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Friday, March 12, 2021

Strawberry Pie and a Little Quilting

 Well  hello, stitching friends.  It has been a very slow stitching and quilting week, but I thought I would pop in with a few projects to share. 
While rummaging around in the Quilt Nest, I found an old project that I worked on a few years ago  called "Family is Everything". This is perfect to work on this month since I am participating in Angela's of So Scrappy's Rainbow Scrap Challenge. This  month's color is green . I will have this quilted in no time and ready to hang on the wall.

Last week I showed you my Bowl of Berries block that I appliqued trying to use up my very few greens that I have in my stash. 

I added 2 more blocks to the mix- all strawberry related.

 The 2nd block I added is "Strawberry Jam" . Of course I had to add a little homemade biscuit to the block. 

The 3rd block is "Strawberry Pie". Yum Yum. 

I completed this block today. 

Speaking of pie. This is one of Mom's pies that she makes each stawberry season. She adds a dollop of whip cream when she serves it. 

I have been working on a little farm stitch today. It  There will be gardens, chickens and sheep. I will finish it tonight. 

   Thought I would share a little country clutter. Ya'll know I love my clutter. 

Here is a little  colorful quilt stack on a vintage stool by my great grandma's hoosier cabinet. 

 Of course vintage toys are nearby including this Fisher Price dog and an old top. 

In a vintage creamer is  corncob dolls that my Nanny bought for my girls years ago at a craft show. They would be simple to make using scraps of cloth. 

Vintage goodies on the hoosier. Layers of vintage tablecloths, doilies and chenille scraps from a bedspread.

It sure is a delight that you visited me today.  I hope your weekend is filled with lots of stitching and joy and as always...
Happy quilting, ya'll

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Angela of   So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday

Alycia of Alycia Quilts  For Finished or Not Friday

Sarah at  Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop

Michelle from Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant 120

Kelly from My Quilt Infatuation 

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party 

Friends are like quilts, you can never have enough. 
Hugs and stitches, 



  1. I will have coffee with a slice of that delicious looking pie please.

    1. Lol thank you so much, Karen. I have a hot cup of coffee waiting for you. I am really enjoying coming up with ideas for the strawberry quilt. Thank you again for the sweet visit. Have a great weekend.

  2. Your strawberry blocks look great, Melisa. Looking forward to seeing your 'Family is everything' quilted up. Happy Saturday!

  3. Lovely photos! I enjoyed the strawberry blocks!

  4. Ooh! I love your clutter, too. It’s almost strawberry season, yay! 🍓

  5. Pretty strawberry blocks, and thanks for sharing your Mother's strawberry pie recipe! Its Autumn here so our strawberry season is over.

  6. Lovely seeing all your quilts and antiques. Thank you for the recipe. I use to make something similar years ago. Strawberry season is just beginning and this will be a fast and easy dessert. I'm looking forward to seeing your finished cross stitch. Love a farm stitch and you have the cutest. Patty McDonald

  7. Bits of GREEN sprinkled around you house. LOVE!!

  8. Strawberry pie sounds delicious! Lots of great progress on your blocks. Looks great!

  9. Your strawberry-related blocks are so very pretty. Melisa, your home is brimming over with charm and happy gorgeousness. Why, I think I could wander around for ages and gaze upon all your pretties. There is so much beauty to see.

  10. Oh your strawberry blocks are just so adorable!!!! and your Country clutter - what fun you had finding all those goodies!


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