Blog Archive

Monday, September 7, 2020

Who Let the Crows Out? - A Peek at my Autumn Foyer

 Welcome, dear friends. Please come on in and visit . My foyer is all decked out in country clutter and feathered friends. 

As you enter, you will be greeted by my fall chalkboard. This is a 16 x 20 fifty cent frame that I painted with chalkboard paint years ago. It is a joy to draw something new on it each month. And for fall, there is always a crow in the mix. 

 For the last 8 years or so, crows have been the foyer's theme. The chalkboard hangs just to the side of a little white thrifted shelf that is jam packed with country items. 

 I always begin by putting down a little quilt runner. This runner was made in a quilting class and was never completed and is still in top form, but it is still good to add a little color. 

The Crow Mt. Orchard box is from a small farm in a neighboring state . Peaches were packaged in the box. I made some little crows from scrap black fabric and nestled them among corn husks, gourds and pumpkins.

Most of the items have been handmade or collected over the years. If bought, they have came from the Dollar General, Dollar Tree or Goodwill. 
On the white shelf is a little drawer that is missing its bottom. I turned it on its side and use it as a little riser shelf. On the top of it is a scarecrow with acorns that I picked out of the yard. The crow in the burlap bag was bought at a neighboring farm.
This little cross stitch is my newest Save the Stitches piece that I found at the Goodwill for $.99. I was thrilled , and it even has  little crows on it. It is a good late summer / early fall piece and is perfectly framed.  I have it propped among the quilts for right now. As we get further in the season, I will put this piece away until next year. 

A second cross stitch piece is a Primitive Betty's freebie and can be found on her blog in the July 18, 2011 post. She has a lot of cute freebies there. Click here if you would like to see this freebie.   The framed wool applique pumpkin piece is one of my designs. I love it. 
The fall quilts have crows on them . They are all displayed on 3  various size shutters . I change them out for the season.

On the other side of the shutter is a year round tree. It is now decorated with sunflowers, little pumpkins, honeysuckle vine, gold bead garland and some black and white gingham ribbon. A large wooden crow sits on the top of it. 

The tree is nestled in an old rusty enamelware pot. Handmade pumpkins made out of clothing and a little crow sitting in a chair hang out below the tree. 

This little area is one of my favorite areas to decorate each season and makes me so happy when I see it as I come and go.  Lol on the outside door you can see the grandson's toy that he likes to play with. It is decor - right? 

Now all my doors whether inside or outside are decorated on both sides. Lol This door has a big old wreath with a hand crafted mason jar sign on it. I love this sign which was a gift from my daughter. 

This is the newest wreath to my collection . It is simply a burlap wreath. I got the truck mason jar sign at the Dollar Tree this year. 

This little door pocket is my favorite fall piece. I bought the tin pocket years ago at the Dollar General . I made 3 crows from scrap felt and created  a honeysuckle wreath to wrap around one's neck. Fall  floral picks, muscadine vine sticks, and metal picks fill out the back of the pocket.  A little raffia completes the piece. 

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day to see my little foyer,  and I hope you are ready for a great Autumn season! Hugs to you all! 


  1. Wow! If I visited your home, I don't think I'd get past the foyer, Melisa--so many darling things to see. Your new chalkboard scarecrow is so cute--it must be wonderful to be able to draw. Something I've always wanted to do, but I have absolutely no skill in that department. Think that's why stitching has always appealed to me--at least I FEEL like I'm artistic :) Hope you have a great day ♥

    1. Aah thank you so much, Carol. This was the 1st time that I have drawn a scarecrow by chalk. You are very talented , Carol; your creativity, skill and talent shines brightly in needle and thread. Thank you so much for adding me to your sidebar. I have already been contacted by other sweet stitchers who said they found me through you. That means the world to me. Hugs, Melisa

  2. P.S. Also just added your blog to my blog list on the sidebar at Stitching Dreams--hopefully you will get some much deserved traffic! :)

  3. Melisa!!!!!
    I simply adore this area....Even though our styles are a bit different, we do decorate alike in the amount of things we use and how we layer them....I am in awe of your chalk board art...I can barely get the writing on y chalkboards..Love your Tree..I do something very similar in the Kitchen but with a bit of Halloween and last year, I made all the ornaments myself. I will be setting it up in the next few days...I also hang wreaths on every one of our inside doors too!! I so enjoy your posts!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Debbie. I have a mixture of styles and really can not settle. It is fun to mix it up I guess. Lol. It was a fun chalkboard to draw and the first scarecrow I have done in chalk. It says "Happy Fall , ya'll" but using chunky chalk it gets a little blurred. I look forward to seeing your Fall decor. I am like you and love to create layers too. Have you seen Jean E.'s Home tours on YOutube. She has amazing displays of glassware and vintage items and layers too. I think you would enjoy her. Have an awesome week. Hugs, Melisa

    2. Melisa,
      NO, I nit familiar with Jean E but I will now be looking her up...Thanks for the tip....Stay safe, healthy and happy!

  4. Your foyer looks incredible, Melisa! I would just pull up a chair and stay there. Did you make your burlap wreath? Very cool!

    1. I wish you could come on over, Robin. I think we would have a ball. I bought that wreath at the Goodwill . It was only $1.00 so I had to get it. I have tried to limit myself on wreath buying because I have so many for every season. They are a challenge to store, but I love them so much. My doors are naked without a wreath, quilt of something . Lol. Hugs, Melisa

  5. I wish you could come on over, Robin. I think we would have a ball. I bought that wreath at the Goodwill . It was only $1.00 so I had to get it. I have tried to limit myself on wreath buying because I have so many for every season. They are a challenge to store, but I love them so much. My doors are naked without a wreath, quilt of something . Lol. Hugs, Melisa


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