Blog Archive

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Porch Stitching and Daisy Trifle- A Wee Spring Freebie

Bright and Beautiful Sunny and snappy! The color yellow makes me happy!

Good Saturday morning, Sunshine. Please do come in. May I offer you a cup of coffee? It is piping hot . Or would you prefer iced sweet tea? There is a fresh batch in the fridge waiting for your sipping pleasure.

How about we head out to the porch and chat for a spell? Do bring the project you are working on? I would love to see it. ❤👀❤

This has been a wonderful week in the sewing room. I was able to piece 5 scrappy Around the Garden blocks.

Of course these are in the color "yellow" the Rainbow Scrap Challenge color of the month.

Now I need to add the applique. Sweet little flowers will be added to the center of the blocks.

Would you like to help me sort through this basket of scraps for applique pieces? I certainly could use your help.

A basket of scraps waiting to be sorted. 

I will add these to the previous blocks that I have stitched.

May I offer you a cookie? I am sorry that they are not homemade, but they are yummy just the same.

Speaking of cookies, can I interest you in a trifle/ cookie? I promise you there are no calories. 😀

It has a been a spell since I have stitched a trifle so the other day, I pulled out needle and threads and worked on this wee quick stitch. Doesn't it remind you of a sugar cookie? Over the years, I have stitched a few of these and tucked them here and there in displays . They can be used as ornaments or scissors fobs. My newest trifle is called "Daisy Basket".
All of my trifles are very small around 1 3/8 inches or so if stitched on 14 count Aida.


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 

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If you are interested in how I finished my trifle just click on  FINISHING A TRIFLE to find my humble instructions in a previous post. 

If you missed any of the previous trifles, click on the names to go to the post with the charts. They are  Love Trifle ,   St. Patty's Day Trifle ,   Sheep Trifle ,   Bunny Trifle ,     Strawberry  Picker  , May Basket ,  Love Bird Trifle ,    Nesting Bluebird   ,Bunny Trifle , Carrot Trifle , Patriotic Ewe Trifle Chicken & Watermelon Trifle , Bee Skep Trifle ,  Little Jack Trifle  , Bunny & Tulip Trifle , Sweeping Snowman Trifle Gingerbread Man Trifle

Well, Sweeties I do believe I have chatted long enough. I guess we both should get to work on our projects. Shouldn't we? Thank you for joining me on the porch today; it has been such a pleasure.

May your day be filled with many blessings, happiness and a whole lot of stitches.

 As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"we rise by lifting others.   " - Unknown

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy.  Love and miss you, Amo. 

 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Angela of  So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday

Joy at Days Filled with Joy for Home Matters


  1. I can be such a ditz!!!! I'd seen your trifles aka sugar cookies but hadn't paid attention to them Big DUH!! Now I want to make some if not all of them teehee. They are so stinkin' cute!!! It's the "finishing" that intimidates me. Need to stitch a couple before I fret about the finishing. LOL
    Please refresh my feeble mind - what color is your fabric before you dye it?? I think I'd like to try it.
    I love that you 'stitch everyday'. I need to start doing the same thing. I did make another small quilt this week. I have two more cut and ready to start sewing tomorrow. I have a nice pile of little quilts - I probably should start quilting them LOL Last week I told you that I had an epiphany regarding my quilting, stitching, etc. I have been preparing some projects, but I just had a huge thought. I need to make a daily list. Maybe that will keep me from spinning my wheels. Good night, Mz Melisa Happy stitches to you. Big Hugs, DarleneJ

    1. I really like stitching the trifles because they are teeny and quick stitches. I have a little tree that I normally store them on when not on display. I hope you do make a few for yourself, dear Darlene. I just buy white Aida or whatever I find at thrift stores and then coffee/ tea dye it. I have been using a lot more coffee on the aida here recently to try to darken it more. I hope you had a super day in the quilt room . I need to work on some more little quilts myself. I cut some fabric yesterday and worked on some handwork. No time at the sewing machine though. Have a fabulous Sunday, sweet Darlene. Big hugs from the holler.

  2. Your "Around the Garden" blocks are so pretty in those buttery yellows, Melisa!! Nice work on these for your March RSC;)))
    The Trifles are so adorable--they make me wish I could cross stitch!!
    I am now echo quilting around my (your lovely pattern) 2nd Strawberry --no porch sitting here as yet--way too cold still--only 32 this morning--seems strange to go into Daylight Savings Time when it's so chilly out there. I am so looking forward to doing some of my own porch sitting... hopefully soon....
    hugs for a great weekend Julierose

    1. I hope you had a lovely time working on your strawberry quilt, Julierose. I cannot wait to see it. I know you are anxious to be able to sit on the porch and stitch the day away. Hopefully, warmer weather will head your way very soon. It was nice here yesterday, I kept the door open. The nights are still nippy though. Have a great weekend. Warm hugs.

  3. What a bright and cheery post - love your yellows. Your porch view is so pretty, and I love the quilt on the swing!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Linda. I bought the quilt top a couple of years ago at the thrift store. I have the perfect fabric to add a border to it and then I am going to quilt it. It is certainly a bright one isn't it? Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  4. Your yellow blocks are so pretty, Melisa. Thank you for the new trifle. Happy Saturday! I'm heading to my Mom's for lunch out and some stitching.

    1. That sounds like a delightful day, Robin. I hope you had a wonderful visit with your dear Mom and was able to get in a lot of stitching. Thank you so much on my yellow blocks. I have been working away on the Applique. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  5. Thanks for the nice invitationgreat week-end,
    Gabi having coffee, cookies and a needle on your porch. I enjoyed it very. LOL! The yellow blocks are beautiful and the little trifles are cute. Like them.
    Have a

    1. Aaaw and I am so grateful that you joined me dear Gabi. It is always so much fun to have a friend to stitch with. Thank you for the sweet visit . Have a beautiful day. Hugs.

  6. Hope you had a sunny and windless day for your porch stitching. You've finished some very fun trifles, that wee pumpkin one caught my eye. Happy stitching this weekend.

    1. Thankfully the wind was not too bad today. Earlier this week the wind was horrible. Our electricity went out for a few hours and all of the patio furniture was blown. I am ready for calmer weather that is for sure. The little pumpkin trifle is one of my favorites too. Thank you for the sweet visit, Kate. Hugs.

  7. Your trifles are really cute - here are a few more than a baker's dozen of sugar cookies for sure! Loving your quilt - it's going to be gorgeous! Blessings!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Donna. My trifles are slowly growing. I love seeing them all together on a plate. They are quick stitches and finishes- they make me feel like I accomplished something. LOL. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  8. Your sunny porch is so inviting, Melisa! Your yellow RSC blocks are very cute and I love the little trifles. Thanks for sharing your Saturday morning with us. Wish I could sit on that porch with you and chat away. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

    1. Aaah thank you, Brenda. It was a beautiful day to sit out on the porch and stitch away. I have my fingers crossed that tomorrow will be the same. We are expecting rain early this upcoming week though. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  9. I am so jealous of your porch and the swing with the happy quilt and colors! I’m going to try to make a porch area with my picnic table this year.

    1. Oh that would be wonderful, Penny. I bet you can make it real cozy and a perfect place to sit and enjoy your coffee or tea and relax. I miss having a picnic table. I may have to put that on my wish list. We used to have one at my other home . I spent many hours sitting at the table , enjoying the day. Have a blessed day and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  10. Cookies and coffee are a favorite treat at our house, too, Melisa! Your sunny yellow quilt blocks are so fun, and I love the little trifle design, too. I'm still stitching on the Winter SAL, but a Spring-y basket of flowers would be a nice change of pace. I'll have to give that one a try!

    1. I am having a ball working on the yellow blocks. I was able to get my appliques cut out today and I am appliqueing them now. I am so touched that you will be adding the spring trifle, Diann. I hope you enjoy every stitch. I look forward to seeing how you finish it. Warm hugs.

  11. I love your display of trifles! Cookies are a treat at our house too! We will often have a couple cookies in the evening. For many years, we had a patio swing--only because we don't have a porch! I enjoyed a cuppa while I watched the sun rise and the view of the garden. Can you see Edna from your swing?--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. We always try to keep some sort of treat here in the house. The grandsons love cookies and of course pies. When the weather is nice we spend many hours outside on the porch or patios. Unfortunately, we cannot see Edna from our house- my view from the house is trees, trees, and more trees. LOL. I wish I could see her and the cows though. I hope you are having a great weekend, Terry. Thank you for dropping by. Hugs.

  12. The color yellow makes me happy too!
    A fabulous selection of works!!

    1. It is one of my favorite colors. Thank you so much, dear Isabel for the sweet Saturday visit. I wish you a wonderful day. Hugs.

  13. I'd love to join you on your sunny porch, stitching away, chatting, and enjoying morning tea!

    1. Aaaw I am so happy that you joined me, dear Jenny. It was a beautiful day to be outside stitching. I am looking forward to more days like this. Thank you for the sweet visit. Have a blessed day. Hugs

  14. Cute little yellow poem! The porch swing looks so inviting. I can't imagine a better partner to spend stitching and visiting with. Love me some sweet tea. Your yellow blocks are wonderful! The newest Daisy Trifle is a great addition to the collection. The picture of them all on the plate looks like a plate of beautifully decorated cookies!

    1. One glass of sweet iced tea coming up! It was such a wonderful day to be out on the porch stitching, Ginny. I even kept the door open for fresh air. I think we will have another beautiful day and then rain sets in on Monday or Tuesday. So I guess we better get our porch stitching in right now. LOL. Thank you so much for the kind compliment on my cookies. I had a ball making them. Warm hugs from the holler.

  15. Happy women's day to all :}

    1. I did not know it was women's day. I hope you had a wonderful day and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  16. Seems my original message was not accepted. ? I am absolutely in LOVE with your new Yellow Quilt. Now I have to see if I have enough yellows to make myself a new Quilt. Copycat that I am. Your farm visit was so exciting and sweet. Love seeing your farm and the wonderful animals that inhabit your life. Edna is a perfect foe watching over the girls!! I can't wait to see your Honey Harvest this year!!! Sending your warm hugs from sunny Arizona.

    1. Oh I do hope you have enough yellows to start a new quilt, Mary. It is always exciting to hear of a new project in the works. I have been appliqueing these blocks today. Sometimes Edna is elusive. LOL. She is a hoot though. Maybe the next time I take photos she will be more friendly. I hope you are having a great weekend. Is it getting hot in your neck of the woods yet? Thank you for the sweet visit, Mary and Warm hugs from the holler

  17. Oh those little flowers in the middle of your blocks are oh so sweet!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Kathy. I am hoping to have different flowers for each color in the RSC. We shall see what I can come up with. I am happy that I have been able to keep up so far. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  18. I just love seeing and reading all of your postings…..I LOVE how you take material and turn it into treasures….you certainly have a God given talent there….and the pictures of your animals and quilts bring so much joy to me….and I’m sure others….thank you so much for your unwavering time and talent!

    1. Aaah I cannot tell you how much your heart warming compliment means to me and right when I needed it. You truly made my day. Quilting and stitching has brought me so much comfort and joy over the years. It just warms my heart to hear that my humble blog brings a bit of joy to you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear. Warm hugs and many blessings.

    2. Your yellow blocks are so sunny and the applique flowers in the center are going to make a beautiful quilt.

  19. Loving that the RSC color for March is Yellow! It is a color I've long been stashing to work more with. I don't know if I'll do any RSC work with it but I have a kit I've been eyeing that I think needs to get started in honor of that being the color of the month. Your "Trifles" are so, so cute! I have a Lizzie Late "Spring" piece that needs fully finishing and I think I'm going to stitch up your Daisy Basket to display with it. I've bookmarked this page and the fnishing instructions for future pick ups. Thank you so much for sharing!!

    1. Oh how fun, Vivian. I hope you have gotten a good start on the kit. Sometimes a piece just speaks to you and you know when to begin it. I was excited when yellow was announced as this month's color. It is one of my favorites. I do hope you enjoy the little trifle. It warms my heart that you will be adding it to your stitch list. Hugs and blessings.

  20. The trifles are absolutely adorable, Melisa. I've said this before but I'm going to say it again...your designs (embroidery and cross stitch) are wonderful. You are so generous to offer them to your readers/followers at no charge. However, I believe you would have great success as a designer that sells. (just sayin')

    1. Aaw shucks, Jeanna. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You really uplifted me; I cannot tell you how much this compliment means to me. It brings me a lot of joy to share my little humble designs. This is just a wonderful community isn't it? I feel blessed to be a small part of it. Warm hugs.

  21. Your posts always make me smile Melisa. I am looking even though I have not commented in a while. I need to stitch up some of those pretty trifles.

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Arlene. It really means the world to me that you check in to see what I am up to. I am so honored that you may add some of the trifles to your stitching. They stitch up quickly. Have a blessed day and thank you again for making my day. Hugs.


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