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Saturday, November 14, 2020

What is in the Hoop?

Well hello, dear friends.  I have been busy in the quilt room working on little projects . It has been so relaxing to get in some sewing time. I  just turn up my Christmas music and get into the quilting zone.  Two projects that have been on my agenda to work on is the four patch mug rug and  a little snowman embroidery piece that I embroidered last year. I need to add the binding to each of these little quilts. The little four patch mug rug was a leader/ender project using scraps from other projects. 

I did finish putting the binding on this little Halloween  Black Cat quilt . This little quilt did not get completed in time to be displayed for Halloween , but that is ok. He will join the other Halloween quilts already stacked in baskets waiting to be displayed next year.  He is made from scraps gifted to me. It makes me so happy to be able to use these little bits and pieces. 

I am in the Christmas mood , so I decided to start a new quilt for the season. I pulled reds and greens from the scrap bins and began working on this 9 patch variation. 

These little blocks will measure 5" square finished. The red plaid print in some of the blocks is from my oldest daughter's shirt that she wore in the 4th grade. I know that because she had her school photos in that shirt. Lol.  I love using fabrics from my girls' clothing. Every time I look at quilts with their clothing in it, I get that warm fuzzy feeling.  So far I have pieced 9 blocks and plan on making a small wall hanging. 

I have also been doing some random strip piecing. These fabrics are from shirtings and scrap fabrics from the bins. I am pulling them at random and making them fit. It does not matter where they go to me.  I am just piecing these willy nilly, but I do have a plan for these pieces once that I have enough pieced.  They will be used in an applique project. These blocks have been a leader/ ender project  as I have been  working on other quilt blocks . They add up pretty quickly. 

So what is in my hoop? A small Christmas wall hanging that I began last year but did not completed. This is a string pieced Christmas tree quilt. Lots of fun fabrics in this quilt with some fabrics dating back  20+ years . I have one more block to quilt, and then it is time for the binding. Woo Hoo! I can not wait;  though I do have to admit that sometimes I do get a little sad when the quilting is coming to an end.  I then remind myself a new quilt will go in this hoop soon.  I wonder which one will it be?
By the end of the evening, I finished the binding on the four patch mug rug. No mug has hit this quilt yet though. I decided to put it on display. 
I first put it with the old scale displayed on a wooden cabinet from the barn. It looks cute on the paper mache box with the blue cheese crock. 
I free hand quilted this little quilt. 

I then moved it over to the hoosier cabinet. 
This old hoosier was found at a yard sale years ago and supposedly came from Denver, CO. Most people would have probably have thrown it away, but it had a rough wonky kind of charm that I loved. Right now it is all decked out in its fall decor. So I put the little four patch mug hanging from the door with an old tea towel. This is where it will hang until Thanksgiving is over then it will find a new home. 

Lots of country clutter here, but it makes me happy!

Now this is not a quilting project, but it has a quilt in it. This little print is actually a Christmas  gift bag!  I bought this little Christmas bag at Dollar Tree. It has a barn with a quilt on it and a red and white quilt in the sleigh.Isn't it the cutest and  perfect for a farmhouse Christmas?  Above the barn, were the words "Merry Christmas". I ended up cutting one panel of the bag out and framed it  in an 8 x 10 frame . The "Merry Christmas" and handle holes got covered up by the frame. This was a quick little project, and I still have one more section that I could frame for one of my daughter's. This will be cute to leave out all winter.  

This little print is now on display with a small stack of winter quilts. 

I hope to work on some more quilt projects this next week and just maybe there will be something new in the hoop by the end of the week.  
Thank you for dropping in and visiting me today. Have a blessed day and as always...
Happy Quilting,



  1. Oh Melisa, I enjoyed seeing what is in your quilt hoop. That mug rug is adorable as are the blocks you are using for the new Christmas quilt in red and green. What a lovely idea to use part of the gift bag as a framed piece. Enjoy your Saturday!

    1. Thank you so much, Robin. I had a great quilting day- hopping from project to project, but I actually felt productive. I think today I will continue working on the red and green blocks and hopefully have them stitched into a top soon. I hope you have a wonderful Saturday. Hugs, Melisa

  2. Comme quoi les chutes de tissus servent toujours. Tes créations sont superbes et sont parfaits pour agrémenter une déco.
    Le cadre avec comme toile le sac de Noël est une très belle idée.
    Amitiés de France,

  3. Hi, Christel. I hope your day has been a lovely one; I so appreciate you stopping by. I have had a good day working on these little quilt projects and hope to be able to get a little more quilting in tonight. I enjoy using up little bits of scrap fabrics to make something fun for the home. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend. Hugs, Melisa

  4. Love your little mats. Can't wait to see your finished quilt, it will be lovely!!! I love your picture of the sled, who would have known it is a gift bag. Lecia


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