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Monday, October 4, 2021

A Whole Lot of Fall Country Clutter- a Fall Hutch Tour

Good afternoon, my dear friends. Are you interested in a dose of fall country clutter? 🍂🍂🍂😆😀🍂🍂🍂  Oh, I hope so! 
 My hutch is crammed full of fall goodness. Now remember, I am no minimalist so every nook and cranny has a bit of pumpkin spice sprinkled on it. ( Please overlook any dust bunnies sprinkled amongst the fall goodness- Hey, I got stitching to do! - Just saying. Lol) 

 I started off with the plates- all the shelves have thrift store and Dollar Tree plates as a back drop. 
 Let's look at the top shelf. 

 In the corner is a Walmart wooden mason jar I purchased last year.  Next to it sitting in a little punch cup is Rosie's Pumpkins .

"Happy Fall, Ya'll" is a little print out displayed on a darling milk can gifted to me by my sweet friend , Sue. I just love it.  .

 The Pumpkin Patch sign is another Dollar Tree find form 2020 .Love the Dollar Tree- Speaking of Dollar Tree- Did you hear that not they are making changes and not everything is going to cost a dollar? Bummer.  😒😏

Oh well, back to the hutch tour.  In the corner of  the top shelf is an old Dollar General truck candle, and I just plopped a pumpkin in the back . 

From hubby's old scrap pile, I grabbed a piece of wood and painted a sign for Fresh Baked Pumpkins. Love those no cost crafts. Don't you? 

On the 2nd shelf, I left my vintage juicer in the corner. I changed out the bowl to an orange Dollar Tree bowl and tucked in a pumpkin pillow.  

This little pillow is called Little Quaker Pumpkin and is a freebie on the Stitchy Fish Designs blog in the September 12, 2016 post. It was a super fun stitch that I completed last year. 

  Tucked in a little white pitcher which was gifted to me by my sister is a  little pumpkin sampler. Is this Heart in Hand Designs? I can not remember. Lol.  

And of course center stage is my Dollar General truck and camper. I am always on the look out for anything truck or camper related. 

The bottom shelf is filled with mostly Dollar Tree items from last year. 

 However front and center is my Better Homes and Garden Pie dish that mom got me years ago for my birthday. I always display it for fall along with the Pumpkin Pie tin. 

 In the corner is some Dollar Tree signs stacked on thrifted plates. The little teeny red hurricane lanterns were gifts from my sister, Amy, two weeks before her passing. She gave me one and could not find the other. Later, her hubby brought me the 2nd one. They will always be treasured. 

 On top of my vintage scales is a gifted plate from my sister. It is filled with gingham Dollar Tree pumpkins and a free prim pumpkin stitch. 

 Another design that escapes my memory . If you know who it is by , please let me know. I would greatly appreciate it.  

Tucked under the scale is my Crow Creek Mini Quilt which I shared last year. 

Just click the name and you will find your way back to that post where you can find the doodles and how I made this little quilt. It matches with my Crow Creek Saltbox.

Well that is it in a pumpkin shell! Now all of this has to come down because today I am putting up Halloween! Cats, Jacks and witches brew. Oh my!  I hope you will pop back in when I do my Halloween Hutch tour and see what this witchy lady has been up too. 😀 Thank you so much for the sweet visit and as always...
Happy decorating, ya'll
You are the pumpkin to my Spice!
Hugs and Stitches !!!

Dedicated to my sweet baby sister. I miss talking about Fall decorating with you, Amy. Love ya !❤🍂



  1. Très jolie cette déco d'automne ,bravo !
    Belle journée

  2. This is so pretty! You have beautiful pieces. I love The Crow creek mini quilt 😍

  3. It's like walking into a store when I see your hutch all filled with the neatest things!! I had not heard about the $ Tree changing things, that's sad:(

  4. Aaaahhhh! I love fall and I know I will be coming back to this pretty post many times.

  5. Enjoying viewing your fall hutch, Melisa!

  6. That was a fun tour!!! I saw no dust bunnies, and would have thought it was a Halloween decoration anyway!!

  7. So much fun you make me smile. Where do you store everything?

  8. Your hutch looks so fall-wonderful! I can't wait to see your Halloween version. :)


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