about in memory of my sis. I look for signs from her each day. Hugs and Blessings.

  8. Good going! Another finish in the books and very well done. Love the heart rock in the garden. So perfect with the little angeI nearby. Is Amy's place close by to yours?

    1. Oh thank you so much, Ginny. I am thrilled to have Summer Checklist completed. I have been finding bookoos of heart rocks this year. It is funny I had never found one before. I pick them up when I do . I believe it is a sign. Oh yes, Amy lived just down the road from me as does the rest of the family. I would see her just about everyday. I miss her so. Thank you for the sweet Thursday visit . I hope your day is a good one. Hugs.

  9. A finish is good no matter when it happens;)

    1. Lol you are so right , Vicki. I shouldn't fret how long it takes. It is funny sometimes I bring a project to an "almost finish" and then stop. When I pick it back up , I ask myself why didn't I finish it beforehand. LOL. Have a beautiful day. Hugs.

  10. That is such a sweet little finish, Melisa! I love the border fabric you used. It's still summer for another 6 weeks, so your finish is perfectly timed!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Diann. I just purchased the border fabric at a thrift store so I was thrilled to be able to put it to use. I am over the moon that I can display it for a few more weeks. Enjoy you beautiful Thursday. Hugs.

  11. Congrats on your adorable finish!

    1. Aaah thank you very kindly, Meari. I am over the moon to have it under my belt so I can move on to the next project. Have a very lovely day. Hugs.

  12. Oh finishes are so much fun--especially when they sit in time out for awhile!!!--cute way to finish the sampler--and I liked the new ABC one from yesterdays post--that got printed off and is in the file of more ABC ones I want to do soon--right now I am working on a cat and book one for my friend Anne's birthday end of August--gonna be a challenge to get it done by mailing time--but we will see!!!
    hugs, di

  13. Your page is so colorful and uplifting ~ congrats on fabulous finish to your summer checklist. Beautiful little stitches round the embroidery panel!

  14. Such a pretty little Summer quilt!

  15. Summer Checklist is such an adorable piece, Melisa. I love the embroidery design and it made such a cute little quilt. Adding the DMC border really makes it pop.

  16. What a darling finish, Melisa! And I so love the heart-shaped rock you found for Amy's garden--I'm sure she guided you to find it! ♥


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