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Sunday, July 2, 2023

A Whole Lot of Rambling and Country Clutter

A very Super Sunday  to you, my sweet friends. 

How has your weekend been thus far? Have you been celebrating the upcoming holiday  with hot dogs, burgers and lots of treats ? Not me- well not yet! 😀We will celebrate on the 4th.

 It was raining sheets yesterday ...

 but by dusk all cleared out and the fireworks commenced. 

Mr. Pinker and I did hit a few thrift stores on our outing yesterday.

 Not a lot of grand finds, but a few treasures to add to my clutter.  

 Eagle eyed Mr. Pinker found the big wooden barn at the Goodwill for $3.00; you can't beat that with a stick! Can you?   He didn't know if I would snatch it up or not . Why it was in my buggy quicker than two shakes of a lamb's tail after he showed it to me.

 " Every country gal needs a  barn !"  I exclaimed to Mr. Pinker  who just smiled and shook his head.  

I will paint this barn very soon. 

My raggedy tree is all decked out for the fourth. I didn't add the red Christmas balls this year. I do wish I had though. 

Stars and Stripes by Little House Needleworks is one of my favorite patriotic stitches on the tree. 

The tree is choked full with ornaments , patriotic stitches, crafts from the grandbabes and even farm pieces. Tell me if you spot the kitchen sink in there. 😂 Ya'll know I cram my trees full. 

Soon all of this will be changed out to another theme. But the tree is a great place for me to display my extra stitching. 

The only patriotic purchase I made this year was the little bear that I found at the Goodwill. She jumped in the truck with the vintage doll.

The small foyer hall is decked with red, white and blue country clutter too. 

My little tree only has some red beads and homespun strips of fabric on it. It looks pretty raggedy now. 

Some of the knick knacks on the vintage shelf. 

I made the little firecrackers from scraps of wood that I  found at a campground. Someone was using them as fire starters.  I just painted them and glued some jute twine to the top and Wahlah!  Firecrackers! 

In my foyer, I  have 3 shutters that I found at the Goodwill of various sizes. I drape my quilts over them. 

One of my favorites is my Sybil Ludington quilt that I designed a few years ago. Sybil is one of my favorite heroines of the American Revolution.  She was a 16 year old girl who rode over 40 miles to muster local militia troops.  Click here if you  are interested in reading more about Sybil. 

I quilted stars in the quilt because her horse was named Star. 

I completed the little basket quilt in 2022. 

I hope to add a new quilt to my shutters next year . And that brings me to my Sunday Slow Stitch project- 

I will be binding my flag quilt that I pieced last year.  Oooh it might be on the shutters by Tuesday if I hurry! 

Well ya'll. I better get off here. I have chatted your ears off. 
I hope to post my patriotic hutch tomorrow. So do drop by if you have the chance.  

Have a sparkly day!!!!

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Freedom lies in being bold- Robert Frost

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

A little patriotic quilt stack in teeny red wagon. 

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy . I love and miss you Amo.❤❤❤ 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday


  1. Happy celebration! Your house is ready for the holiday ;) I love how your display your quilts, it's clever to use shutters. Lovely Sybil Ludington quilt too.
    Thank you for sharing your happy place, and linking up ;)

    1. Oh thank you so much, Frederique. The holiday is off to a great start. Those shutters have come in useful in hanging the quilts . I like to change them seasonally. Have a very lovely Sunday.

  2. Country clutter is a very good thing. You find the cutest things when you go thrifting. Love your tree, hutch and everything else that surrounds you. Happy 4th to you and yours Melisa.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Darlene. I certainly do not need to add to my clutter, but I guess there are worse hobbies than thrifting. Lol. We had a great day out and about. Thank you for the sweet Sunday visit. Hugs.

  3. Love that barn - is it completely enclosed? And I love your Sybil quilt. I had heard her story several years ago but had forgotten all about it. I read it and sent it to my dd for history for her girls. We'll be in NE for the 4th - not sure what we'll find for the holiday. One day I would love to have a little tree like yours to change out with the seasons/holidays. Blessings.

    1. I couldn't believe the barn was so cheap. The bottom part is open . Mr. Pinker thought about enclosing it and making a birdhouse, but I like it as is right now. I am not sure what was the intentions but it has nice workmanship. Aah thank you so much on my Sybil quilt. I have good memories of making it. I hope you have a wonderful time in Nebraska. We went there last year and enjoyed every minute of it. It would be so nice to enjoy the festivities of one of the small towns. Safe travels and Happy 4th of July. Hugs.

  4. Enjoyed seeing your patriotic displays, Melisa! Your Sybil quilt is a beauty. Happy Sunday!

    1. Happy Sunday, Robin. Thank you so much for dropping by for a visit and for the kind compliment on my Sybil quilt. It was a joy to quilt. Happy 4th of July Hugs.

  5. I would have bought that barn too Melisa. Love the little turkey as well. I finished my candy corn house and now on to the turkey house. I am in the fall mood.

    1. The barn was a great thrifty find that is for sure. I wish you could see the turkey in person; it has a little turquoise in it which is unusual . Eeeh I am so excited to hear that you finished Candy Corn House. I hope you enjoyed it! I have been in the fall mood too. I can not wait for you to see my newest fall stitch that I have been working on. It is one of my favorites. I will be sharing it in the coming months. Happy 4th of July . Hugs.

  6. Ahhhh my visit here today has my heart full of red white and blue! Even during bumpy times we are so blessed by our country. I was happy to read you will be painting the barn. She's a beauty as is but needs your touch to bring out her true barn-ness! As always your stitching and sheer number of projects AMAZE me. All so homey and welcoming.
    Happy 4th of July to all!

    1. Aah thank you so much, dear Maureen. Your heart warming compliment just made my day. Oh yes, I do believe the barn needs to be painted. Hmmm I have always loved a red barn. Lol. Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend and a blessed week. Hugs.

  7. I really liked your decoration and your work for the 4th of July, Melisa!
    Have a great patriotic day.
    A hug from Spain

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear Isabel. I really enjoy decorating for the patriotic season. Have a beautiful day and thank you for the sweet Sunday visit. Hugs.

  8. I adore all your patriotic decor! It's such fun! I have a few things on my ever-standing little tree, but it's not nearly as full as yours! It rained buckets here yesterday, too—we had well over an inch of rain! But, like you, the fireworks started at dusk! I adore flea-marketing and the like, but in our tiny space (we're fulltime RVers), I just have to have discipline! Stuff gets overwhelming really quickly! I hope you have a very Happy Independence Day!! :)

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Denise. I really enjoy decorating for the patriotic season. I would love to keep it up year round but I do love the other holidays as well. I bet your tree is decorated as cute a button. I always love seeing your photos of the lake. We camp not to far from your area often though we haven't got to much this year. Hopefully soon though. Have a very Happy 4th of July.

  9. Your country clutter is fun to see, Melisa! I love the Sybil Luddington quilt - she is someone I admire from the Revolutionary War era, too!

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Diann. It was one of my favorite times of the year to decorate. My Sybil quilt was such a fun piece to work on ; it brings back a lot of fond memories as well. Have a very lovely day.

  10. Love all of your chatter and your clutter, I spend a lot of time looking and trying to find as many things that I possibly can in your photots! The story of Sybil was one that I had not heard, so of course, I had to go and read and look up stuff. Thank you for the new (to me) information. I can't wait until tomorrow to see the Hutch. Have a wonderful Sunday, sending you warm hugs from sunny Arizona.

    1. Aaaw you brought a big smile to my day, Mary. Lol I do have a lot of clutter to look at that is for sure, but I enjoy it especially switching things out. Wasn't the story of Sybil so interesting? She was a brave young lady that is for sure. I hope you are enjoying nice weather for the holiday . Hugs and Blessings.

  11. So many treasures in red, white and blue! Enjoy your binding... the flag quilt will be another terrific finish!

    1. I love the ole' red , white and blue. Hopefully, I will have the binding completed by the day's end. Have an awesome day, Kathy and thank you for the sweet Sunday visit. Hugs.

  12. It’s always fun to see what you have added to your collection! Looking forward to seeing your barn spruced up! Terrific 4th July decorations. Have a great day! Sarah quilting by the sea

    1. Aaah you are so very kind, Sarah ; thank you so much. It is always fun to go out and look for rusty treasures whether I purchase anything or not. Have a wonderful evening . Hugs.

  13. You always find such fun treasures, Melisa! Can't wait to see what you do with the barn. Your patriotic tree and all those quilts look so beautiful! I'm curious as to how you store your seasonal stitching and display items. Do you keep them in big bins? Wishing you a wonderful 4th of July! ♥

    1. Oh thank you so much, Carol. We had a wonderful time thrifting and I am happy with the few treasures that I purchased. I have to admit that I struggle with storing my stitching. I haven't found a good system yet. My patriotic stitching goes into a huge basket , but the others are in bins and baskets which are labeled. I have armoires for my patriotic decor and my quilts are stored in stacks everywhere. :) If you have any good storage tips on stitching I would love to hear them. I need all the ideas I can get. Thank you for the sweet visit and Happy 4th of July . Hugs.

  14. Oh, my, your local thrift shops must be way better than mine--mostly clothes, books, and glassware! More is More in your decorating life--you love it and it brings you joy. Can't beat that with a stick :)

    1. Mr. Pinker and I had a fabulous day visiting the thrift stores, Annie. Our local one is one of the best in the area . They have items dirt cheap and there is always a turnaround of the items quickly. Thank you for the sweet visit and the kind words. Have a beautiful day . Hugs.

  15. Happy Sunday to you Melisa ❤️. You mentioned finding the "kitchen sink" on the patriotic tree. It would be a hoot if you stitched up a country kitchen sink and display it on your trees.
    Your quilts are beautiful and I admire your talent and the time it takes to complete a quilt.
    Thanks for keeping us in stitches as we read your blog. Cindyls5462

    1. Lol what a great idea, Cindy and that would be fun to search for too!!!! That reminds me of when I used to hang a ceramic pickle in the Christmas tree and we would search for it. Lol with the way I pack my trees it takes awhile to find certain pieces. Aaah thank you so much on my quilts. They are my passion. Have an awesome evening and thank you for the sweet giggle and idea. Happy 4th of July . Hugs.

  16. I've just read the link about Sybil, such a brave girl. Her remembrance sculpture is wonderful.

    1. She was an amazing patriot . I can only imagine the dangers that she faced. I had a wonderful time creating this little quilt in honor of her. Thank you for the sweet visit, Jenny.

  17. We have a 4th of July grandson, so our celebrations are so much fun! And, yes, he’s a little firecracker!
    Yes, that little barn is a find indeed!
    I’ve saw a themed tree in the Texas Oncology lobby and it sure adds joy to the room! Great idea! I’m sure your grandbabies enjoy exploring your home!
    Cute flag quilt! Such a great idea! Happy stitching!

    1. Oh I bet ya'll do have the most glorious 4th of July celebrations. Happy Birthday to your dear grandson. Doesn't little touches like a themed tree at a doctor's office bring a smile?  I got the idea from one I saw at my medical facility too. Thank you for the sweet visit and Happy 4th of July . Hugs.

  18. Your house is all decked out in its holiday finery! Wonderful! We could use some rain if you want to send some our way. Happy 4th of July, Melisa & Mr. Pinker.

    1. Lol it is , Ginny. I have enjoyed the patriotic decorations this year. It is one of my favorite times to decorate . I wish I could send you some of this rain. We had more thunderstorms today. It is nice for the garden though. Happy 4th of July to you and your family. Hugs.

  19. Your theme trees and displays amaze and delight me! But I know it takes work and dedication to make all the wonderful-ness happen! Thank you!

    1. Aaah you are so kind, Judy. I enjoy puttering around the house decorating with my quilts and stitching. Usually the grandbabies like to go behind me and redecorate, but that is ok. Lol. Have a wonderful 4th of July and a fabulous week. Hugs.

  20. What color are you going to paint your barn? It is a cute design and quite the bargain! I always enjoy looking at your display, as there is so much cuteness to see. My favorite is the truck! It is way cute!!!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Well at 1st I thought white for a lighter look but I do have such a fondness for red barns so I think red wins out. I was giving the sweet idea to add a painted quilt as well. Wouldn't that look amazing? Thank you so much , dear Terry for the sweet compliment and visit. Have a wonderful day. Hugs.

  21. Love the new finds from your trip, Melisa! Always love seeing your displays. You should be a "Country Clutter" Interior Designer! Happy 4th, my friend! Hugs!

    1. Lol thank you so much for the sweet giggle, Brenda. I feel like a kid in a candy shop when I am "playing" with my clutter. Hubby and I had a wonderful time thrifting the other day- we consider that our date days. Lol.  Have a great week. Hugs. 

  22. Oh wow, Melisa. I love your patriotic decor. So much eye candy and inspiration. You are so creative -- I would never have thought to make those firecrackers out of leftover wood from the campground.

    1. Aww thank you so much, Jeanna. Lol I get pretty antsy at the campground when I do not have anything to do  so that was a great crafty project that I lucked up on. Have a great evening. Hugs. 

  23. You have so many wonderful little things to look at. I particularly like your star studded truck. I think the riders like it too.

  24. Thank you! Thank You! I read the Declaration of Independence via Hillsdale College. Thank you So much for posting the link about Sybil! I loved it and greatly appreciate it. Bobbi

  25. Hope you had a very fun 4th of July. Your decorations are really fun, there's a bit of everything for the holiday!


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