Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Feeling a Little Pink

Happy chilly Wednesday. I hope  you are doing well and are staying nice and toasty. I've been feeling a little pink which I think is a good thing. So I  wanted to pop in to share my quilting progress so far this week. 


I am so excited to  join Angela of So Scrappy who is having a link party and hosting the Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2021. This will be my 1st year to participate in the RSC.  This month's color is pink! Woo Hoo! . I love, love, love pink!.💗

Angela is  creating and posting a tutorials on a quilt called "Full Stop"  which is going to be all about punctuation marks.  The first row is composed of  5 pink "Hashtag blocks. " 

Her tutorial is located in her January 1, 2021 post. It was a fun block to construct and super easy using her instructions.

  The first row is complete,  and I am looking forward to the 2nd row. 


I have also finished quilting my pink snowman. He quilted up in a few hours. Binding needs to be added, and then he will be ready for display. Isn't he pinkalicious! 


Hope you are working on something fun. Now off to plan my next pink project.  

Happy quilting, ya'll and have a perfectly pink day!


I am so grateful that you take the time to visit me and always enjoy hearing from you. Wishing you many blessings. 


  1. I’m tickled pink so to speak over your post. Amazingly my key board is also in shades of pink, lol. How’d you do that?

    Nice progress with your quilting. Thanks for bringing sunshine to this earth. Happy New Year!

    1. AAh you are just the sweetest and what a delightful compliment and comment. You made me smile right off. Lol I do love pink. I hope you are having a fabulous new year. Wishing you many blessings.

  2. Oui Melisa, je travaille sur un projet très amusant : je brode vos jolis dessins de Noël à la ferme !
    Et je vous remercie d'être si généreuse avec vos créations.
    Je vous souhaite une heureuse année 2021!

    Muriel la Française

    (Sorry for speaking french, I'm not confident with my english language)

    1. Oh yah! Thank you so much for stitching those little designs. I enjoyed creating and stitching them. I so hope you enjoy them as much as I did. Have a blessed week. Hugs, Melisa

  3. While I am not a pink lover, your pink snowman is adorable. Your hashtag blocks look fabulous. Well done, Melisa!

    1. Lol thank you so much, Robin. He is a little weird but makes me smile. Those hashtag blocks were so much fun. I want to make more. Hugs, Melisa

  4. You have such a nice, cheerful blog! I found you on IG from another stitcher. Your little freebies are adorable and I look forward to stitching them in the near future!

    1. Aaah thank you so much,that really means a lot to me. I am fairly new to blogging and to IG and it has been such a joy and learning experience. I have met so many wonderful stitchers. I am so grateful that you came to visit me on my blog and on IG .Such sweetness keeps me motivated during these times. Have a lovely week.

  5. Melisa, I’m a newish reader of your blog and it’s always an uplifting visit. Thank you

    1. You are the sweetest Maureen; your kind words brings me so much joy and I appreciate you so much. Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment. It really brightened my day.

  6. So glad that you are joining in to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this year. Your Hashtag blocks look great!

    1. Thank you so much, Angela. I just love your blog and you have really got me motivated. Your Hashtag block tutorial was the fabulous.

  7. Melisa,
    This is absolutely adorable!! Love the snow man in pink!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. AAh thank you so much, Debbie. He came to me in a dream and I just had to have him lol. He makes me smile. I hope you have a beautiful week. Hugs.

  8. What a fun and happy quilt you're creating, Melisa! Maybe a Valentine's Day finish? Enjoy your week--happy crafting ♥

    1. Thank you so much, Carol. I think he will be completed by Valentines . He is bringing me a lot of joy to work on . I hope you are doing well and getting a lot of stitching done. Hugs

  9. Full stop looks great. What a fun pink snowman! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Thank you so much, Angela for stopping in and for the sweetest comment. I had so much fun working on both of these pieces. The hashtag blocks were super easy and fun. I hope you have a blessed week. Hugs

  11. Aah thank you, Susan. I just had to have a pink snowman. Don't ask me why? Lol.


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