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Monday, March 6, 2023

Wild an Woolly Weekend

 Good Monday afternoon, ya'll. Whooa! We had one rootin,' tootin', wild and woolly weekend. On Friday, the storms rolled in . Luckily school was let out for the youngins. I had visited my mom and dad . Soon it was time for me to leave and as I made my way down the long driveway, low and behold a big ole ' tree had fallen across the road and into the driveway. I was able to squeeze by the tree and make my way home with out any mishaps.  


By dinner time, the wind and rain blew in from the west, and within a short time we lost electricity, water, and Internet service. That meant kerosene and oil lanterns were pulled out and we sat about like knots on a log. Oh bother 😊.

 All about  our neighborhood trees fell, but  to our good fortune none fell in the holler.  We were not fully back on grid until late last night, but still our Internet service is as slow as molasses.   

Our day is bright and beautiful today!!!🌞🌞🌞

 The grass is getting greener. 

And we have a few blooms. 

Soon Spring will be here. 
 I have to make a confession with all of the free time that I had, I did not get a lot accomplished. I have no excuse other than being plumb lazy. 

I did however finish stitching Heart in Hand Needleart's Grow Whirligig which was gifted to me from dear Stacy. 

I pulled out my finishing supplies and got to work. I knew I wanted it to be a circle. I just used a candle lid as a template. 

The fabrics that I used were from old clothes. I can not tell you how many finishes I have got out of a pair of black and white gingham capri pants that I bought years ago. I just ripped the fabrics and glued little ruffles to the back of my stitch.  The little bunny  in this stitch is too stinking cute!!!

I saw my first butterfly of the season a few days ago and appropriately it was at my sister's  home. So today I will be working on my butterfly quilt. I have 7 more blocks that I need to add bodies to. I plan to have a total of 20 blocks before deciding sashing and borders. 


1. Work on butterfly blocks. 

2. Begin patriotic cross stitch 

3. Finish new saltbox

4. Quilt Grandma's Love

🐑 🐑 🐑  🐑  🐑  🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑

A new house is in the works. It will be completed very soon. Lots of little ewes at this home. 

Alrighty , ya'll I wish you a week of  joy , love, and beauty and of course lots of stitching and quilting time. 

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


A hug is always the right size .- Winnie the Pooh

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy . I love and miss you. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That

Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday 

Truckin Along in the Luck Truck  and Basket for Ewe 


  1. Oh my, I don't know where you had all that wicked weather, but I am glad you made it home even though you lost power. I like your latest finish. The green trim is very pretty. I like that butterfly block and your cross-stitch.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Cathie. This time of the year is always a rainy time which I do not mind the rain, but I am always anxious about trees falling since I live in the woods. Have a great week. Hugs. 

  2. Yes, our late Friday was wild and woolly, too. I waited all day for the wind that was predicted, and when it was finally here, I wished it weren't! Lots of trees down in Knoxville, but I only lost a couple of branches, and was so grateful for that. The rain poured so hard and ruined my hyacinths, so they're kinda blooming lying on the ground now, because they are still blooming! We didn't lose power but for about 3 minutes, and that made me happy, too. I was still searching in the dark (too silly to think of using my phone light!) for my matches when the lights came back.

    Your house with the ewes is going to be awesome, and the little stitchery you finished with the black and white ruffle is cute as anything.

    1. I am so glad that you are safe, Susan. I was wondering how bad it was in your area. I hate that your flowers got beaten down especially since they were blooming. It is never fun when the electricity goes out no matter how long it lasts. My redbud trees are finally putting on some blooms after the rain which is nice to see and the Bradford pears are blooming as well. I am glad they waited till after all of that rain. Lol. Thank you for the sweet afternoon visit. Hugs.

  3. Wow! You certainly had some weather excitement! Such a beautiful cross stitch project! It came out precious!

    1. Lol we did . It wouldn't be so bad if we hadn't lost our utilities . There were a lot of households affected and it took awhile to get everyone back on grid. Thankfully , there was not much damage other than fallen trees and such . Thank you for the sweet visit, dear. Hugs.

  4. I'm so glad you didn't have any damage at your house, Melisa. Being without power for two days is bad enough! I thought about you as we saw the line going across our state and heading your way. But I love the stitching project you were able to finish up. Thankfully, the bad weather skirted north of us. We had some wind and a little rain, but nothing like you had. I had taken a pic of the Bradford Pears in our neighborhood beforehand because I knew those beautiful blooms would be gone if we got what was predicted here. Unfortunately those blooms don't last long enough and wind and rain seem to beat them off the trees! I was pleasantly surprised when that didn't happen. Your butterfly blocks are beautiful and so happy your first butterfly sighting was at your sister's house. In the fall, the first yellow butterfly I see always reminds me of my mama. She always said yellow butterflies are a sign of fall! Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings and have a great week, my friend!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Brenda. Every year we have a tree or two fall when storms roll in and I was expecting one to fall with this one. Thankfully none here though pretty much every road out to town was blocked by fallen trees. I am so glad there was little damage other than electric lines down. Our Bradford Pear tree seemed to bloom overnight after the rains. It is so beautiful. I do wish the blooms would last longer though. Have a wonderful day . Hugs.

  5. Very glad you escaped the storms unscathed. This weather we are having is crazy unpredictable. Enjoy the coming of spring and keep stitchin!!!!

    1. Oh thank you so much , dear. The weather has been unpredictable that is for sure. I am so ready for warm weather and loads of sunshine. I hope your day is a blessed one. Hugs.

  6. We only got the high winds and a signifcant downpour, sounds like you really got walloped. Love those butterfly blocks, very pretty. Good luck with your projects this week, you have some fun ones in the works.

    1. I am so glad that you all did not get any damage, Kate. The wind was fierce wasn't it? Thank you so much for the kind words on my butterfly blocks. I hope to make progress on them this week. Happy Tuesday and thank you for the sweet visit.

  7. We had so much rain here too! The pond was just about to overflow the dam! Your butterflies are adorable. Is going to make a sweet, sweet quilt.

    1. Oh my, Susie .I hope all was well and the water has subsided. March came in like a lion didn't it? I hope to complete a few of the butterflies this week. I am already dreaming of border fabrics. Happy Tuesday.

  8. Glad you didn't have any damage at your house. Here here it has also been very windy and it is raining a lot, every day, Saturday night there were no electricity for approximately 5 hours and without internet until Sunday around lunch time. Only more 7 butterflies and you will have blocks for a new quilt.Looking forward to seeing the new green salt box. Have a nice week, Melisa.

    1. Oh gosh, Ivani. It sounds like you had a weekend like we did . I hope all is well in your area and you did not have any damage as well. Thank you for the sweet visit. Happy stitching and quilting

  9. The little ewes are super cute! Esp in the luck truck!

    1. Oh thank you so much Cheree. The Luck Truck was one of my 2022 St. Patrick's Day favorites. Have a wonderful rest of the week. Happy quilting.

  10. March is notorious for unpredictable weather. I'm glad you came through it with minimal problems. Our snow is slowly melting again! Sun shiny days are so nice, even if it is still a little nippy out there. Your butterflies are so bright and cheery! Good luck with all your weekly goals! I am going to finish my current project blocks and get them laid out.

    1. I agree, Ginny. We tend to get our worst weather the end of Feb. / first of March. I hope ya'll are all thawed out very soon . I know the sun is so welcoming . Spring will be here in no time. I wish you a very productive week . Hugs.

  11. March really seems to be coming in like a lion this year for so many different parts of our world! Glad you were only inconvenienced for a short while. The lamps seem like a good reason to scale back the To Do List to me! Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday and sharing all of your lovely projects!

    1. Thankfully the temperatures were nice and warm so after the storms we could enjoy time outside . Thank you so much for the sweet visit, Carol . Have a great weekend.


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