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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sunny Sunday Stitching

 Sunny Sunday Salutations! Welcome ! I have my party shoes on!  Today we are celebrating my daughters' birthdays . 


The youngest is not home, but we will have a cake for her, and she will Face Time us during the celebration. The oldest has requested Mom's banana pudding for her birthday and Mr. Pinker's goulash.  

After the party, I  plan to work on my "Little Girls" quilt blocks. 

It has been a spell since I have worked on these embroidered blocks actually since October 2023. These blocks are in memory of my sister. Sometimes the embroidered little girl has long hair sometimes short- sometimes brown hair sometimes blonde. Just like my sis- always changing hair styles.🤗❤💗

  Each block has "words to live by". I may change the name of the quilt later. 



Kathleen Tracy at A Sentimental Quilter is hosting  a Civil War Mini Sew Along.  This is available for free for a short time.  The 3rd step will be on her website on Friday. 
She posted the Introduction in her  Feb. 27, 2025 post. 
Information about Block 1 was posted  in her Feb. 28, 2025 post. 
Information about Blocks 2 was posted in her March 7, 2025 post. 
Information for Block 3 was posted in her March 15, 2025 post.

Now onto the plans for the week. 

Did I Get'r Done...Well Last Week's Goals were..  
Work on Flaming Butterflies quilt- I spent most of the week working on this quilt. - My 15 minute a day project. 
🌞2.Work on potato chip blocks
🌞3Work on Photo albums. Still working on 2015 photos. 
🌞4.Continue quilting my bow tie quilt
🌞5.Work on piecing more Mr. Snow blocks.   
🌞6. Finish Signs of Spring House. 
🌞7. Work on Around the Garden Blocks. 
🌞8.Work on Blackbird Designs "Winter Sampler"

Hmm.... What Should I do This Week? 
🌞1. Work on Flaming Butterflies quilt
🌞2.Work on potato chip blocks
🌞3. Finish Little Girls block 
🌞4.Continue quilting my bow tie quilt
🌞5.Work on piecing more Mr. Snow blocks.   
🌞6. Begin new cross stitch. 

Well, Sweeties, the kiddos will be here soon. So I better blow up the balloons and put up the streamers.  It is going to be a root tootin day!  I hope your day is just as delightful. 🤗

As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"If you want to be somebody, you got to rock the bow tie. " - unknown.

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That Monday

Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday 
Time to change out the buffet quilt. 


  1. where have you been Miss Melisa? i was getting ready to send out a search party. i have missed you so very much. i love your daily blog posts. i hope everything is a-okay with you. happy birthday to your darling daughters. a big hullabaloo will be starting very soon. have an awesome time celebrating. i am sure the cake, banana pudding (one of my favorite's - less the vanilla wafers please) and Mr. Pinker's goulash are going to be wonderful. blessings and love are on the way to you.
    Debra Broyles

    1. Aaaw shucks. It sure is nice to be missed sweet Debra. LOL that search party would have found me piddling about in the yard this past week. I was plumb tuckered out by the evenings. Hee! Hee! But I did get the patios cleaned and now am ready to work on the gardens. We had a fabulous birthday celebration for the girls and the banana pudding was yummy! Mom makes it the old fashion way. Yum! Yum! Thank you for making my day, dear Debra. Have a fabulous day. Warm hugs and love. 😘🤗

  2. Happy, Happy to your daughter, Melisa. Have a wonderful party! Hope you have a little time to sneak in some lovely stitching.

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Kim. The girls had a great day and we had a wonderful celebration with lots of yummy food. I even was able to sneak in some stitching time and quilted a bit afterwards. Have a wonderful week and Happy quilting. Hugs.

  3. Little girl Blocks are adorable, Melisa--what a lovely idea !! You have a great list of projects coming up for this week...I plan to clean my machine after winding 20 bobbins this afternoon and all the quilting this past week. I am so enjoying quilting your Strawberries...
    Hugs, Julierose

    1. Happy Sunday, Julierose. I hope you had a great weekend. What a great idea on getting the bobbins prepared. I do need to do that. I always seem to run out of bobbin thread right when I am almost finished with a block. LOL. I can not wait to see your strawberries quilt. I hope you are enjoying every stitch. Hugs and Blessings.

  4. Happy Birthday to your girls, Melisa! Hope you had a fun day! Those little girls blocks that you're embroidering are adorable. They're such a sweet tribute to your sister, and the words are so meaningful. Have a great week!

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Diann. They had a great day; it is hard to believe my girls are grown and gone. They are still my babies though. LOL. I am enjoying every stitch on the Little Girls blocks. I have already started dreaming of the next one. Have a great day. Hugs.

  5. Did you have only the 2 girls or are there more kiddos? Wish them a Happy B'Day. I got to have a daughter much later in life. Raised the 2 boys when I was younger and with the energy they required, it was probably a good thing. Haha Your little girl stitches are just precious. Your design? The red & white "Fives" quilt is lovely with your milk glass pieces and all the other pretty pieces above. You are so good at juggling so many projects and keeping them all moving forward. Good on you!

    1. Hi, Ginny. I hope you had a great weekend. Yep, I was blessed with only 2 girls though I wish I had more children. Now that I have the grandsons and nephews, I know what you mean on needing energy to raise the boys. LOL. They are always at full speed , but come to think of it my girls were too. Oh yes, the Little Girls embroideries are my designs. I am drawing them as I come to each block. I look for little sayings and then draw them based on what my sis- would have done. I am enjoying this project. I wish you a wonderful week. Has it been warm enough to start prepping the garden yet?

  6. Hola bella Melisa muchas felicidades para tu hija. Deseo lo hayan pasado muy feliz en familia. Besos y abrazos de tu amiga

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, sweet Dianet. The girls had a wonderful birthday. The family was able to come out and we had great food as well. I hope you are doing well. I bet you have been stitching away. It has been a spell since I have been on Instagram. I hope to get on it soon and see what pretties you have been working on. Warm hugs.

  7. Awww…what a sweet way to celebrate birthdays – both long distance and in person!
    I love how you are sweetly remembering your sister…good-byes are hard. Your blocks are precious! May I ask where you found the patterns? Your read and white buffet quilt is so pretty!

    1. Aah thank you so much. The girls had a fabulous day even though one was not able to be here in person. Afterwards, I was able to work a little more on my embroidery. I am so touched that you asked about them. These are little designs that I am drawing. I am sorta drawing them as I come to them. I may post them after I finish all of the blocks. I am not sure how many there will be yet. I wish you a wonderful week . Warm hugs.

  8. Happy, happy birthday to your girls!!! I know they had a lovely day. I double checked my pile of mail and then walked out to look in the mailbox - nope no invitation to the party was found. Big sigh - I forgive you, but I'll be there next year. LOL Darlene J

    1. What ? No invitation? Darn that mailman. Hee! Hee! Well the rule is you have an open invitation to all parties! Hee ! Hee! Just bring your party shoes. Everybody always jokes around here that we look for any reason to celebrate and have "get togethers." LOL . Thank you for the sweet birthday wishes for the girls. Hugs.

  9. A marvel of designs and a beautiful tribute to your beloved sister.
    I would call it "Amy's Quilt!"
    Hugs from Spain

    1. Aah that would be perfect, Isabel. Each time I work on a block I go back to when she was a child and the things that she would do. I miss her so . Thank you , sweet friend. Warm hugs.

  10. The party sounds fun, I'm always interested in goulash and banana pudding! I took a peek at the Civil War SAL but way too tiny pieces for my old hands! Love the embroidered blocks for your sis and how you are making them to reflect her changing hairstyles. :)

    1. I got a kick out of what my oldest wanted to eat. The combination is a bit odd, but all was good. It felt a little weird for her not to have a cake though, but she was perfectly happy. Oh yes, the pieces are teeny in the SAL. My blocks are not perfect but they will do. LOL. Thank you for the sweet visit, Linda. Hugs.

  11. Hope everyone had a wonderful birthday and a fun party. Your Little Girl blocks are really sweet. Good luck with your to do list for the week.

    1. Oh we did, Kate. I just wish the youngest could have been home. Of course you know what is like having your youngin live a ways off. Thank you for the sweet visit . Hugs and blessings.

  12. Happy Birthday - have a great celebration! Always fun.
    My to-do list includes working on a jelly roll "race" quilt - you should see me trying to work on that in the RV - LOL! Also working on the last stamp of Winter Stamp and then the header. Both are slow going since we're going to be here until August - and I'll be in-between visits and sleepovers with family. Blessings!

    1. Oh how fun, Donna! Is the jelly roll race quilt like the one Jenny Doan showed in her video? I had to go look it up. You have to get creative when quilting in a RV don't you? I took along my sewing machine in the truck camper. I did not pull it out to sew until hubby was away. My cutting board was on the stove. LOL. It is so exciting to hear that you will be able to visit with the family for a few months. Is all going well with the camp host position? I know you were worried a bit if it would still be available. Have a blessed and beautiful week. Hugs.

  13. I hope you all had a fun celebration. The embroidered blocks are so sweet, great tribute to Amy. You have a nice list of things to do for this will do it!

    1. Oh we did have a great time, Jeanna. It would have been better if the youngest could have been home , but maybe next year. Thank you so much on my embroidered blocks. They are bringing back lots of fond memories as I work on them. Hugs and blessings.

  14. I hope you had a wonderful time celebrating your dear daughters even though one was far away, Melisa. Remote celebrations are still fun! We had to do that for my husband's retirement party in 2020 due to Covid. The kids all zoomed in from their various locations to honor him :) Not quite the same, but better than nothing. Your little girl designs are so sweet! Hope you have a wonderful week ahead ♥

    1. Oh thank you so much, Carol. We had a grand time with lots of good food and family fun. I hope that my youngest will be home very soon for a visit. It is hard when one lives so far away, but thankfully we can Face Time. Have a wonderful week and thank you again for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  15. Your embroidery blocks remind me of the Dick & Jane reader books. <3 Thanks for sharing in Sew & Tell.

    1. Aaah that is so sweet, Melva. I always loved the Dick and Jane readers. You brought a smile to my day. Thank you so much for the kind compliment and sweet visit. I wish you a lovely week in the sewing room. Warm hugs.

  16. Happy birthday to the girls ;)) Sorry, I'm a bit late, but hey, a birthday is a celebration for a full year! Love your sweet little embroidered ladies, fabulous tribute to your sister! Thank you so much for sharing Melisa!


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