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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Wordless Wednesday Early Spring on the Farm

Welcome, welcome , welcome, my sweet dear friends!!!!
Happy Wednesday and welcome to another Not So Wordless Wednesday post. 
Just thought I would  pop in and share some  random snapshots from the farm.  I hope they bring a warm smile to your day . Enjoy!

I appreciate the sweet Wednesday visit. 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


 I'd rather be on my farm than be the emperor of the world. - George Washington

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Ya'll come back now ,ya hear!

Dedicated to my baby sister , Amy who  loved the farm.   Love and miss you, Amo. 



  1. Thank you for sharing your home/farm with us. Did your dh always farm or did you just fall into it? Blessings.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Donna. Both hubby and I grew up on farms and come from a long line of farmers; . I guess it is just in our blood. Lol. Happy Wednesday. Hugs.

  2. Beautiful pictures! I love the metal tractor figure on top of the bell, It must be wonderful to get up every morning and enjoy these sights!

    1. You are so kind, Diana . Thank you so much. The grandkids love to ring that bell too. We like anything cast iron or that has a tractor on it. Happy Wednesday. Hugs.

  3. That John Deere bell is neat! Do you get much honey?

    1. Oh thank you so much , Nancy. Hubby love John Deere; lol. Last year was our 1st year with these bees and we got a bit of honey but left the rest for them. We are hoping to capture more hives this year. They are fascinating to watch. Happy Wednesday.

  4. Great shots of the farm! If I didn't know better, I would have said you were in my area!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Robin. There is nothing like living in the country is there? Wednesday Hugs.

  5. I love the farm, (little Penpen)

    1. Aah thank you so much, Penny. I wouldn't live anywhere different that is for sure. Happy Wednesday.

  6. Replies
    1. Aah thank you so much, Isabel. I hope you had a very lovely day. Hugs.

  7. Thanks so much for sharing your lovely home and farm. I've lived on a farm for 30 years and nothing compares to the smell of fresh hay and the animals calling to you morning waiting for breakfast ❤️

    1. There is no life like farm life is there, Lori? I just love the smell come hay season and I adore when there are new baby calves. They are a hoot- lol Happy Wednesday and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs

  8. What an idyllic farm, with the hills/mountains in the distance. Is it your childhood home? I grew up on a small farm, but never wanted to be a farmer.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Astrid. The farms are spread out between 2 locations one of which is my childhood home . I enjoy mostly working in the garden and planting and of course watching the animals. Lol. Happy Wednesday.

  9. I didn't grow up on a farm, but I did grow up in the country and had "farm" friends. Used to play dress up and house in the empty corn cribs. Those were the days!! Thank you for your awesome farm photos.

    1. Aaah what fun childhood memories, Sharon. I will have to take a photo of the corncrib that we used to do the same in. My sisters would play in the top section of the loft. Now the grandbabies love to play in the lofts of the barns. Have a wonderful day.

  10. So nice to see photos around your farm, thanks for sharing. I'm a suburban girl and remember being sent up to my Aunt and Uncles farm with my sister, we were about 8 and 9. Our mother was going in to hospital for a serious operation so we two were sent on a bus to stay with the rallies. I found the whole experience quite overwhelming, noisy farm dogs, lots of sheep, rellies I didn't really know, and the smell of cooking mutton every night for dinner was awful. Being townies our cousins didn't have much in common with us. Havent thought of this for years, must have made a big impression on me!

    1. Aaaah I am so glad that these photos brought back childhood memories, Jenny. Lol it sounds like that was an experience though and I am sure quite different compared to what you were used too. Thank you for the sweet visit and for bringing a smile to my day.

  11. No farm background for this city kid, but I do remember visiting my cousins and "helping" to bring the cows in for milking. They were as big as houses! I do believe we've seen the corncrib and gate decked out with quilts in past blogs. While I've never been fond of gray in a quilt, those silvery weathered cedar fenceposts against the blue and green of the hills and field made me think twice! Mother Nature does give us the best surprises, doesn't she. Thanks for the early spring tour of the farm. I'll look forward to seeing the changes throughout the seasons on Nearly Wordless Wednesdays. Kris in WI

    1. Happy Wednesday, Kris. Aah what sweet memories of bringing in the cows. My nephews were out wrangling up the cows the other day . It was fun to watch them . Oh yes, this is one of 2 corncribs, but it is one of my favorites unfortunately the red paint is slowly fading from it. You are so right, Mother Nature does make you reevaluate colors; I have done that quite often. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs

  12. Thank you for sharing those. I agree with George. =)

    1. Lol I agree with him too. There is no place like the farm. Happy Wednesday, Susan and thank you for the sweet visit.

  13. Happy Spring! Babies and green grass and blue skies and busy bees! Thank you for sharing your world with us!

    1. All of the joys of Spring on the farm that is for sure. There have been some new calves born and a couple of them have been escape artists going between the fences. They are a lot of fun to watch. Thank you for the sweet visit, dear Ginny.

  14. Such sweet photos of your farm. The John Deere dinner bell is a treasure!!!

    1. Aaah thank you so much Jeanna ; there is nothing like farm life. Hubby loves anything John Deere. lol. Have a great day. Hugs.

  15. Hola amiga Melisa como no podía ser de otra manera. tu granja es HERMOSA y no es de extrañar que desees estar ahi por encima de todo pues rodeada de tan bellos animales y paisaje NO se necesita nada mas o si!!!!!!! el px y acolchado jaajja nada mas!
    gracias por compartir tus fotos de tu vida tan apacible y sana.
    Con cariño tu amiga cubana
    Dianet de Parchesdeamor

    1. Good morning, dear Dianet. Thank you so much for the sweet visit to the farm. It is quiet and peaceful here. I have to admit that I do think the animals are my favorite; they certainly keep us entertained. Have a beautiful day, my friend. Hugs

  16. merci pour ces belles photos claudy

    1. Claudy, you are so very kind and thank you for the sweet visit. The weather has been nice here lately and it has been exciting to see all of the changes on the farm. Have a wonderful day, dear.

  17. Look at all that green stuff! And I especially love the John Deere dinner bell.

    1. It seemed to green up over night, Kim. Lol we have to have a John Deere bell Hubby just loves John Deere. Thank you for dropping by the farm for a visit.


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