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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Little Bits "Treats" - A Halloween Freebie

 Good morning,  sweet friends. Come on in and grab ya  a plate and a fall mug! 

I have apple cider or of course there is good ole' iced sweet tea.  I have been doing a little baking. So how about some Hot Apple dip? It is yuuummy!

 I have been hankering to try this recipe out for some time, and today was the perfect day.  Here is the recipe just in case you might want to try it. I am thinking maybe a sweet treat for the upcoming holidays. 


Makes 2 cups or 16 servings. 


1 8 oz. block of cream cheese softened

2 Tablespoons of brown sugar

1/2 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice

1 apple chopped and divided

1/4 cup of shredded cheddar cheese 

1 T of finely chopped pecans

wheat thin crackers or you favorite snack crackers


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Mix cream cheese, sugar and spice until well blended. Stir in half of the apples. Spread into pie plate or small casserole dish. Top with remaining apples,  cheddar cheese and nuts. Bake for 10 -12 minutes or until heated thoroughly. Serve with crackers. 

Now , you know anything with cream cheese and brown sugar has to be delicious! Lol. 

Yesterday I shared with you a Little Bits freebie called "Tricks" .

If you missed Tricks , click here and you can visit that post.   

Well today is "Treats" . "Treats" has 2 of the sweetest younguns dressed up in their favorite Halloween costumes.  

Treats is the same size as Tricks measuring 40 x 40. I stitched mine on 14 count coffee/tea dyed aida .  

If you would like to stitch this little designs, please check out the pdfs below and my little disclaimer. 

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs. 

Click here for the instruction page. 

Click here for the colored chart.    

Click here for the black and white chart. 

Now before you leave. Do tell . What was one of your favorite Halloween costumes as a child?


 Living on the farm, I did not get to go trick or treating often, and if we did go, it was a quick trip. Any whoo,   I remember I dressed as Fred Flintstone  in a plastic mask one year and  another year I dressed as  Criss the Catman of Kiss . Lol what was up with me dressing up like guys? 🤷No explanation there because I am quite girly. 💋💖Lol. Maybe I  was just getting  the cheapest costume. 😂😆. 

Hmmm -now I am puzzled, and I better make a call to  mom to see why I dressed as boys for Halloween as a kid. Lol.😂🎃 Thank you for stopping by checking out my "Treats" design. I hope you got to reminisce a bit about your childhood Halloween costumes as well. Sending you lots of hugs and wishing a you the most awesome day. You know why? - Because YOU are AWESOME!!! . As always...

Happy stitching, ya'll


There is still a child in every one of us who is a trick or treater looking for a brightly lit front porch. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!

Dedicated to my sweet Baby Sis, Amy. I miss you. ❤❤❤

I am loving my apple pieces gifted to me by Shelly and my dear sis, Amy. They make me smile each time I pass the counter. 


  1. It looks as if you are getting ready for Halloween. Hot Apple Pie Dip does sound delicious. Cute little stitchery you have designed and embroidered. We don't really do Halloween here in Australia.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Kim. The dip was pretty good and wet my appetite for more apple goodies. lol. Halloween is big here. Lots of decorations and it is so much fun to watch the kids and the adults dress up. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the spring weather there.

  2. Love your apple display, Melisa! Your Treats piece is adorable. I remember a couple years, I wore my dance recital costumes. I think my favorite was a bag of peanut M&Ms that I made when I worked at the fabric store. I had to work Halloween afternoon/evening plus it was an easy costume to make with the fabrics on hand.

    1. Oh my goodness, Robin . What a fabulous costume and I bet it was a lot of fun to make too. That just makes me smile. Of course I always had an affection for M& M 's especially peanuts. Lol. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  3. I grew up on a farm too and the only Halloween I remember is when I had a Snow White plastic mask and it was snowing, so my Dad drove us around the block where my Grandma lived and that was it~~ had to get back home before the roads got too much snow. ;) Love your stitcheries!!!

    1. Wow , Sandie! Snow on Halloween ! That would be a treat to itself if that happened here; of course we rarely get snow. Your Halloweens sounds exactly like mine minus the snow. Nanny lived about 2 miles down the road and we would go see her. We were lucky if we got to go into town or visit a neighbor. Still I always enjoyed dressing up. Have an awesome weekend and thank you so much for the sweet visit and the wonderful memory. You brought back fond memories for me. Hugs.

  4. Love your display, as always, you have a great eye! I lived in the country and our costumes were ghosts, hobos, scarecrows, anything that could cover up the winter coats and boots!! It usually snowed on Halloween and we walked the dirt roads with a wagon, because my little sisters would always be too tired to walk. Every house (all 3) would have a apple dunking , cinnamon sugar cookies and candy and my parents would have Hot Toddies (we thought it was just cider, but dad would always be happy happy on the way home, LOL!

    1. Oh, Mary. What a wonderful heart warming Halloween memory you shared. Your Halloweens sounds like a good old fashioned country Halloween.And it sounds like the 3 houses ya'll would visit really made the most of the holiday- how fun. and Lol the hot toddies. That made me laugh. Thank you so much, Mary. You always brighten my day. Hugs.

  5. Hot Apple pie dip sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe. Your designs are adorable 💕 thank you for your generosity. My sister and I dressed up with clothes from home for Halloween trick or treating...we went as a farmer, scarecrow, gypsy and softball player. The funniest costume was when I dressed up as a housewive ready for bed...long bathrobe, hair in those old pink foam rollers with a bandana around my head and cold cream on my face. 🤣 My Mom tried to think of new ideas each year. We did have some of those store bought costumes with the plastic masks, but the dress up ones were more fun!!

    1. You are so welcome, Christina and thank you for the sweet visit and for sharing the sweetest Halloween memory. I bet you and your sister had a ball dressing up each year especially since your mom was really into it as well. I think that is fabulous. Lol I can certainly picture the housewife costume. Lol I even remember dressing like that as a nightly routine as a teenager.-Hee hee. Those pink foam rollers . Aaah fond memories. Have a wonderful weekend, Christina. Hugs

  6. Oh, that recipe sounds amazing, Melisa (but something I need to stay away from as I can't gain a pound if I'm to fit into my dress for my nephew's wedding next week :) Love both Trick and Treats--the little shoes on the ghost are darling! Thank you and I hope you are having a wonderful week ♥

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Carol. Lol I know you will look fabulous for your nephew's wedding and how exciting. I wish him and his new bride all the best. Have a wonderful time with your family this upcoming week. Sending you hugs.

  7. Thanks so much for your beautiful charts, I am going to try and squeeze these in this weekend, adorable! I loved reading about your trick or treating memories too. In Scotland we call it Guising and you have to perform a little trick, song or a joke before you get your treats! I think I was usually dressed as a witch!

    1. Aah thank you so much for the sweet visit , Jenny and for leaving such a lovely comment and memory. I did not know that about Halloween in Scotland; those traditions sound like a lot of fun. I can just imagine the little ones telling jokes or breaking out into little songs. How cute. Oh a witch is always a great costume. I think that would be my go to costume now if I went with the grandbabies. Lol. Have a great weekend and I so hope you enjoy these little charts. Hugs.


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