Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Home Sweet Home

"Just one more night

 And I am coming off this long and winding road. 

I am on my way

I am on my way

Home Sweet Home ! " - Motley Crue

Hello, sweet friends. It seems like forever and a day since we have last chatted. How are you? ❤🤗  I hope you are doing fantastic and have been staying as busy as possible!  

Mr. Pinker have made our way down the "long  and winding roads" and are now back at our humble home in the holler. We had a month of relaxation , fun and adventure.  

For the last few weeks we have camped in the great states of Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas . We enjoyed free camping at some of the most beautiful lakes and rivers. 

Sardis Lake, Mississippi

Some days were overcast , and we did experience rain on a few days. For the most part, we experienced wonderful camping weather though. 

Sabine River, Texas

Mr. Pinker got in a lot of fishing time.  

I enjoyed working on my quilts while at camp. 


Aren't these ferns so lovely? In the evenings, we would take afternoon strolls through the forests. - So quiet and peaceful and rarely a soul around. 

We did not see as much wildlife as we had hoped. I was always fearful of seeing an alligator since we were near swampy areas , but Mr. Pinker said all I had to do was out run him. 🐊😂🏃😏🐊 Hmmm could I do that?- I don't think so. LOL. 

I was fascinated by all of the turtles basking in the sun. It was a good day to be a turtle.😀🐢🌞

At Neches River Wildlife National Refuge, we saw an old wild boar trapping area. 

We were both in awe of the beautiful flowers while visiting Texas.

Whitney Lake, Texas

 I thought about my IG friend, Angela who stitched the flowers of Texas last year. 

Do you know what the names of these flowers are? They are gorgeous!!!

Of course , when we are in the Texas area we always have to stop to eat at Whataburger. Yum! Yum!  

Whataburger's jalapeno burger

Mr. Pinker loved eating at Raising Cane as well, but for the most part Mr. Pinker manned the stove in the little camper. 

Because we were in the path of the eclipse , we remained in Texas for a bit longer and watched it. It was amazing. Did you watch it?  What did you think?

 We watched the vultures go back to the trees to roost and all got quiet . 

I hope to post more camping pictures along with what I worked on this week. But for right now, I have clothes to wash and chores to tend too. 

I want to thank you all for the sweet visits and kind messages when I was gone.   You really mean the world to me. 

  I am curious - when I am off on vacation do you mind have prescheduled posts or just pop in which are few and far between.  I still  have not mastered being on the road and internet access.  I have to use the computer for internet rather than using my phone ( a preference thing. LOL) You know this gal is not tech savvy don't you? 😀🖥    .  

I look forward to catching up with all my blogging and IG friends as well. It may take me a few days but I will catch up. 

 Alrighty, I will not ramble anymore.  I will chat with you soon. I haven't forgotten that I have to share the April doodle. Have a wonderful evening. 

As always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


"Life is about the adventures you take and the memories you make..."

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗❤🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. . Love and miss you., Amo ❤❤❤

I can not let you leave without me telling you how much I appreciate your sweet visits. 😊❤

Other Posts That Might Strike Your Fancy!

🌞Parade of Homes- Early 2024 parade of home freebies.
🌞A Blooming Parade A Look at Spring and Easter Previous Freebies-   2024 Parade of Spring freebies
🌞Buzzin Bee Parade 2023-  An early 2023 bee freebie parade. 

🌞Messin and Gommin in the Kitchen -  2022 post on how I tea/ Coffee Dye my fabric. 


  1. I'm glad you and Mr. Pinker had a great trip. I enjoy seeing your photos and hearing what you did. I couldn't outrun an alligator! I saw the eclipse on TV. We were able to see the one in 2017 and we marveled at how all the birds went silent as it darkened. It's great to have you back!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Good afternoon, Terry and Happy Wednesday. LOL, I kept my eyes peeled when we were near the swampy areas; luckily no sightings. The eclipse was amazing. I also watched the 2017 eclipse . Hubby and I compared the two as we watched them. I am so glad we extended our stay. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs and Blessings.

  2. I’m glad you both had a great trip and I’m selfishly glad you are home.I miss your blogposts ( boy that IS selfish of me 😕) We watched the eclipse here in Ohio and it was awesome. My favorite part was when it got dark, the solar landscape lites came on and the air got cooler. Then hearing the neighbors cheering and clapping was neat too. So welcome home!!

    1. Aaaah Maureen that just warms my heart.It feels so good to be missed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I sure missed you and all my sweet friends here in blogland. I kept telling hubby that I wanted to blog. Lol. Oh, I am so glad you got to see the eclipse. I agree ! It was awesome! I was amazed how it cooled down so quickly. We watched the boaters turn on their running lights as well. It was a sight to behold wasn't it? Have a wonderful evening, Maureen and thank you for the sweet homecoming message! You made my day.

  3. Yay - you're home!!! I've been popping in regularly to see if you're around. I crossed my arms and tapped my foot but I was patiently waiting for you. LOL DarleneJ

    1. LOL, I did not expect for us to be gone so long, but once we heard about the eclipse we extended our stay. Hee ! Hee! I hope all has been going well in your neck of the woods Darlene. I took along my quilt that I have named after you and worked on it. I can not wait for you to see my progress. Thank you for the sweet giggle. You brought a big smile to my evening. Hugs.

  4. Welcome home! Glad you're safely back! Your vacation sounds wonderful and relaxing, how much fun to just meander around. Happy stitching after to get all that laundry completed.

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Gretchen. We had an amazing time. You are right. It is fun just to meander around with no set plans. We stayed longer than I expected but enjoyed every minute of it. We also visited areas that we had never been before. I am already looking forward to the next adventure. Thank you so much for dropping by for an evening visit. Hugs and Blessings.

  5. Looks like you had a lovely trip Melisa. I love the photo of the turtles.

    1. We had a fabulous time, Christine. The turtles were fascinating. There were 2 logs of them. I took no telling how many photos of them. They would dive into the water when hubby would come down by the bank side but they were just fine if I was there by myself. I always enjoy seeing any type of wildlife. Thank you for the sweet Wednesday visit. Have a fabulous day. Hugs and Happy Stitching.

  6. Welcome back. So glad you and Mr Pinker had a wonderful long trip. I missed your chatting very much. I would check daily to see if you were back.

    1. Aww , Joy you just warm my heart something good with such a sweet compliment. I am so humbled to be missed . I was not expecting to be gone so long but we decided to extend our stay for the eclipse. It was a great trip. Thank you again , Sweetie. You made my day. Hugs.

  7. How cool that you were in Texas! Whataburger is one of my very favorite places to eat. :) I love seeing your photos - post away anytime! And as far as blogging while away - no reason to schedule posts - just take a vacation from blogging too. In fact I'm kind of doing that this year - lol!

    1. We usually visit or drive through Texas a couple of times a year but since our daughter moved there we are starting to explore the state more. We found some awesome camping sites there. We finally got a Whataburger a little closer to us in Alabama, but they taste the best in Texas for some reason. Lol. Have a Happy Thursday, Linda. Hugs.

  8. Welcome home, dear Melisa! You have been missed, but it sounds like you had a wonderful gallivanting adventure. I look forward to seeing/hearing more of your adventure.

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Robin. We did have a grand time running wild and fancy free. LOL. It was wonderful to not have a schedule and meander about going here and there. It feels good to be out in nature and refresh the soul. Have a fabulous day, Robin. Hugs.

  9. They're Texas Bluebonnets. Hope you don't have to spend too much time on chores now that you're home. East, west, home is best!

    1. Oh thank you so much for the information, dear. The flowers were amazing. We talked to one park ranger who said they were putting on a good show of color this year compared to last year. It was such a treat to see all of the different flowers. We would see fields of them- just stunning. I wish you a very lovely day and thank you again for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  10. Welcome home, sounds like you had a wonderful month on the road!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Vicki. We had an awesome time . Of course you know how relaxing it is to be out on the road enjoying nature. There was lots to see and do as well as time to relax as well. Have a beautiful day . Happy Quilting. Hugs.

  11. We were in Liberty Hill TX for the eclipse, as one of our grandgirls had a ballgame so we were in the area. The eclipse was super neat and we were glad we were there. Yes, the beautiful Texas Bluebonnets are everywhere this spring, as are the Indian Paintbrush and Buttercups. The Indian Blankets are just now coming out. We are now visiting friends in Ruidoso neat to still see some snow on the mountains. I love your doodles and am very thankful you share them. I had a faux Paz on our eclipse trip and brought about 6 different projects, and for the second time in my rv travels, managed to not bring various things. I have remedied that, by adding a few extra items to stay in the travel trailer full time. It is now the quiet of the morning with only me up, so I need to do some handwork before I am no longer alone. As for posting, my opinion, you should do what’s easiest and most comfortable for you. We are the recipients of your talent and generosity, we will follow you regardless. PS I too, don’t do a lot of internet work while traveling, some but not a lot, and zero if it is a public WiFi, as that is a good way to get hacked. Thank you!!

    1. Good morning, Bobbi and Happy Thursday. Oh how fun that you were in Texas during the eclipse. I will have to look up where Liberty Hill is. We ended up staying in Whitney that week. I hope you granddaughter is having a great season in ball this year. We love softball. We spent a short amount of time in Ruidoso in January. Isn't NM a beautiful state? One year we camped in Ruidoso and encounter a bear. Yikes! That's a great idea on keeping a few projects to remain in the camper to work on especially if you complete the focus projects that you brought along. This time I was able to organize my projects in little boxes for easy access . I think that is why I was able to get more completed than I expected on this trip. I have wondered how other RVer's work with the internet when traveling. I am always afraid about being hacked too and of course data charges if I use my hot spot , but I am sure hubby will figure it out in the future. LOL. I wish a safe travels, Bobbi and I hope that you enjoy every minute of your adventures. Thank you for the sweet visit and words of encouragement - that means the world to me. If you have the chance, keep me updated on your travel and stitching adventures. Hugs and Blessings

  12. Glad you two enjoyed yourselves & arrived home safely. Last post I saw was Easter & was concerned about you. Thank you for all your sweet patterns and photos.

    1. Aaah thank you so much , dear. We spent longer out traveling about than what I had expected. Hubby just retired so now we do not have any schedule except the occasional doctor's appointment. LOL. We had a wonderful and relaxing time though. It warms my heart to have been missed; thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish you a blessed and joyous day. Hugs.

  13. Welcome home, Melisa. It's nice to have you back :) I enjoyed seeing your photos and hearing about your camping trip. Looking forward to seeing more, especially your quilts. I am always happy to see a post from you, so whatever is easiest for you to manage will be appreciated. We are off for a long weekend in our camper, beginning Friday. We have to get it de-winterized and cleaned for our May trip to the Outer Banks.

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Jeanna. We had a wonderful time these last few weeks and found a lot of new campsites that I am sure we will visit again. I am surprised how much I was able to complete while camping. Oh, how exciting to be hitting the road; enjoy your 1st camping trip for the year, Jeanna. The Outer Banks sounds like it will be a delight to visit. I hope you post photos in May. Safe travels . Hugs.

  14. Looks like you had an awesome adventure or two. So glad you are back. You were missed. Wishing you a day full of many blessings sweet friend. ((hugs))

    1. Oh we did, Vicki. We enjoyed the beauty of nature and relaxed as well. It warms my heart to have been missed though . Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you are doing well and have been staying busy . Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs and Blessings.

  15. I'm so glad you are back! I've missed you. Glad you two had a good time. Glad you are back safely. Margie \TN

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Margie. I can not tell you how much your kindness means to me. I am so humbled that I was missed , but very grateful. We had a wonderful time but it is nice to be home. Wishing you a very lovely weekend. Hugs.

  16. Welcome home! I tried to be patient, reminding myself that you were having a good time with Mister and seeing all kinds of things you would share when you got back, but it was still hard. LOL Your pinwheel quilt is looking wonderful! Not sure about the little yellow flowers but the blue ones are TX state flower, the bluebonnet. Beautiful! The turtles made me smile.

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear Ginny. We had an awesome time. I was hoping to be able to get on the internet more, but alas that did not happen. We had a fabulous time though. I am glad that I brought the pinwheel quilt along; surprisingly I was able to get in a lot of quilting time. I was in hopes of finishing it, but alas I did not. The bluebonnets were gorgeous. I was not sure what the name of the flower was. I can not tell you how many photos of the flowers that I took. LOL. Have a beautiful day, sweet friend. Hugs.


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