Blog Archive

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Winter Stamp SAL Stamp 2 A Bowl of Snow Cream

Good morning, Sweetness .  Have you gathered all of the ingredients for the next stitch?  Oh, please forgive me. I forgot to mention that we also need the following:


❄ Sugar



And of course Snow!!!! 

Hey, I will bring the vanilla, sugar , milk and eggs if you bring the snow! Hee ! Hee! ❄❄❄☃

Did you guess what the next stamp is?  A Bowl of Snow Cream

Snow Cream is always a family favorite when snow arrives here in the holler. Some years we get to enjoy the treat ; other years not.  Luckily Mayfield Ice Cream makes a Snow Cream version for us to enjoy during the winter season. 

My latest stamp was inspired by last year's Mr. Snow Embroidery block called "Snow Cream

A Bowl of Snow Cream has 5 large snowballs in a bowl with a spoon below  for mixing . Oh bother, I did get a few pine needles in the bowl, but they can easily be brushed out before we make our treat. 


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


Sorry this scan is wonky. 

Below is a schedule:  ( If you have missed a stamp, click the colored link, and you will magically be transported to that post. )



BORDER `  -   January 4th ( Saturday)

 HEADER-  January 6th ( Monday)

STAMP 1 January 8th ( Wednesday)

STAMP 2- January  11th (Saturday)

STAMP 3-  January 13th ( Monday)

STAMP 4-  January 15th ( Wednesday)

STAMP 5-  January 18th ( Saturday) 

STAMP 6 - January 20th ( Monday)

STAMP 7-  January 22 th ( Wednesday )

STAMP 8 -January 25 th ( Saturday )

STAMP 9 - January 27th ( Monday)

BONUS STAMP - January 29th ( Wednesday)

FINAL REVEAL (FFOd) -  February 1st ( Saturday) 




 301, 347,  829, 930,   3371, 3781, Blanc


Can you guess what will be in Stamp 3? 

 A cold winter's day is a perfect day. 

For 2 good friends to go out and play. 

So get out of bed sleepy head

We will go outside and ride the ______. 

Oooh that is an easy clue . Hee! Hee Later, gators! 

 As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

It's never too cold for snow cream. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 


  1. How lovely. It looks so sweet. The stamps are a MUST.
    Greetings, Gabi

  2. Auch dein 2. Motiv ist herzallerliebst. Ich freue mich, wenn ich zur Nadel greifen darf.
    Hab es fein
    Liebe Grüße Petra

  3. Yay for Snow Cream! We had a fresh coating overnight in the holler. Happy Saturday, Melisa!

  4. Never even heard of snow cream! And living in the northeast when younger I should have! Will have to try Mayfield's. Looking forward to stitching! Blessings!

  5. What a cute idea --and I've never heard of "Snow Cream" before--but it sounds so good!! We had about 1/2" of snowfall this morning and it is so pretty;))) We have had a whole lot of gray days lately and today will be another...good for stitching;))) hugs, Julierose

  6. Thank you stamp 2 E Pratt

  7. On the rare occasions we got snow growing up, Mama always made snow cream!! We actually still have snow on the ground this morning from what we woke up to yesterday morning! Have a great day. Thanks, Melisa!

  8. Oh, this is so cute, Melisa! I'm still working on the border and header, but so looking forward to stitching the little stamps. I think this project will take me all year, lol! (But a year of pure enjoyment!)

  9. That is the cutest, Melisa. Truly adorable. I'm already behind because I can't decide how to stitch this one - the full thing on one piece of fabric or individual ornaments. AACK!!! I'm desperate for some direction. LOL
    I hope you're enjoying your getaway with Mr Pinker. Have lots of fun. Hugs, DarleneJ

  10. I am going to be way behind--I have used 28ct linen for years and years now--but decided to do this on 14ct aida and so ordered some in blue--5 days ago--usually I can get my order in 3 days--well--wouldn't you know--I have not even gotten a notice that it has been mailed--let alone here!!! I am still 'rearranging' the apartment and trying to find 'homes' for things anyways!!!
    hugs, di

  11. It's a sweet and cute inspiration.
    Oh.... those little ice cream scoop heads...who could eat them?
    Hugs from Spain

  12. Having been otherwise occupied for the last week, I'm just getting in on these posts, but I hope to join the SAL. Better late than never, and they're too cute to pass up. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Cute! Cute Cute! And the answer must be sled! :)

  14. Oh, I've not had snow cream in years, but I have very fond memories of my mother making it. We don't get snow here very often. I don't think I've ever made it for my girl. A very fun addition to your sampler.

  15. I hate to say this but.... I am missing snow with all your snow talk and crafts. No snow yet in our area which is so odd. Our temps have been exceptionally mild. I may have just jinxed us but a little snow would be welcomed (nwpaintedlady)

  16. That is the cutest little bowl of snow cream. We have the snow, so I'll be happy to provide that ingredient :)

  17. Adorable bowl of some cute little snowy guys! One of these days when the snow sticks around (it keeps melting) I will have to make some of this treat.


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