Blog Archive

Monday, February 1, 2021

Can I Get it Done?

 Happy Monday and Happy February!!!. I am just popping in with a quick little post. I am linking up  to Patty's link party at Elm Street Quilts - One Monthly Goal challenge. Yesterday I posted my completed goals for January. Woo Hoo. I completed three goals. This month I have 2 small goals on my list. 

Goal #1  Hand quilt this small quilt. I pieced this in January, but I want it completed and ready to display for March for St Patty's Day. 

Goal # 2 Make 20 more yo yos for my yo yo quilt. I  will probably do as I did last month and choose one color to focus on. 


Now as far as this week , I plan to continue working on my chicken applique blocks. I have a few blocks started, but I do need to add a wing and and a button eye to each chicken. I have four more chickens to cut out and applique; then I will be ready to start piecing the quilt together.  This is another small quilt. 


I am joining these ladies in their wonderful link parties. I hope you hop over and check out their lovely quilts and discover new blogs. 

Beth at Love Laugh Quilt for Monday Making
Judy at  Small Quilts and Doll Quilts  for Design Wall Monday

Thank you ladies for hosting these wonderful link parties. 

Wish me luck and thank you for checking out my quilting goals for the month. 

Happy quilting, 



  1. Good luck with all your goals this month.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Marly. I hope I can get them done with all that is going on. I so appreciate your kind words and visit .Have a blessed week.

  2. Melisa, I have no doubt that you will be successful in meeting your quilting goals. Those chickens are adorable and your little green quilt top is precious. Look forward to seeing more yo-yos at the end of the month. Happy February!

    1. Thank you so much , Robin. I had been stalled on my yo you quilt so just doing a few each month will nudge me slowly toward a finish. Happy February.

  3. Oh, a yo-yo quilt in the works--what fun, Melisa! Hope you can meet your February goals ♥

    1. Aah thank you so much, Carol. I have always wanted a yo you quilt and started this one a few years ago. At first I was doing pretty good on it, but then stalled out. This monthly challenge will hopefully motivate me. Happy February.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. Fingers crossed that I will have them completed. I hope you get all that you planned completed as well. Thank you again for your sweet visit and comment. You made this gal smile

  5. Your fingers will be flying in February! Best of luck!

    1. Oh let's hope so. I sure do wish to have nimble fingers.Lol. Thank you so much for visiting me and leaving a kind comment. Happy quilting.

  6. Replies
    1. I have been wanting a new quilt for my kitchen for so long . I hope to get this quilt at least soon. It sure will make me happy to complete it. Thank you so much , Mary for your kind comment. Happy quilting.

  7. These are fun projects to be working on! Cute chickens. <3 And you're making a yo-yo coverlet!! One of these has been on my bucket list for many years, but I always seem so full of hand applique that I haven't started one. Your yo-yo's look great.


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