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Sunday, January 31, 2021

A Bit of Productivity

  Well Happy Sunday to you. I hope your week is starting off well. Can you believe January is coming to an end? Last night I was looking through my stitching/ quilting journal  and evaluating my progress for the month. Have you ever thought about when you are the most productive?  I  think I did pretty good for the month; though I do have to admit, I  have  found that January usually is not my most productive month. I think my productivity is affected from coming off the highs of Christmas, the change of the decor and the winter season. To be honest, right now  I am more drawn to sitting quietly and quilting on larger projects and here and there pulling in a few cross stitch pieces.  My mind wanders to warmer weather and patriotic quilting and stitching. Oh how I look forward to the summer.  

This is my progress on Tree of Samplings "Beauty and Grace" . 
I started 15 new cross stitch projects this month . Ten of those were my own design.  I completed 12 of those cross stitches and fully finished 9 of those. 

This is Winter Blues by The Stitchy Kitty. 

Frosty Stamp was a freebie of mine that I designed and completed this month. 

Winter Salt Box was one of my favorite January stitches completed. 

By the middle of the month, I was focusing on Valentine stitching. 
Luv Ewe was also a January freebie  . I also created this little redwork pin pillow. 
Three redwork pilows were created and finished in January  including Luv Chicken and Luv Moo . and five redwork quilt blocks. 
I enjoyed my time in the Quilt Nest this month too . Seven  new doll quilts were started and three were completed .

I pieced this little green quilt though it is not quilted yet. 
Peppermint Twist a  2019 little quilt was completed and later the binding was added. 

I pieced and later finished Little Boy Blue Quilt. 

I also joined Angela of So Scrappy in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge and created the first five blocks in a row quilt. She is hosting the RSC 2021 challenge where she is providing tutorials on a quilt she is designing.  The Hashtag blocks are the first blocks. 

Vinney Valentine was  started and completed inspired by Angela's monthly color challenge. January's color was pink.  I can not wait to see what February's color is. 

It is time for a new quilt for the kitchen so fabrics were pulled and blocks were made. I hope to progress further this coming month.  

 This month I was committed to working on 3 UFOs too . And who got me inspired? Why it was Patty at Elm Street Quilts. She has a link party for One Monthly Goals, and after drooling over her blog in 2020, I decided to take on the challenge. So I set 3 small goals. Do you want to see what I did? 

 Goal 1 was to hand quilt 1 1/2 hoops on my Easter Quilt which I started in 2019.


I have about a third of the quilt completed. I will quilt on it tonight for Slow Sunday Stitching with Kathy. 

 I am quilting this quilt using the Baptist Fan pattern . It is such a joy to work on.  

Goal 2 was to add borders to the Cherry quilt that I started in 2018 .  I worked on this goal on Saturday- there is nothing like waiting to the last minute. This little quilt lingered in the Quilt Nest for sometime.  I added a simple border  with some pretty reproduction fabric. This little quilt reminds me of a vintage tablecloth. I can not wait to quilt it.   The little quilt behind it was purchased at the Goodwill for just $1.99. It has different little teapots and vintage lace and buttons on it. I knew I would put it out in February for Valentine's.  I am linking to Angela of So Scrappy for Scrap Happy Saturday . 

Goal 3 was to construct a minimum of 20 yo yos that I started in 2016.  I ended up constructing  exactly 20 yo yos in the turquoise colors. In February, I hope to add some more to my growing yo yo basket.  I think I will focus on one color at a time.


I already have some yo yos attached for the beginning of a new quilt.

I plan to construct a house tonight as I work on one of my own little designs. I started this little sampler last night. There are only a few colors in this piece which makes for a relaxing stitch.  As I stitch, I will also contemplate my February goals which I will soon post. 

Thank you so much for visiting and seeing the UFOs that I worked on for January. Every little stitch moves me forward to a finish. 

Happy stitching, ya'll




  1. Beautiful projects you are working on! Happy Stitching!

    1. Thank you so much, Karrin. I am so happy to have completed a few things for January and look forward to seeing what Feb. has in store. Hope you have a lovely week. Thank you for visiting.

  2. Gosh, so many lovely projects you are working on. I must say I love all your blue pretties. I am thinking you will never be bored.

    1. Lol I try to not get bored. I guess that is why I seem to hop from project to project, but I have fun and that is the most important thing. Thank you so much for the sweet comment, Kim and for taking the time to visit. You made me smile.

  3. Melisa, you had a wonderfully productive month of January. Between your stitching and your quilting projects, you should be proud of what you have accomplished. Well done!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. I feel like I was sort of dragging but once I started looking at it I realized I had done better than I thought. Thank you again , Robin. Hugs.

  4. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish! Love the hand quilting.

    1. I so appreciate you bringing quilters together and providing encouragement and motivation to get some things done, Patty. Have a wonderful February.

  5. My goodness, you have had a busy stitching month! And enjoyed every bit of it it seems.

    1. Lol you are so right, Jenny and I loved every minute of it. I am so grateful to have such a rewarding hobby. Thank you so much for visiting and taking the time to leave a sweet comment. Have a great week.


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