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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Spring Green Saltbox Freebie

 Happy Tuesday, dear friends. Please come on in, and let's chat for awhile. Tea is brewing ,and I have some shortbread cookies for your munching pleasure. 

I was so touched by all of the IG love from my recent post of my basket of houses. My collection is slowly growing . I started working on another one last night, but that is for a future post. 

My newest house is called Spring Green Saltbox.  Big ole' flowers surround this home. Boy, have they been fertilized.  

When I was a child, we lived in a green painted house. It wasn't a pretty saltbox like this, but a  simple little split level with perfectly pruned boxwood hedges that lined the sidewalk. We did not live there long though  because our forever home was being built on the farm. 

Spring Green Saltbox is ready for my spring decor. 

Since I am on a sheep kick. I had to add 3 litlte ewes mulling around the house plus a number of birdies all resting comfortably on leaves and flower vines.  As I was stitching this piece, I was thinking this is just not working out, but it turned out pretty good in the end if I do say so. 

Spring Green Saltbox. measures 69 x 71 and on 14 count aida or 28 count evenweave it would  measure about 4 7/8" x 5 1/8". I stitched my saltbox on 14 count tea/coffee dyed aida. 

I used 9 DMC floss colors which included 782, 3347,3345, 3364, 221, 937, 898 blanc, 310.  I am just stitching from stash and  chose floss that I had already on hand, but I can envision this house in a variety of colors. 

Spring Green Saltbox with Dorothy Mae's Spring House- I think they are so cute together. 

If you would like to stitch Spring Green Saltbox, just click on the pdfs below. Most of you know that I am not able or maybe I should say capable yet of putting each page on one pdf dowload . So you have to download each page separately. I apologize for that. 

Click here for the instruction page. 

Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black and white chart.

 Have you seen the other houses that I have stitched? 

I have stitched several little homes and posted them on my blog for freebies. If you haven't seen them, I invite you to check them out . They include   Crow Creek SaltboxOphelia Manor on Punkin Holler Lane ,  Willowisp Manor of Holler Lane  ,  Turkey Creek Manor ,  Winter Saltbox  , and Dorothy Mae's Spring House   

I am so happy you stopped by for a visit and thank you so much.  It is always a joy.  I think I am going to settle on the couch , watch  little Murder She Wrote or Andy Griffith and stitch the day away. Lol.  I hope you are going to go do something fun. 

Happy Stitching, ya'll


It is such a delight to see your beautiful stitches and quilts. I would love to see what you are working on .You can always tag me and use #pinkernpunkinquilting or Direct Message me. 

May joy and peace surround you. 


  1. Oh my goodness, your little pillows showcasing those gorgeous little houses are so lovely. Your new little Spring Green Saltbox is fabulous. The addition of the sweet sheep is inspired. I wouldn't mind a cup of tea, Melisa....thank you, and a shortbread or two would be lovely. =)

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kim. These little houses have been such a delight to stitch and share. I am so happy you stopped in for a visit and a cookie. Lol. Have a very lovely week.

  2. The little houses are so pretty! Unfortunately I'm not into cross stitch but if I were, I'd stitch them all. Have a lovely day and happy stitching!

    1. You are so kind, Gretchen. Thank you so much for stopping by to see my houses. Happy Quilting .

  3. I love these houses! ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Why thank you so much for the sweet compliment and for visiting. I have been plugging away on these little houses and have another in the works. Have a beautiful week.

  4. Your Green Saltbox is darling, Melisa. Your basket is filling up.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. I think I need a bigger basket . Lol. I have been pondering what color house should come next. Have a great week.

  5. Wow! Another beauty, Melisa! I think this may be my favorite--love the tiny sheep :) Thank you again--you are so very talented ♥

    1. Aah thank you so much, Carol. When I was stitching it, I just was not happy with it, but by the end it all worked out.I always have so much trouble choosing greens so I think that is why I was so apprehensive about it. I really appreciate your kind words. Happy stitching.

  6. Melissa, thank you for all your free charts. You are a very talented and generous person. Could you send me your mailing address? I want to send something that I have for you.

    1. Aah thank you so much Novella for your sweet compliment and for visiting me.It has been a joy to share these little designs . Could you please email me at ? Thank you so much dear.

  7. Tous ces coussinets sont adorables réunis ainsi dans ce panier.
    Merci pour cette nouvelle saltbox.
    Amitiés de France,

    1. Aah thank you so much, Christel. I have enjoyed stitching them. I think I am going to need a bigger basket though. Lol. I hope you are doing well and that you are not still in lock down. Stay safe and healthy and happy stitching.

  8. So sweet! Thank you for sharing such beautiful charts.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Noel for visiting. I hope you enjoy this little house. My favorite part on this one were the sheep. Lol. Have a very blessed week and happy stitching.

  9. Thanks for your kind generosity, Melisa!

    1. You are so welcome, Charlene and thank you so much for visiting and leaving such a nice compliment. I truly hope you enjoy this little design. I have become a little obsessed with houses. Lol. Have a lovely week.

  10. The new saltbox is SO sweet! I have printed out all of them, and really look forward to the stitch. Thank you so, so, so much for the freebies! <3

  11. These little houses are adorable! I can't wait to stitch them up for a special bowl I have! to offer your creative work to us for no charge is just absolutely generous, kind, thoughtful and on and on! I sincerely appreciate it! There are many out here including myself on a restricted budget and yet because of you we still get to stitch these adorable designs. I just love houses! Thank you so very much! Carolyn

  12. I love how you styled your finish with a stack of Jadeite nearby. So pretty!

  13. Melisa,
    O MY!! Your basket of stitchery houses is so darn sweet!! Love it!!

  14. Ho mais voilà des petites merveilles ! Quelle est jolie cette petite 🏠 maison ! Je découvre votre blog et c’est absolument charmant, j’adore le thé et j’aurais bien aimé le boire en votre compagnie ! Je vais me promener chez vous.... bonne journée de France, Martine

  15. I have just found your blog via a picture of your green saltbox on Pinterest. How kind of you to share your lovely houses with us. It is much appreciated. I look forward to stitching my first one and to reading future posts. Thanks so much. Pam in England

  16. It’s mid-April and I don’t know if you will see this, but I love your little houses. Thank you so much. Houses are my favorite thing to stitch, but for some reason I have been stitching flowers and other samplers fora while. I think I will start Spring Green House tonight.Laura, Serial Stitcher, has mentioned you several times, but I hadn’t looked you up till today I saw the green house on pintrest.

  17. Wow, ran across your beautiful charts today, I am so excited to stitch them! I was given a huge dough bowl that my mother in law had, these are exactly what I was hoping to find to put in there. Thank you so much for sharing your talent!!

  18. Hello Melisa,
    I just found your blog via Pinterest also. Love the little houses you designed! How very generous of you to offer them to us for free. I can't wait to print them and start stitching! :)

  19. Your houses are wonderful. Thank you for offering them. I can't wait to get started.

  20. Just stumbled on this site which was so lucky for me cuz I love to stitch houses! Yippee!!! Thanks for such cute designs! They really are adorable and I love the sweet details. Im going to stitch them all!

  21. The Spring House is just so lovely. Printed out the pattern right away. Thank you.

  22. Would love to purchase finished product ..they are beautiful...

  23. Thank you for all of the wonderful freebies! You are so generous. What is the ampler with the blue house in you current Blog photo?

  24. Thank you so much for the lovely houses. I love them all and cant wait to get them all stitched. You are so generous to give all the free patterns. I am a beginner stitcher so i appreciate tha4 the patterns are not too hard. I can just see my dQough bowl filled with the lovely houses. Thanks again

  25. thanks so much for the beautiful pattern!!

  26. Thanks for the lovely chart, I cant wait to get started on it!

  27. I think your saltboxes and houses are my favorites, although I love all your work. I sometimes spend an hour just clicking and following links on your blog. You are so generous to share your patterns. Thank you for sharing your creativity ... :) Pat

  28. Thank you so much for these wonderful designs. Spring Green was the first one I stitched and it is a delight! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with us.

  29. I'm 86, still stitching -- love your free houses! Thank you!

  30. Love your saltbox house pattern. Thank you so much for the freebie. It's going to be fun to do on my trip.

  31. Replies
    1. Oh thank you so much, Susan. It seems to be one of the most popular houses. It was a fun one to create especially with the large flowers.

  32. A great pattern but how many threads of embroidery thread do you recommend 2 or 3

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear. I use 2 strands on the 14 count aida. Have a blessed day.

  33. je vous découvre et j'aime beaucoup vos créations,
    merci pour la petite maison


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