Friday, April 26, 2024

Farm Friday Rambles


A very Moovelous Farm Friday to you, Sweet Peas! Are you ready for  a fantastic weekend? I sure am!!! Do you have any special plans?  Me? Well, Yard sale season is upon us. Maybe Mr. Pinker and I will go out to town to see if there are any to visit. 

Elsie says howdy! 
Since it is Farm Friday, let's head out to the farm to see what is going on. 
Buzz! Buzz! Mr. Pinker has been  busy with the bees; he missed his bees while we were gone on vacation. He hung a new bee trap in hopes to capture a swarm.  

We are usually successful in capturing swarms in April.

He has a total of 3 boxes out-  2 on the farms and 1 in the holler. 

Yikes! While watching Mr. Pinker, the new gals on the farm saw the gate open. I had to high tail it down the hill to beat them to the gate. 

Of course , I got "the look " from   Elsie  . I am sorry gal, but you can not take a stroll down the road. 

Elsie and Lily are trying to make their escape! 

Aren't the gals the sweetest? They had been on the hill but made their way past Pa Pa's old corral to another pasture.  Of course, Edna was nowhere to be seen . No telling where she was. Hee! Hee! 

Oooh .... I have to show you this darling metal sign that I found at Walmart the other day. It was just $3.00 and will be perfect to display with my bee decor or perhaps in the garden.

Well, Sweeties , that is my Friday rambles. Have a wonderful evening and keep those fingers nimble and enjoy some stitching time !!!

As Always...
Happy quilting and stitching, y'all


Life is a daring adventure or nothing. - Helen Keller

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗❤🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. . Love and miss you., Amo ❤❤❤

I can not let you leave without me telling you how much I appreciate your sweet visits. 😊❤

Other Posts That Might Strike Your Fancy!

🌞Parade of Homes- Early 2024 parade of home freebies.
🌞A Blooming Parade A Look at Spring and Easter Previous Freebies-   2024 Parade of Spring freebies
🌞Buzzin Bee Parade 2023-  An early 2023 bee freebie parade. 

🌞Messin and Gommin in the Kitchen -  2022 post on how I tea/ Coffee Dye my fabric. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Gretchen. We always have a ball when we are thrifting. Hope you are having a great weekend. Hugs.

  2. "Sailing" is always a fun way to spend a day. Hope you find some new/old treasures! Things look so nice and green around your farm. Aw, Gee! No walks today? LOL I like the bright and cheery bee sign. Hope the bee boxes get good results for Mr. Started the weeding season in my rhubarb patch this morning. Did a little pruning and tying up of raspberries. Cutting out a QOV. Keeping busy is good for the soul!

    1. Happy Saturday , Ginny. I haven't had rhubarb in years. How yummy ! I miss the rhubarb and strawberry pies. It sounds like you are staying busy in the garden. I hope you have a bumper crop. Will you be canning this year? Our blackberries are in bloom and I am already dreaming of blackberry cobblers . LOL. Hope you are having a great weekend. Thank you for the sweet visit. You always make my day. Hugs.

  3. It's always so fun to get a peek at your farm, Melisa! Looks like it was a pretty day there. So glad you caught those wandering girls before they got too far. I hope the new box attracts some bees for Mr. Pinker!

    1. It was a pretty afternoon to be out on the farm. It is amazing how the cows and the donkey know when a gate is open somewhere. Usually, Edna the donkey is the 1st to head for it. Lol. Enjoy your afternoon and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  4. So pleased you stopped thise cows getting onto the road, that would have been a disaster. That's a pretty bee friendly sign you found.

    1. Oh yes, it is no fun to chase the cows when they get out in the road or in the wrong pasture. Thankfully , most of the gals are conditioned to listen the "Beep, "Beep" of a truck horn and then they will follow in whichever direction. Lol. Happy Sunday, Jenny . Thank you for dropping by. Hugs.

  5. Love your Bee sign. Buzzzzz Enjoy getting out and about. DarleneJ

    1. Isn't that the cutest? I love any type of metal sign. I can not wait to pull out the bee decor this summer. Hope you are having an awesome weekend, Darlene. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  6. Good job you saw that open gate, Melissa! Love the bee sign. ☺️🙋‍♀️👍💜💜💜 Glad you’re back from your travels. Barbara, aka The Flashing Scissors. 🥰😘

    1. Oh yes, we have to keep an eye out for the cows once we open the gate. They were on the hill but quietly moseyed on down. I hope you have been doing well , Barbara. I look forward to catching up with what you have been up to on IG. Thank you for dropping by. Hugs.

  7. I love seeing your farm! Looks like you and Mr Pinker keep very busy with the cows and the bees - and you probably have more than just cows and bees, right? What do you do with your honey?

    1. We enjoying piddling with the farm. Our priorities used to be pig farming, but hubby has got out of it after many years. We eat a lot of honey on biscuits and toast and then we also give it to family members. It is quite tasty. I hope you are having a great weekend, Linda and are able to enjoy some quilting time. Hugs.

  8. Hope Mr. Pinker catches a swarm! Elsie looks rather put out that you wouldn't let her stroll the road. Heading off to stitch group in a couple hours. Looking forward to lunch and stitching with the gals. Happy Saturday, Melisa!

    1. Lol Elsie was! It is so funny to watch hers and the other cows' expressions. The cows and donkeys can be a hoot that is for sure. I hope you had a wonderful time with your stitching friends, Robin. Did you eat something yummy ? I bet you came home filled with inspiration. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  9. It's great to see the gals, even though Elsie was not happy with you!! Oooh fresh honey! I would love some natural, untampered with honey!! My Granny used to buy local and she loved eating the honeycomb!! Ahh, good memories! Have a great weekend! Hugs!

    1. When I was a child, we used to get jars of honey with the honeycomb too! Those jars always seemed special. Last year's honey was quite tasty; I hope the bees are just as productive this year. Thank you for the sweet visit, Brenda. I hope you are enjoying some quiet time in the sewing studio this weekend. Hugs.

  10. Replies
    1. Aren't they the cutest gals? I finally captured a few photos of Edna yesterday. I will post them soon. She was being a character. LOL. Happy Saturday, Nancy. Thank you again for the sweet visit to the farm. Hugs.

  11. The naughty girls wanted to start the weekend off right with a good walk!!
    A beautiful poster.

    1. LOL , they did! I was glad to catch them before they set off on their adventure. Hee! Hee! Thank you , sweet Isabel. Hugs and Blessings.

  12. Sounds like you've both been busy getting into the groove at home after vacation. Maybe the new gals were looking for some vacation traveling themselves?

    1. Oh we have ,Kate. I think we are finally catching up after being away for so long. LOL. I bet the heifers were ready for a vacation themselves. Hee! Hee! It is amazing how they know when the gate is open. Thank you for dropping by. Hugs.


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