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Sunday, November 8, 2020

Turkey Invasion- A Little Fall Hutch Decor

Hello dear friends! I am so happy that you have dropped in for a visit. Pumpkin Cookie Bars are in the oven , and I have iced tea ( a Southern favorite) or milk.  As you step into the kitchen you can see that a flock of turkeys have invaded!

My obsession in collecting turkeys probably started in the early 2000's. I had never seen a wild turkey in person until my hubby introduced them to me years ago. He has worked for years in the conservation of turkeys in our area so how appropriate for me to want to collect a few. Every year I try to find at least one. Some years I am successful ; some years I am not. I had pretty much expected to not find a turkey this year with all that is going on in the world and  with limited shopping experiences, but I did find a turkey at a thrift shop during the summer.  I was jumping up and down when I found this little guy for a couple of dollars.  
He is a little planter and is quite handsome if I do say so myself. 

My hutch is overfilled with turkey and all things fall including a few fall stitches. 
On the top shelf is a Primitive Hare freebie cross stitch called "Give Thanks " and can be found on the website.  The Autumn cross stitch pillow is also a freebie from The Stitcherhood and can be found on their website.  I completed both of these last year. 

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Years ago I got the little turkey pie plate from the Goodwill . I have yet to bake a pie in it , but it is fun to bring out each  November.  My sister gave me the amber colored bowl and glass cup. She knows I like to collect them . 

The second shelf has a few more turkeys. I would say  you could serve gravy in at least one of these guys. 

The yellow house stitch is one of my favorites that I completed last year  and is called "Autumn at Sunflower Ridge" by The Woolly Ewe.  I chose my own colors in this piece.

 Since this was the 400th year anniversary of the Pilgrims' arrival in America I had to have my Pilgrims on display as well. 
The third shelf includes a regal turkey planter, a pumpkin pitcher and a pumpkin pie plate sitting on a golden vintage compote stand.

The Blessed cross stitch was a freebie on my blog and you can find it here.  

I love to collect old tins and that includes these old spice tins - one of which was found in the dump on the farm. 

The Pumpkin Crock cross stitch is one of my designs that I worked on this year as well. 

I have been in the quilting mood lately and worked on this scrappy quilt made up of 1" blocks in October.

 This little quilt is perfect to drape off the edge of the  hutch. The colors are so warm and pretty, and it brings a smile to my face each time that I see it.

Below the hutch is an old Eagle Snack Mix tin which is filled with Christmas bowls waiting to escape. On top of the tin,  is a "Give Thanks" truck from Hobby Lobby my daughter gifted me. I am going to paint wheels on the other side so that I can display it out of the fall season.   My sister found that big rusty spring on a farm dump site last year and she knew  I would do something with it. She was right. On the big rusty spring is a scoop  with a wooden painted turkey. Isn't he just the cutest decked out in his Pilgrim attire?  I usually put something seasonal in the scoop. 

Now let's pop over to what I call the "Rooster Table" . I was rummaging around the garage and found this white piece of wood that fit perfectly on top of the Rooster Table. I just wanted to lighten it up a bit. I can remove it when I want  so there is no commitment which is great for me. 
Everything is a thrift store find except for the  Thankful house and the cross stitches  which were completed in 2019. One  is a Hands on Design piece called "  A Year in Chalk November." It is one of my favorites. I finished it on thrifted wood plaque , used  some twigs and acorns from the yard added a fabric bow and called it a finish. 

 The other cross stitch is from With Thy Needle and Thread and is called  "Holiday Hoopla Thanksgiving"  . I finished it into a little tart tin to make it look like a turkey pot pie.  

The subway art hanging on the wall was a free printable years ago, but I can not remember from who.  I enjoy bringing it out each year.
I have more turkeys tucked here and there in the kitchen and foyer, but I will save them for a future post. Like I said the turkeys have invaded!

The Pumpkin Cookie Bars are just about ready and here is the recipe.They are a little time consuming but yummy just the same. 

Pumpkin Cookie Bars
1 cup of flour
1/2  cup of quick oats
1/4 cup of firmly packed brown sugar
1/4 cup of chopped nuts
1 3/4 t cinnamon
1/2 c melted butter
1 c of Libby's Solid Pack Pumpkin
3/4 cup of undiluted Carnation Evaporated Milk
1 slightly beaten egg
1/3 c of sugar
1/2 t. of allspice
1/4 t salt
1 - 8 ounce package of cream cheese
1/4 c orange marmalade 

Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine flour, oats, brown sugar, nuts and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Add butter and mix until crumbly. Press into bottom of 13x 9 x 2 inch baking dish. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Remove from oven . Reduce oven temperature to 325 degrees. Combine remaining ingredients EXCEPT the cream cheese and marmalade ( which are for the topping) Pour over the crust.  Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool completely.  To make cream cheese topping, beat together until fluffy one 8 ounce package of softened cream cheese and 1/4 c of orange marmalade. Spread over cooled bars to frost. Garnish with crushed granola, chopped nuts or orange peel.  Cut into bars. Yield 32. 

Time for me to go do a little finishing today ,and hopefully I will have some new stitches to add to the Thanksgiving collection soon. Thank you so much for visiting me and checking out my Thanksgiving hutch.  
Have a blessed day. 


  1. Your hutch looks fabulous with all the turkeys and fall décor and stitches, Melisa. I thought of you on Saturday because there was a turkey on the hill by our pond. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Oh my. I would have loved to have seen the turkey. You have all kinds of critters around your area too. I did get to see some white tame turkeys on the road the other day. They sure were pretty. I hope you had a wonderful week. Hugs, Melisa

  2. Really enjoyed seeing your Thanksgiving decorating, Melisa! One of my favorite times of the year although I'm doing less decorating this year as we have no big feast on tap with the pandemic. I put a few favorites out, but that is it. Your turkey collection is so special--and I love the sound of those Pumpkin Bars. Yum! Will definitely be printing it out--the addition of the marmalade to the cream cheese frosting sounds delicious :)

    1. Hi, Carol. I hope you are doing well. I debated whether to put out all of my turkeys too, but I decided to go ahead do it. I bet you will miss the big feast. I am hoping ours will go on as planned, but we will know more as the big day arrives. I loved seeing your Prairie Schooler Harvest Time turkey. I hope to start mine and add it to my collection next year. Have a blessed weekend, Hugs, Melisa.

  3. Aww your newest turkey is indeed a handsome little fellow. I adore your hutch with all your beautiful fall decorations. Your stitching is lovely as well. Yum on the pumpkin bars. Thank you so much for all your lovely patterns, recipes and blog posts you share with us. Wishing you a most lovely day filled with many blessings. :)

    1. Aah how sweet and love your user name. I was very surprised I was able to get a turkey this year. I saw another ceramic turkey planter this week at a thrift store but resisted buying him; I would have probably gotten him if he was a tureen though. Thank you so much for visiting me and for leaving such a lovely comment. I hope your day is filled with blessings as well Hugs, Melisa.

  4. This is a great way to start my week....a hot cup of coffee and to see all your fall decorating!! I especially love that so much of your decor is gifted or found at a good price. Some are free for the making. Melisa, your blog is cheerful and uplifting and we all need that this year. Thank you!! Patty McDonald

    1. Aah thank you so much,Patty.You just made me feel so good. I love to see how others decorate as well; I usually find an idea or two that I want to incorporate in my decor as well. I have to admit I love shopping second hand. You never know what treasures you will find at the thrift stores or yard sales. Lol. Thank you again , Patty for visiting and for leaving such a kind comment. have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Melisa

  5. Tout d'abord merci Melissa d'avoir mis le traducteur sur votre blog, cela me permet de vérifier si j'ai bien compris ce que vous avez écrit et de corriger mes fautes de compréhension... Merci merci.
    Votre décoration d'automne est splendide, c'est plein de chaudes couleurs et ça fait du bien. En France nous sommes de nouveau en confinement, la Covid circule activement. Comme je ne peux plus travailler (depuis 2015..) en raison d'une fibromyalgie, je reste à la maison donc cela ne change pas beaucoup mes habitudes hormis devoir remplir une attestation pour sortir..
    J'adore toutes vos broderies, je ne connaissais pas du tout ces modèles et forcément cela me donne des envies... La brodeuse que je suis est faible, comme toutes les brodeuses je pense. Pourtant j'ai beaucoup de choix de modèles non brodés dans mes tiroirs ! Mais je résiste difficilement devant une nouvelle création coup de coeur...
    Vous collectionnez les dindes moi ce sont les chats. Votre petite "ménagerie" est très jolie, elles sont toutes charmantes ces demoiselles.
    J'admire votre courtepointe aux tons si beaux. Elle donne envie de s'envelopper dedans....
    Prenez soin de vous.
    Amitiés de France,

    1. Hi, Christel. You are so very welcome on the translator; I am so happy that it has helped. I am so sorry you all are in lock down again. I do need to stock up on supplies just in case that happens here. I do not get out that much either especially since covid. I am so sorry you also suffer from fibromylagia. One of my friends suffered from that and was painful at times. I hope it does not affect your embroidery. Thank you so much about my turkey collection. I acutally have a love for kitties too. My kitty was killed last year and I have yet to get another though I do have a stray cat that sometimes visits. Well I hope you have a lovely weekend and thank you for leaving the sweet comments. It means so much. Hugs, Melisa

  6. Thank you for sharing your hutch! It is lovely and the turkeys are great! What a fun collection!Have a fun week!

    1. Hi Yvonne. I hope you are doing well. I packed my hutch full this year. Lol. I had to get up in the attic to get them down and once I got them down, I did not want to put any extras back up so they all went on display. Lol. Thank you so much for visiting me and seeing my country clutter. I hope you have a blessed weekend. Hugs, Melisa

  7. Love seeing how you decorate for the holidays! And all of your country collections. Thank you for always brightening my day with your posts and patterns! You are truly a blessing!!

    1. Oh thank you so much. You brightened my day with such sweet words. I sure appreciate you taking the time to visit me and leave such a sweet comment. I love country clutter and have been collecting for years. It has been a blessing to be able to share a bit. This community has brought me so much joy and comfort especially during these times. Thank you again for visiting. I can not express how much that means to me. Hugs, Melisa

  8. Replies
    1. Aah thank you so much, Jacqueline. I have been collecting many years and usually spend next to nothing if anything for these pieces. It is fun to bring them out each year for a short visit. Lol . Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for taking the time to visit and leave a sweet compliment. Hugs, Melisa

  9. LOVE all your pretty Thanksgiving decorations!!! And your sweet turkey collection...I never knew we had turkeys around here until a co worker about 35 years ago, said her husband was going turkey hunting and I asked in what state,,She said here in Pa.!! I was dumbfounded,,,Shortly after that flocks of turkeys, which I never saw locally, started to show up!! One flock was by the hospital where I worked and would block the road from traffic and one flock was in the woods by our house and we even had some in our back yard!! I remember my youngest son coming home from playing outside and yelling "Mom! Turkeys can fly"!!! Not very high but they can!! LOL!! Now I think they haunt me because I did not know we had them here!!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words!!!


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