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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Sew, Stitch ,Thread the Needle - A Sewing Freebie

 What a lovely day 

To have needle and thread in hand

Weaving tiny stitches across the fabric land. 

What a lovely day

To Stitch the day away

Stitching love and happiness

Needle and thread at play. -   M. V. 


Hip Hip Hooray!!!!🎉🥳🧵  

Happy Thread the Needle Day! 

Isn't it exciting ? A day dedicated so we can sit back and enjoy needle and thread- Like we need another excuse.  Hee! Hee! 😃😂

 Have you decided how you are going to celebrate?   

Well, last year I celebrated the day with giving you a tour of my Great Grandma Annie's antique sewing basket. 

I even shared a wee stitch called  Grandma Annie's Sewing Basket in memory of her. Though I never met her , she is still near and dear to my heart.🤗

Great Grandma Annie had all kinds of things in her sewing basket . Some of which was unexpected. Hmm I wonder what that could be?  If you would like to revisit that post just click on the  link above the photo. ⬆

What did Grandma Annie like to sew? Well,  I imagine everything, but I do have one of her quilts which I shared last year . Click here to read more about  Grandma Annie's Quilt .

This year I decided to take a tour of my Nanny's sewing box. She was the daughter of Annie. My Nanny was an amazing doll maker. Here are a couple that she made years ago along with her sewing box. 

Nanny's sewing room was an extra bedroom nicknamed "The Junk Room".  Though she named it The Junk Room, it was a glorious room to me and my sister.  
Nanny's  sewing machine sat on an antique dresser. On the dresser was a velvet pincushion that Nanny made; she attached it to a small jar.  She was a thrifty gal. 

Inside the jar are still little  pieces of "cut out felt mittens" and Nanny's pattern that she used to make bookmarks.  These are close to 40 years old.  

Now let's get down to the nitty gritty as to what was in her box. I always like sneaking a peek into sewing boxes. I think only someone who sews would understand. 

Inside Nanny's sewing box was an ash tray, spools of thread, pencils, needle books and such. 

A brown paper bag, needle threaders, bobbins and small pouches...

I got tickled when I saw that Nanny stored her buttons in a  Farm Pride Dinner Roll bag from Red Food. Dinner Rolls were $.59 back then. Wish they were that cheap now. Don't you? 

That's the end of the tour of my Nanny's sewing box. She has  separate box for all her threads. We may tour it some other day. You know I can oooh and aaah over threads any day. Lol. 

My Nanny hung the moon in my eyes. She was a hoot !- Always joking and a constant chatterbox. I miss and love her so. 

Do you know what else today is?   
Yes!!! Tomato Tuesday! 
You want to see my newest stitch?  

This is Sew Stitch Tomato Pinkeep - just a big ole' tomato pincushion. Nothing fancy for this gal. 

Last night, I finished stitching it, and I even got it FFOd.😲😃 

  I added thrifted yarn which I twisted as a trim. 

Sewing on the twisted yarn trim.  Pins help me keep the yarn in place as I whip stitch it down. 

I add 3 buttons to the upper corner. I was going to add the buttons using my gourd pins, but alas I could not find them.  I guarantee they are somewhere  sitting in plain sight staring right at me, and I will find them soon. But for now I am  happy with the buttons as is. 


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends.


NOTE:  I did not chart this, but I added small stitch lines one stitch along the edge of the white stitches. 

I added stitch lines along the edge of the white. 

Other sewing related stitches that I have shared are  Needle and Thread,  Edna Viola's Saltbox Tommy Toe Snatcher and Grandma Annie's Sewing Basket

Alright, Sweeties. Have you picked up your needle and thread yet ? I sure hope so . Have a wonderful day stitching the day away and ...

As always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


My soul is fed with needle and thread. 

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗❤🧵

Dedicated to Great Grandma Annie, my Nanny  and  to my dear sister, Amy.  Love and miss you., Amo ❤❤❤


  1. Oh Melisa, you've done it again! Yep, another maternal grandmother memory! She taught me how to sew on her treadle sewing machine. She kept it open and set up most of the time so she could sit and sew at a moment's notice. When she could see how much I enjoyed sewing she decided I needed my own sewing box. Off to the Five and Dime we went and filled a box just like your grandmother's yellow sewing case. I had that sewing case until it was broken during a military move. My heart was broken, as well. By the way, her treadle sewing machine now lives with me and it's my night stand in my bedroom. All of her things are still in the drawers. Sadly, it's broken and I can't find anyone to repair it.
    I have figured out your secret to your amazing productivity - you invite the Keebler Elves and others to come sew with you. LOL I absolutely will stitch the tomato pincushion very soon.

    1. Aah Happy Tuesday , Darlene. What a sweet cherished memory of your dear grandmother. I am sure you have so many fond memories treadling away with your grandmother; those things are grandparents taught us seem to stick with us forever. Don't they. I remember the Five and Dimes. My Nanny used to take us to them every Saturday ; it was such a treat. I bet you were in tears when your sewing case was broken, but what treasure to still have her treadle and all of your sewing treasures. Sssh don't tell anyone my secret about the elves. Lol. Have a wonderful day and happy stitching and quilting.

  2. What a fun post to see what was in your Nanny's sewing box, Melisa! Sweet tomato stitch! I will be working on my stitching later. Need to get the household stuff tackled first!

    1. Happy Needle and Thread Day , Robin. I am so glad that you will be able to sit and enjoy some fine stitching by the day's end. Oh those pesky household chores that get in the way. Lol. I just got back from the dentist, but I took along a little embroidery to work on as I waited. After canning, I will be stitching the evening away too. Hugs.

  3. That sewing box is like a time capsule. My sister gave me my Mom's to keep. She wasn't a craft sewer but a mender, buttoner and hemmer etc so I found several non sewing related things in hers similar to your coat hook and picture hanging box. I had to look up your Tommy Toe Snatcher and got such a laugh. He came out before I discovered your blog and I think I have to stitch that one for my little grandson. I have a small patio tomato growing in a pot and he wanted to help pick some ripe ones. LOL not one made it into our bowl. He ate them as fast as he could pick them and now I will give him a new nickname.. I have stitched your Needle and Thread and I wrapped it around a big ol bobbin I collected a while back. It sits on my old Singer sewing machine stand and a small scissor fits so cutely in the hole on top of the bobbin. I love it!
    Thanks for todays sweet visit Melissa

    1. Aah I am so glad that you were gifted your Mom's sewing box, Maureen. I know you will cherish it. Don't you just love to see what all is packed into those boxes especially the non sewing? I wonder if someday someone will marvel at what's in ours. Aww that is so precious about your little grandson. It is good to hear that he loves him some Tommy Toes. Tommy Toe Snatcher will be a great reminder of him gobbling them straight off the vine. I am so touched that you stitched Needle and Thread. Your finish sounds fabulous. Have a blessed day and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs

  4. It is a beautiful tribute to your great-grandmother and your nanny, Melisa!
    The seamstresses keep the memory of the people who had them, their tastes and customs.
    And the tomato pincushion is great!!
    A hug

    1. Aaw thank you very kindly, Isabel. .My Nanny was a great influence on me in every aspect of life. I miss her so.Have a blessed and beautiful day. Hugs

  5. Thank you for the tour of your Nanny's sewing box. I have my grandmother's sewing tin but there wasn't much left in it when it came to me. Your Sew Stitch tomato is super cute, Melisa. Hope you get in a lot of stitches today!

    1. Happy Tuesday, Jeanna and thank you so much for dropping by for a sweet visit. It is so wonderful to hear that you have your grandma's sewing tin even if there was little in it. You can certainly fill it with your own sewing treasures and think of your dear grandma. I am sure just seeing it brings back many fond memories. Have a wonderful day and I hope you are able to enjoy stitching as well. Hugs.

  6. I still have all sorts of sigar tins containing sewing things. My grandfather loved sigars and my mother and grandmother reused the tins.
    Enjoy your day !

    1. Oh , Annelies, what a treasure to have those cigar tins especially since they were your grandparents.I can just imagine all of the treasure that your mother and grandmother stored in them. My grandparents saved their cigar boxes and I have a few with fishing lures, glasses and everyday items in them. All of those things bring back fond memories as I am sure your treasures do as well. Thank you for the sweet Tuesday visit and have a blessed day. Hugs.

  7. I didn't know it was Thread the Needle day today, but I am happy to celebrate it anyway! How fun to see your Nanny's sewing basket and to have that connection to her. It's my mom who was the seamstress in our family - she made my wedding dress! Your little tomato pincushion design is cute as can be!

    1. I am so proud to have my Nanny's sewing basket. It brings back lots of fond memories in her sewing room. I bet you have fond memories of your mom in the sewing room too. You wedding dress is even more special since your mom made it. Wow! I hope you had a great day, Diann and thank you for the sweet visit.

  8. How wonderful to have grandmothers nearby to teach you. Sadly, I didn't have that. My only living grandmother was a crafter and lived far away. I have many things made by her hand that my father shared with me. The tomato pin keep is so sweet and goes so well with the other sewing things you've shared with us. Thank you.

    1. I feel very blessed to have had my Nanny living nearby. I went and saw her everyday. She was always so very busy. I am so glad that you do have some of your handmade treasures from your grandmother. I know you cherish them so. Too bad ya'll did not live closer. Thank you for dropping by for a visit, Ginny. I hope you are having a very lovely week. Hugs

  9. I have one of those felt mittens with a clip. It was in with my mother-in-law's box of knitting notions. I didn't realize it is a bookmark!

    1. Oh how fun! I remember when my grandmother made these. She made us book covers to go over our novels and then gave us little mitten bookmarks to clip on the pages. It is so nifty that they are just made out of felt, floss and hair clips. What  a treasure for you to have your dear MIL's knitting box filled with notions and a wee mitten bookmark. You brought  a smile to my day. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs

  10. I do love your trips down memory lane. My grandmother on my mom's side did not sew as far as I know - at least I don't remember seeing anything like that. My grandmother on my dads side was a thrifty woman so I'm sure she did. I'm hoping one day my grandkids and kids will go through my sewing things for fun just like we do now. Blessings

    1. Aah thank you so much, Donna. I think about my grandmother's everyday and am surrounded by their treasures. I feel fortunate to have Nanny's sewing basket. I never saw my Granny sew , but like yours she was very thrifty so I am sure she mended her clothes and such. It would be so nice to think that our grandchildren will enjoy our sewing baskets some day. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  11. I never heard of Thread the Needle Day but that's pretty much every day at my house! LOL! I loved getting to see your Grandmother's sewing box and what she had in it. Precious memories. My Mother didn't sew or do anything crafty...she was a career woman but my Aunt taught me to sew and to this day I am eternally grateful! I've taught myself many other creative things that bring me joy. Those dolls are beautiful and so is her quilt. Thank you for the XS pattern of the tomato pin keep. I also didn't know it was Tomato Tuesday but I know now! Your blog is such a delight and so are you!

    1. Lol I think I celebrate Thread the Needle Day everyday too. It is such a relaxing hobby. It was a lot of fun for me to pull out Nanny's sewing box. I was a bit surprised that there were not many non sewing items in it, but I guess Nanny was all business. Lol. Aah how fortunate you are to have been taught to sew by your dear Aunt. I am sure you cherish many fond memories with her. Thank you so much for the sweetest compliment. You certainly brightened my day. Have a great week. Hugs.

  12. Oh, how I love to look into what other sewers save and hold as necessary. Thanks for the sweet Pinkeep, will have to add this to my sewing room. have a great week. Hugs from sunny Arizona.

    1. Oh I am the same way, dear Mary. I was a bit surprised Nanny did not have a lot of nonessential items in her basket . I always loved going into her sewing room to see what she was working on and would often see this basket out. I hope you enjoy the little pinkeep and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs and blessings.

  13. I enjoyed reading about your Nanny and seeing her sewing box, Melisa. I have my grandmother's, too. It is like a double-decker version of yours! Not nearly as many neat things inside anymore, but I treasure it :) Your little freebie is darling and a perfect gift for us for "Thread the Needle Day!" Thank you, as always... ♥♥♥

    1. Oh what a treasure, Carol. You are so fortunate to have your grandmother's sewing basket. Isn't it fascinating to look inside them? Thank you for dropping by for a visit. Have a very lovely week. Hugs.

  14. Like the others, I too loved reading about your Nanny and seeing what was in her sewing box. Very neat! And again how talented and generous you are to share that pretty tomato design. I just saw Jeanna's finishes with some of your patterns. You are amazing to keep us stitchers inspired and supplied with pretty designs, Melisa!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Joceyln. I so appreciate the sweet visit and kind words. It has been years since I have looked into Nanny's sewing basket so it was a treat for me too. I was so excited to see Jeanna's finishes too.She always does such beautiful work. Thank you again for making my day.

  15. You know, I might even make this one! I'm getting enough experience, though still doubtful about ever labeling myself a crosstitcher, that I think I could handle this one. I'm going to download it and think about it. Thank you.

    I loved the sewing box. I was looking for a rolling tracing wheel. That's one thing I'd love to have from my high school sewing box, but it's long gone. I bought a new one, looks the same as always, but doesn't seem as good. Since it isn't darts I want to trace, but FPP sheets, I wanted something a little sharper. I guess I'll have to learn to like it or I'll have to find one in a thrift store in someone's grandma's sewing box. =(

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Aaah I hope you do give it a try, Susan. This one has large blocks of color so it would be an easy stitch . I love looking in sewing boxes too. Lol now that you mention it. I am surprised that there was not a tracing wheel either. Hmm I am going to have to see if it is in her thread basket. I hope you do find a good old fashioned one, Susan. That would be a neat tool to have. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  16. I have my grandma's sewing basket and it looks exactly like yours! My basket has a few beads on the threads in the middle of the lid. The basket is filled with embroidery floss and random pieces of lace and papers. You have inspired me to spend some time exploring the box. I also have a old candy box filled with samples of crocheted lace and the patterns for them. I have loved the basket since I saw it on top of grandma's treadle machine (which I also have) was I was a girl!

    1. Aaah what a treasure. I think these boxes were very popular in the day. How wonderful that yours is filled with floss and lace. I was half expecting to find papers in mine as well. I hope you enjoy exploring your grandma's basket and candy box. I bet the crocheted lace is exquisite. It would be so neat if you had your grandma's treadle as well. Thank you for the sweet visit . Hugs.

  17. Hi Melisa, Thanks for reminding us that it's Thread the Needle day ! So glad that comes before World Embroidery Day, July 30th ! :) I really enjoy reading your blog posts ! All the photo's, stitcheries, poems, memories to the "disclaimer" :) The patterns printed out really well ! Love the easier to read size !
    Thank you for sharing and brightening my day !
    take care,

    1. Aaah Joanne, you made my day! Ooh how did I not know about World Embroidery Day. I will have to put that on my calendar. Lol. I do love embroidery. Thank you so much for such a kind compliment. That just warms my heart to hear that you enjoy my humble little blog. Have a beautiful day, dear. Hugs.

  18. What a sweet post! I love learning about sewing traditions from previous generations. The description of your Nanny's sewing room and box was like taking a little trip into the past. It's fascinating what people stored in their sewing supplies long ago. What a special heirloom to have one of your Great Grandma's quilts too. The tomato pincushion stitch is adorable - what a fun way to honor traditions while making something new. Thanks for sharing your memories and enthusiasm for sewing. Posts like this keep handwork skills and their history alive. Wishing you many more joyful days of needle and thread!

  19. sleeves digitizing


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