Blog Archive

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Four Down and a Spring Doodle Freebie

Two more Mr. Snow blocks are completed. These are Block 4 Waiting for Snow and Snow Mitten which I shared last year. 

In the February 27, 2025 post, entitled Piecing Snowmen I gave a tutorial with measurements on how I am completing each block. 

4 blocks sashed! 8 more to go. Mr. Snow is moving on. 

I have had an itch to start a new embroidery project. Sooooo, the other day, I put pen to paper and drew up a simple little jar called Spring Jar.   I  have a wee start on it and will continue on this project today. 

A Little Doodle Just for You. 🤗

My doodles are hand drawn and never perfect

UPDATE: MARCH 19, 2025-  I posted the finishing tutorial in the March 20, 2025 post entitled Piecing the Spring Jar Quilt

Have a super day and ...

 As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"Create your own sunshine.  " - unknown.

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy.  Love and miss you, Amo. 

Jennifer at Inquiring Quilter for Wednesday  Wait Loss- Wednesday

Denise at For the Love of Geese for Put Your Foot Down- Thursday

Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday- Thursday

Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday

Alycia's of Alycia's Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant - Friday


  1. Good Evening/Good Morning Mz Melisa - I love all the red prints you're using on your snowman blocks. Adorable!!! And, the spring jar is so sweet. Sadly, I still cannot print embroidery/applique blocks to the right size. My printer doesn't want to place nice. LOL I'm going to print the spring jar and see how small my printer makes it. I'm so tempted to drop kick my printer - LOL Happy, Happy Thursday!!! Hugs, Darlene J

    1. LOL that printer is in for a knock down! I hope it plays nice today. Your printer sounds like mine .I am expecting any time for mine to give up and quit. The thought of learning how to use a new one is exasperating. LOL. I hope to work on 2 more snowmen today. I am moving slow and steady with these fellas . Hee Hee! Have a happy Thursday. Hugs.

  2. The snowman block is so cute, all of them are! But I am so tired of winter and we got snow overnight. Happy stitching!

    1. Oh no not more snow! I know you are so ready for spring, Gretchen. Hopefully warmer days will be in your neck of the woods very soon. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  3. Your snowmen are coming along beautifully but I really like your Spring embroidery - because, like many, I am sooooo ready for spring! Blessings!

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Donna. Oh yes, I am ready for Spring too! I guess that is why I am slowly working on the snowmen so I can do the other fun projects. Hee! Hee! Have a fabulous weekend, Donna. Hugs.

  4. Your snowmen blocks are looking good, Melisa. Have a good day!

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Robin. I am getting more excited about this quilt with each and every snowman. I am still pondering the border though. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  5. Those snowmen are adorable! I still love looking at the set I made =). Have a wonderful day.

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Deb. It was a joy to watch your Frosty quilt in progress a few years ago. I can not thank you enough for stitching them. Frosty is still one of my Winter favorites. Happy Quilting. Hugs.

  6. Those snowmen blocks are so cute. As is your newest spring project. Happy sewing and stitching.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kate. I am slowly moving right along on this project. I am piecing a couple at a time between other projects. Hopefully , it will be completed soon. Hugs and Blessings.

  7. Love all your snowmen sashed in those pretty red prints, Melisa! And the Spring Doodle looks like one I would enjoy stitching, too. Thanks for sharing it!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Diann. I am excited to finally get a couple of these fellas sashed. Maybe by next winter it will be in the hoop. Have a fabulous weekend. Hugs.

  8. Aren't those snowmen adorable! Love your new embroidery. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. Aaah thank you kindly, Jennifer. I am so happy to finally move the snowman project along since it has been in the wings for a year. I wish you a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  9. The Mr Snow project is coming along nicely. And the Spring jar is going to be so cute.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Jeanna. I am excited to move Mr. Snow along. Hopefully it will be completed in a short time. Have a blessed and wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  10. Mr. Snow is looking pretty great! Will there be another sashing between the sashed block?Mason jars always make me smile. A Spring jar is such a very hopeful image. I know we are all ready for some growing things and sunshine in our days.

    1. I am still pondering what to do next with the blocks, Ginny. I hope to find some fabrics in my stash that might bring a spark as to my next step. Hmmm, another sashing would look great.I am going to think about that.Thank you. Warm hugs.

  11. Your snowmen are looking great. Love the Spring Doodle. Thanks!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Brenda. I am having a great time working on a couple of these blocks each week. Have a fabulous weekend. Hugs.

  12. The snowman block is so cute, Melisa!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Isabel. They have been a delight to work on. I look forward to completing this quilt in the near future. Have a wonderful weekend.Hugs.


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