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Sunday, March 26, 2023

Bright Sunshiny Day

Good afternoon, ya'll. The sun is shining bright and the birds are singing.  
Bee Update: The other day Mr. Pinker and I hung up boxes to catch a swarm or two . Fingers crossed we will be successful.

Meanwhile the bees have been out and about enjoying the fresh bright blooms, and they have been tending their hive. 

I have been working on Silver Creek Samplers patriotic stitch  which was gifted to me by dear Stacy . It was such a comfort piece to work on as my daughter made her way back to the U.S. from being overseas the other day.   Big bear hugs, Stacy. 🧸🤗

So are you enjoying a slow stitch today?   My needle and thread will be meandering along the border of my Grandmother's Love Quilt creating soft gentle curves.  
 I am almost finished with the 2nd border. 


1. Work on Butterfly blocks.

2. Continue work on patriotic cross stitch

3. Begin a new Easter Cross stitch

4. Work on embroidery for upcoming SAL

5. Quilt Grandma's Love

✅6.  FFO "Clover" cross stitch. 


Is the same as last week's. I just need to add the trim to the Clover stitch and then it will be put away until next March. 

 Did you hear that ? The needle and thread is calling my name so I better hustle to my stitching spot and get to work . Enjoy your day, sweeties and...

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


It never hurts to keep looking for the sunshine- Eeyore

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy . I love and miss you. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That

Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday 


  1. I don't do stitching on Sunday, but I enjoy seeing what you and others are working on. Pleasant afternoon hours, I hope! Swarm, bees!

    1. That is a wonderful idea to take a day off from stitching at least one day a week. I hope you have had a very lovely Sunday, Susan.

  2. Your patriotic cross-stitch looks like it will be a pretty piece. I like the barn on it! Hope you're having a lovely Sunday, Melisa!

    1. It is a fun piece so far, Diann. I am waiting till the last to stitch the barn because it is my favorite. Have a great afternoon.

  3. How pretty your grandmother's love quilt is. Another pretty cross stitch to work on. You are off to a great start. Love those flags in the corner. Enjoy those blue skies. Happy stitching, Melisa

    1. I have had a wonderful day stitching on my quilt. I finished another border which I am thrilled over. It was a very lovely day to sit outside. I enjoy the bright blue skies for sure. Have a great week, Kim.

  4. I love your style, Melisa! I love how productive you are, Melisa! I love that you're so generous, Melisa. Thank you for the inspiration, Melisa!

    1. Aaah Darlene. You are always so sweet and supportive. I can not tell you how much that means to me. I feel the exact same way about you!!!! Hugs

  5. Looks like the bees are enjoying the nice spring weather. Pretty cross stitch and I love how Grandmother's Love is coming along, beautiful.

    1. Oh yes, they were buzzing all about ; it was hard to get a good photo, but it was nice to see that they are happy. Thank you so much for the sweet visit, Astrid. Happy Quilting.

  6. Hi Melisa love your happy post about the bees and I also love your stitching I will be stitching later today and your quilt is beautiful,well done on your beautiful work,hope your day is a happy one Melisa 🌹🤍🌹

    1. Aaah thank you so very much dear for the sweet visit and the lovely compliment. I am so happy you dropped by for a visit. I hope you had a wonderful day stitching. Hugs.

  7. Such a pretty cross-stitch project and your Grandmother Love Quilt is looking great. Wishing you & Mr. Pinker plenty of bees for the hives!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear Susie. I finished another border on Grandmother's Love Quilt ; hoping for another today. Have a blessed day.

  8. Ha ha! Like 2 birds of a feather you and I regarding 'saving' all those memorable 'treasures'. I do/did that too but I need a tree to start hanging them on! Love it! Thanks for making me smile. I wonder how my own daughter will turn out to be as she is now a mom of a 16-month old son. I wonder if "Oma" will save more 'treasures' than she...? Time will tell. Very much enjoy reading your posts...Happy Spring!

    1. Don't you just love looking back at those treasures of your kiddo? I had a ball pulling out the old Easter stuff and reminiscing about my girls and making their Easter baskets. Lol I bet your dear daughter will take after you and save every treasure too . Lol I say Oma will be saving more. Hee ! Hee! I know I do. Happy Spring , dear and thank you for the sweet visit.

  9. I didn't do any slow stitching on Sunday but do enjoy watching everyone's progress! Hope you have a lot of bees for your hive...that's a very sweet of y'all to watch out for our bees!

    1. Sometimes it is nice to take a break and not do any stitching at all. It certainly allows our fingers and muscles a rest too. I agree I love looking at what other's are doing too. I often find myself chasing squirrels afterward. We just love the bees ; they are fascinating to watch. I have my fingers crossed we will catch more swarms. Happy Spring.

  10. Did some pressing and cutting down of scraps from a huge container I was gifted. A little every day and some day it will be gone. LOL So much sunshine and green in your outdoor pictures! Looks so warm and Springy with the bees buzzing. I hope they swarm to your boxes. Love the toy sewing machine! Great start on the patriotic stitch.

    1. It sounds like you had a very productive day, Ginny. .It is a job to cut down all of the scraps , but so rewarding when it is done and makes it faster to piece once you choose a project too. I have a small bag that I have been working on. It has been very nice and warm these last few days. We even turned on the air for a couple of days, but I am trying to hold out on running it too much. Thank you for the sweet visit, Ginny.

  11. Thanks for the update on the bees! Looks pretty sunny and warm there!!!

    1. The bees were certainly active this day. We lost one hive, but the other hive looks strong and happy. I hope it is starting to warm up in your area. It has been nice here. Happy quilting, Nancy.

  12. I like the patriotic cross stitch. I need more Silver Creek Samplers in my stash. Your Grandmother's Love Quilt looks great. I cannot hand quilt but I sure love the look of it. Hope you had a nice Sunday!

    1. I am loving the patriotic stitch, Jeanna. I can not wait to get to the barn in the stitch, but I am holding out to last on it because it is my favorite. SCS certainly has some gorgeous designs. Thank you so much on my quilt. It has been a labor of love . Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  13. Sounds like it was a fun week at your home last week Melissa. All of your projects are lovely and I am enjoying seeing your progress. Did you get any bee swarms? Is this week allowing you plenty of stitching time? Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday.

    1. I had a good week and was able to get a few things done which was nice. We put out 3 bee boxes. Hubby saw some bees looking over one of the boxes today, but have yet to get a swarm . For the last 2 years , we have caught swarms though. We believe there is a large beehive somewhere in the woods nearby that they swarm from. . They are fascinating, that is for sure. Oh yes, enjoying plenty of stitching time this week too. I hope you are as well. Thank you for the sweet visit. Have a fabulous weekend. Hugs.

  14. Thank you for supporting the bees, hope you were successful in providing a home for a new swarm. Hard to believe another week is almost gone. Hopefully you got in lots of stitching time this week.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kate. It was a great week on the stitching and quilting front. And the bees have been so fascinating to watch. We have 3 bee traps out. Hopefully we will catch a swarm to tend to. I hope you have a very lovely week. Happy quilting.

  15. Love the new cross-stitch you are working on, and your hand quilting is just amazing! Thanks for joining in with Monday This and That! xx

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear Joy. I have enjoyed every stitch in that I have put into the quilt. I am looking forward to having it completed. I hope you are having a great day. Happy quilting.

  16. Thanks so much for linking up with Monday Musings! I'm making my rounds after returning from the Coast! Those bees are fascinating. We had a hive build on the eave of our house we used to live in. A bee keeper came and got it down for us! I'm loving the patriotic cross stitch and the quilt is great!

    1. Happy Monday, Brenda. How exciting that you were able to spend some time on the coast. I hope you had loads of fun. I agree the bees are fascinating to watch. I am so glad that you was able to find someone to take your swarm and tend to them. Have a wonderful week, my friend. Hugs.


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