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Sunday, March 7, 2021

Porch Stitching Sunday

Happy Sunday, dear friends.  Please join me on the porch for a little chat and stitching. It is nice and warm outside ,and I have ice tea and sugar cookies to munch on. 
I have been enjoying this nice weather today . I planted a bit of lettuce in a small bed, and then strolled through the yard to look at my beds. 
The buttercups are blooming and more are peeking through the English Ivy. 
Afterwards, I decided to pull some projects out on the porch and stitch the evening away. 
 I haven't pulled the cushions out for the swings or chairs ,but I was comfy nonetheless. The main quilt project I am working on is my Easter Quilt .  The quilting looks so pretty playing off the sun and shadows.  
The Baptist Fan pattern is the design I am using.  I plan to work on this quilt more this week. 
Would you like to see my view as I stitch?
 We live in a holler in the woods so the view is mostly trees. The gardens need to be cleaned.

 I have several large walnut trees in the yard. I enjoy gathering walnuts to use for my dyeing. 

Earlier this week I found an unfinished small quilt  in the Quilt Nest. 

It was a quilted mat that I worked on in the early 2000's . All it needed was some binding which I completed. The only thing is there was a little stain so I have been working to get it out. 
A dear stitching friend sent me a number of charts the other day.  One of those that she sent was  Abby Rose Designs " A Joyful Heart". I dyed some fabric and immediately began it . 
This is going to be my "Hart to Hart" project.  (  I know you are saying " What does she mean?" Lol) Well I designate a certain project to a TV show that I watch daily and stitch on it during that time. I have a Days of Our Lives project too. I have found old episodes of Hart to Hart with Robert Wagner and Stephanie Powers on TV late at night. So I will be pulling this out during that time to work on.  I am so grateful to my sweet stitchy friend for sharing with me. Thank you, hun. 
I have completed a pretty good amount in a couple of days and even pulled it out for some porch stitching. 
My 2nd stitching project that I work on every Sunday and Monday is Tree of Life Samplings "Beauty and Grace'. I am still building on the house and yes I have made some mistakes, but I am going to roll with it. 
It has been a slow stitching Sunday , but I do have to say  it was quite relaxing. I am so happy that you joined me. It made the day even better. I hope you have a very blessed week  and as always...
Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll, 
I am joining these lovely ladies in their link parties as they come available. I know they would love for you to visit. You will find lots of inspiration. 
Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework for Oh Scrap
Beth at Love Laugh Quilt for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday

Friends are the sunshine of life- john hay. 



  1. What a wonderful view as you stitch. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Cynthia. You have such an amazing blog and it is always a joy to visit. Have a wonderful week.

  2. What a great view to enjoy while you stitch! The Baptist fans has got to be one of my favorite quilting patterns. It looks great done by hand!

    1. Why thank you so much, Angela for visiting. I love sitting on my porch especially once summer arrives. This is the first time I have used the Baptist Fan design and I love it. Have a lovely week .

  3. What a unique way to focus on projects! Assigning a show to each project is a creative way to maintain focus!

    1. Thank you so much, Jayne for the sweet visit and compliment. I have finished some big projects watching Days of Our Lives. Lol and it definitely keeps me focused on a piece. Have a very lovely week.

  4. Your Easter quilt is a beauty, all the bright colours makes me smile, thank you!

    1. Thank you so much, Maggie. I have been enjoying working on it though it has been in the works for 2 years. I need to get it completed so I can focus on other quilts,but it will get there. Have a lovely week and Happy quilting

  5. Melisa, I remember watching Hart to Hart many years ago. Such a perfect spot to sit in your porch swing, looking at those cheery daffodils , quilting that pretty-as-a-picture quilt. AND iced tea and sugar cookies , too. Sounds rather blissful to me.

    1. Thank you so much for the sweet visit, Kim. I am getting back into the shows that I watched years ago . They provide good entertainment as I stitch. I hope there will be leaves and lots of flowers soon. We are getting there in respect to warm weather. Have a wonderful week.

  6. Your cross stitching projects are beautiful! I always enjoyed watching Hart to Hart, happy stitching!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Gretchen. Designating a project to a tv show keeps me motivated. I usually do that on quilting too. Lol. Happy quilting.

  7. I would love to sit on your porch with you

    1. That would be so delightful, Jacqueline. I always love visitors and lots of good talk. Lol thank you so much, dear for the sweet visit and comment. Have a very blessed week.

  8. Your stitching is lovely, as always. Baptist Fan is my favorite quilting pattern. The daffodils and snowdrops are flowing here and the Robin's are coming back, so warm weather is on the way. Reading your blog always makes me smilr.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Sue for visiting me and for the sweetest compliment. This is the 1st time that I have used the Baptist Fan pattern and am loving it. I have seen one Robin so far, I hope others will come soon. Enjoy the warmer weather . Have a very blessed week.

  9. Wonderful porch stitching!! I don’t have a covered porch, but have a small deck. I would love to have a nice porch and swing. Enjoy! Love your Easter quilt. You have a lot of pretty projects.

    1. Why thank you so much, dear. My porch is small but nice to sit out and enjoy the birds and squirrels as I stitch away. I hope to make more progress on the Easter quilt this week. Fingers crossed. Have a wonderful week

  10. It looks like spring is arriving in your neck of the woods, Melisa. Your porch sitting and stitching (tea and cookies too) sounds delightful. What fabulous projects you are working on! Happy Monday!

    1. Thank you so much, Robin. I was hoping to be able to sit out on the porch again today but to busy cleaning on the house. Lol. I guess that has to be done though. I hope you have a wonderful week. Happy stitching.

  11. What lovely projects! Where are you located? I love seeing the green and the daffodils!

    1. Oh thank you so much. I live in TN in a little rural area. We are surrounded by trees and lots of wildlife visit our yard. As I stitched away on the porch, I watched the birds and chipmunks. Thank you so much for visiting and for the sweet comment. Happy quilting, Jeanne.

  12. No porch sitting here at least not until a few days...It is supposed to get into the 60's for 2 days and then plummet back down into the 40's for highs...Hopefully, it will melt all the snow we still have in our yard...

    1. I sure hope it warms up soon. I know you will enjoy sitting on your back patio and look forward to seeing your garden tour come springtime. Have a wonderful week, Debbie. Springtime is coming. Hugs.

  13. I love your quilt and fabrics you have used! It looks so cheerful and the the Baptist Fan is my favorite design. Would you mind telling me how you dye your own cross stitch fabric. I would love to try it. Thank you. Hugs,

    1. Why thank you so much, Sandi. I am so happy that you come by for a visit and left the sweetest comment. This is the 1st time that I have used the Baptist Fan design and I am loving it. I only stitch on 14 count aida and enjoy dyeing mine. When I tea/coffee dye, I cut the amount of fabric I need and put it in a pot with 3 or more tea bags and about a cup of coffee grounds depending on how dark I want it. I bring it to a boil and then bring it down to a simmer. I let it stay on the stove for several hours. I then cut it off and let it sit overnight.Sometimes I bake it for 20 minutes at 190. sometimes I don't. I will try to do a post on it and Rit dyeing this week. Thank you so much for asking. I hope this helps .

  14. Nothing nicer than enjoying a slow stitching day!

    1. This is so true Jenny.It was a nice relaxing day for sure. I hope yours was just as nice and no more earthquakes. Yikes. Happy quilting.

  15. Replies
    1. Oh thank you so much, Susan. My view is all trees from every direction. It is very quiet and peaceful here which makes it so lovely to spend time outdoors especially when there is wildlife to watch. Have a very lovely weekend.


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