Rise and Shine, Sweet Peas!!!!! Grab a mug of your favorite beverage and a few fabrics .
Let's head to the quilt room to work on a block- I am calling it the Watcha Ma Call It Block. It's an easy peasy lemon squeezy block, but oh so cute!

I have 3 fabrics chosen though a scrappier look would look amazing as well.
Below is the instructions for just 1 block. I strip pieced some of my units to make it even quicker.

From RED FABRIC - Cut 2 strip 2" X WOF ( width of fabric)
From WHITE FABRIC- Cut 2 strip 2" X WOF ( width of fabric)
From BLUE FABRIC- Cut 9 - 3/12"x 3 1/2" squares

DIRECTIONS ( Use 1/4" seam allowance)
1. Placing right sides together , take a Red and a White 2" strips and sew down the length of the strip. Press toward red. REPEAT for the other red and white strips.

2. From this unit Subcut 4- 3 1/2 " squares AND 4 9 1/2" strips. ( You will have a fabric left over. )

3. Arrange 5 of the blue squares and the 4 RED/WHITE squares which was created in STEP 2 into a 9 patch as shown below. Piece and Press .

Now is it just me or isn't that nine patch just as cute as a button ?

4. Now take your remainder blue squares and your 9 1/2" strips and arrange around the nine patch as shown. Piece and Press

5. Wahlah!!! Your Watch ma Call It Block is complete. 😀 You know what that means don't ya? Get up and do the Happy Dance!!!! Come on you know you want to!!!

Alrighty Sweeties, now I have a question. What is the real name of this block? This ole' gal does not have a clue. I saw it on Pinterest and made up my own measurements .I will be making 10 blocks to go along with 10 applique blocks I am working on.
Thank y'all so much for joining me in the quilt room today. I guess I better get on the stick and finish the other 9 blocks. If ya ' want to stick around, just grab the rotary cutter, and I will grab the ruler and we will go to town cutting up a storm.
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Happy Stitching and Quilting, ya'll
The more I know, the more I know that I don't know. -Socrates
Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

🦋 Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I miss and love you so much, Amo. I send my love with butterfly kisses. 🦋