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Sunday, November 22, 2020

Quilt Happenings! And is it Spring?

 How are you doing on this warm November day. It has been so nice and comfy here. I can honestly say I can not believe it is November. 

The burning bush is turning a bright red and is filled with berries. It is always so pretty this time of the year. 

The blueberry bushes also have pretty red leaves and the trees behind are already loosing their leaves . However my redbud trees are blooming- I think they are confused, and they think it is springtime. Well the temps. sure feel like that. I  love running around in shorts in the middle of November. 
It has been a good quilting week. Here is one of the stacks of quilts that I shared on IG. The little blue  churn dash quilt is one of my favorites. I made 3 of those a few years ago and gave 2 as presents. In the small basket is several small quilts and quilt tops waiting to be quilted. My Turkey Creek Manor cross stitch freebie sits with these little quilts. You can find it here.  I love collecting wicker picnic baskets. This is my newest addition, and it is filled with finishing supplies that I have been using to finish my Barnyard Christmas series. It was awful handy to have everything I needed in one basket. Why I did not figure that out earlier as I was finishing those is beyond me. Lol. 
Last week, I had been  working on several nine patch variation blocks in red and green scraps . I pieced those together into a small quilt this week. Some of the fabrics in this quilt date from the early 90's, and there are a few pieces in the quilt from my girls' clothing which brings back sweet memories. This is the next quilt to go into the hoop.
Previously in the hoop,  was my Christmas tree strip pieced quilt, and it was inching towards a finish. I just had one more block to quilt and then it would be completed. 
 Well I got er' done this week. Woo Hoo!!!!  I will show it in another post once the binding is completed. That meant a new quilt was going into the hoop. Which quilt should it be ? 
 Well, I had completed this little quilt earlier this week and posted the Santa Mug doodle on my blog which can be found here

So the Santa Mug quilt was the next quilt to go into the hoop for the week. I quilted it in a day. It is a small quilt so it was real quick. Now it is time for binding  this baby ,and then I get to display it with my Santa Mugs. Woo Hoo!
I then went to my stack of shirting  material given to me by a dear friend. I cut random strips
and then pieced those together. I have a plan for these little guys. 
It is now time  to get down to business and turn these little strips into quilt blocks. 
That will be this week's plan. 
My final project that I worked on for the week is these sweet Rudolph blocks. I found a shirt made out of this Rudolph fabric , and I knew I wanted to make a quilt from it. You can get a lot of quilting fabric out of clothing. I cut out 12 six inch Rudolph blocks, and then used it in a Puss in the Corner Quilt blocks. I plan on 12 blocks, but I will see as I go . 
So that is the quilt happenings for the week. I wonder what I can get into this upcoming week. Let's hope a lot of goodness. 
Have a beautiful day filled with joy and as always, 
Happy quilting,


  1. You have been one busy lady, Melisa! Happy Monday!

  2. I love all your pretty fabrics that you have, Melisa!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  3. realy a fine rugmug with the colors of Christmas
    Maybe your new material with blue and white colors is for a tea-mantel..euh, teapot cover ?


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