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Friday, March 21, 2025

A Question or Two

 Good Friday morning , Sweet friends. Are you ready for the weekend? I sure am.   But first I have to tackle a problem- 

I need some tech help!  

Yesterday , I got on my computer to read and reply to all of the lovely messages sent to me on my posts when all of a sudden I realized I could not   reply back to the  comments on my blog. 😲

I pushed buttons, stamped my feet and said a few naughty words, but no -nothing would work. I even tried to go to the settings ( like I know what I am doing- which I don't 😕😏) 

 Are any of my blogging friends having the same issues? When I click "Reply", it does not do anything. 

In addition there are some blogs that I  can no longer  comment on because my messages will not go through .Please know that I am still visiting, but am having tech troubles.  ( Many of y'all know that I am plumb tech dumb and am fortunate to have gotten this far.😏😀😜 )

I do want to  thank everyone for the sweet comments on yesterday's blog post. I really enjoyed hearing what you are working on. It sounds like a lot of pretties are in the works, and everyone is keeping busy , busy, busy.  

I have another question. 

🌻🌻Do you have any suggestions for stamps for a Summer Stamp SAL? 🌻🌻

Well Sweeties, I will let you go. I may or may not be able to fix this issue on not being able to reply- hopefully it is just a "Blogger " glitch.

Please know that I appreciate and love ya'! 

I will talk to ya' later! 

 As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"Curiosity is the key to problem solving " - Galileo .

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy.  Love and miss you, Amo. 


  1. This computer stuff can be very confusing. I recently had to facetime my daughter so she could see my computer to help me with my problem! Hope you can get it figured out.

    1. You are so fortunate to be able to get computer help from your daughter, Gretchen. I have never been very good with technology. Thankfully, it is magically working this evening. LOL. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  2. I hope you can fix it soon.
    Most likely, and if you haven't touched anything, it's a Blogger error.
    Wait a couple of days.
    If the problem persists,
    you can clear your cache and cookies and try again.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. I was hoping it was just a Blogger issue. I am still learning this new computer so I was afraid that I might have touched something wrong, but fortunately it worked itself out today. Thank you so much, Isabel for the tips. I will remember them for if there is a next time. Hugs.

  3. summer stamps: Hmmm...beach, barbeque, camping, butterflies, sunshine, fireflies, lemonade, ice cream, porch swing, bicycle, green leafy tree, picnic basket, watermelon, tomatoes, corn, swimming, crow, I will probably think of more!

    1. Yes, great ideas, have been waiting for this one Melissa!!

    2. Oooh these are all great ideas. I am getting excited! Thank you so much for the fabulous suggestions. Hopefully, I can start creating here very soon. Warm hugs.

    3. SAL: Gardens, swimming, beach, lemonade, watermelon, zinnias-all flowers, berries, strawberry shortcake cake, picnics, camping, shorts, boating, beach loungers, grilling, fireworks

  4. I wish I could help with the tech issues and challenges but sadly I'm not very knowledgeable. Hopefully someone will be able to offer assistance. And I'm not very helpful in the summer stamp query, as well. I might as well go to bed as I'm no help this morning. LOL I can wish you a good day. Hugs, Darlene J

    1. Hee ! Hee! The Hokey Pokey helped! Blogger is magically working now, Darlene. I am hoping it was just a Blogger issue. Next time I will remember to stomp the right foot. Hee! Hee! Boo Hoo! There was no sewing here today. We had lots of errands so maybe I will be able to work on some projects. Did you have a good day in the sewing room? Warm Hugs.

  5. I just noticed what you may doing wrong. You stamped both feet when you're actually supposed to put your right foot in, shake it all around and do the Hokey Pokey. Hope that helps - LOL. Darlene J

  6. Oh summer stamps! I stitched all of your Fall stamps last year and displayed in a stoneware platter. I recently stitched all of the Spring Stamps and found a wood bowl/tray and will display all of those stamps - I used the wood display for the snowman stamps this winter. I am currently working on the Strawberry Stamps for the month of June when I display strawberries - so excited for a Summer Stamp SAL - I know your creations will be the cutest!! Carrie

    1. Oh Carrie, I cannot tell you how much it means to me that you have stitched almost all of the stamps. I hope you are enjoying the strawberry stamps. I still need to finish my big piece. I bet your stamps were just beautiful in the stoneware platter and wood bowl. This year, I have moved some of my spring stamps to a bowl. It is fun to change them out. Thank you for stitching them. You brought a smile to my day. Hugs.

  7. As Isabel suggests it's probably a Blogger glitch and may resolve itself in a few days. You can try posting a questions to Blogger help, but I 've not had great luck with that when I've had issues.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kate. It started working later today so I guess it was a glitch. I am still learning this new computer so I never know if it is me or something else. It can be frustrating to say the least. LOL. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs

  8. Could be a blogger glitch! As for summer stamps -- picnics, fireworks, hammock, fishing, bees, hiking, swimming, lemonade.

    1. I think it was a glitch, Robin because it magically started working this evening. I was frustrated beyond words last night though. LOL Oh those are wonderful ideas . Thank you so much for the suggestions. I need all the help I can get to spark my imagination. Warm hugs.

  9. Melisa I blame it all on Blogger. Here are a few suggestions from a non-expert (me):
    1) Do you have a popup blocker? That might prevent your Reply window from opening.
    2) What browser do you use? if it is Firefox, it is notorious for those issues. I had to switch to Microsoft Edge, and sometimes there are still issues. Again . . . bad Blogger.
    3) Sometimes when I have an issue I Google it with a question mark, and try various "solutions" that I find. The AI Overview that is the first response on my search is actually a pretty good summation of responses. I don't know if you have AI enabled on your Google search?
    4) Here are instructions from Blogger:
    Go to your Blogger dashboard and select your blog.
    Click "Settings" from the left-hand menu.
    Under "Comments," make sure the "Comment location" is set to "Embedded".
    Ensure that "Allow anyone to post comments" is enabled.
    I wish I could sit and stamp my feet with you. We'd just give up and go take a walk on your beautiful land then come back in and swig a Coke. :)

    1. Oh Linda. Thank you so much for the tips. I went back into Blogger dashboard and checked all of the things you said. I am thinking it was a blogger issue. Because it magically started working this evening. Part of my problem also is I do not understand some of the terminology. I do not know what a pop up blocker is or what is a browser and which one I am using.LOL When I a say I am tech dumb, - I mean I am an idiot with technology. LOL. I sure wish you were here yesterday for we would have done just that- gone for a walk and enjoyed a cold glass of Coke indeed. That would have made things better. Warm hugs.

    2. Oh gosh Melisa, I should have used different terminology. I'm certainly no expert, I just Google everything! I'm just glad you solved your issues and are happy again. I could never write a pattern like you do - I am an idiot when it comes to pattern making and pattern reading, so I guess we complement each other - lol! And I like my Coke in the freezer for about 15 minutes, just so you know. ;)

  10. How frustrating! I do not have any ideas for a solution, other than asking Google. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I hope you find a solution soon, or if it a Blogger issues (most likely) that it gets straightened out.

    1. It sure was frustrating , Jeanna. Thankfully it worked itself out by the evening. I guess it was a blogger issue. Those things can be aggravating though especially when I am learning a new computer. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  11. Melisa, it could be Blogger. I have my Blog for a long time now, and some things don't work anymore. Frustrating to put it mildly.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Annelies. It must have been Blogger because it magically started working this evening, but it sure was downright frustrating. Hopefully , it has worked itself out and will behave. Fingers crossed. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  12. Okay, first I’d like to share that Linda, who is going to have a swig of coke, I haven’t heard that term in years! Thank you for the smile and a memory of moving from TX to CA in kindergarten and I used to say could I have a sup. Thank you!
    As for Robin and anonymous, I agree with all of their ideas for Summer Stamps, I would add: ants, dog, “sweet” tea (although not my choice of teas, I don’t recall if they listed sunflowers, cone flowers, tomatoes (before it gets too hot in TX). I had something else but it escapes me now.
    I am not a tech person, but the first thing my husband or IT son asked, did you do a hard reboot? Turn it off and back on? If I’m working from my laptop, I have to take the battery out as well.
    Go do something else for now! Enjoy your day! Thank you for your blog and patterns! Love you! Bobbi

    1. LOL that made me smile too, Bobbi. A swig of Coke always makes my day better. Hee! Hee! Thank you so much for the tips. I will remember next time to turn it off and back on and see if that helps. I had to walk away last night . When I returned later today, it began working so I guess it was a glitch - but very frustrating. Ooh all of those are great ideas for the summer stamps. I hope to start creating soon. Hearing all of y'alls ideas gives me a spark of inspiration that I need. Have a wonderful weekend and thank you again. Hugs.

  13. SUMMER stamp SAL beach theme is my suggestions along with all the other ones. Such beautiful creation you do, I am sure to love it. I just finished your latest saltbox. Loved it.

    1. Aaah it just warms my heart to hear that you finished my last saltbox and that you enjoyed it. I hope to post another soon. Oooh a beachy stamp is a great idea . I will add it to my list. My mind is swirling with everyone's ideas. I am getting excited! Thank you so much , Vi. I wish you a wonderful weekend. Hugs and Blessings.

  14. UGH ~ I use word press for my blog. I have actually had a similar problem but my resolve probably wouldn't work, however here is what I did ... with the few that it happened with, I unsubscribed and then subscribed again. Of course that wouldn't help with those you don't personally follow. All I can do is send out good fix um vibes and hope for the best for you :) (nwpaintedlady)

    1. Oh thank you so much, Sharon for the tip. I always have a problem commenting on word press blogs that I follow or visit. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. "Good fix um vibes" is certainly appreciated here. Hee! Hee! Blogger magically started working this evening. Have a great day. Hugs.

  15. So sorry you are having tech troubles Melisa. So excited for a Summer Stamp SAL. I usually decorate with bees and sunflowers for summer. I do love tomato stitches as well for summer.

    1. I get so frustrated when I have tech issues. Thankfully, it worked itself out so I am hoping it was just Blogger and a glitch. I decorate with bees and sunflowers a lot too for summer . They are definitely going to have to be included. Thank you so much for the ideas . I hope you have a great weekend. Hugs.

  16. Hi Melissa! Sorry I can’t help your problems with the computer because I’m not tech savvy either! 😵‍💫🙁. I usually decorate patriotic for summer so my vote would be for an Americana stitch of some sort. I’m totally looking forward to completing my seasonal set! I almost picked out some of your stamps you already did to make a kitchen, baking and/ or strawberry stitch but wanted to see if I’d like your summer design first. You have some cute stamps that would make great sets combined. I’d also be head over heels to do a gingerbread stamp SAL for Christmas. I love me some gingerbread boys and girls and their darling cottages! Thanks for all you do! You are so kind! Julie

    1. Oh those are some fantastic ideas, Julie! I would love to do an Americana stitch too. I have shared some patriotic stamps. I just need to create a few more. Gingerbread would be spectacular too. Ooh you have me thinking- Hee! Hee! Hopefully I can start creating here very soon. Thank you so much for all of the fabulous ideas. You sparked my imagination. Warm hugs and blessings.

  17. so sorry you are having tech problems, Melisa; I am not a technophobe either!!
    Good news from my DH's surgery this morning: all went well and we are both home and resting up...;))) what a relief--tonight we will definitely sleep easier...
    I am quilting my 3rd Dark Days block and enjoying this slow stitching...hugs, Julierose

    1. Oh I am so glad, Julierose that your DH's surgery went well. I have been checking back in your blog all week to see if you had posted. You both take care and get all of the rest you need. I wish your hubby a very speedy recovery and you both will be in my prayers. I look forward to seeing your 3rd block with all of the pretty stitching. Warm hugs.

  18. I'm so sorry you're having tech issues, Melisa! That is always frustrating. I read everyone else's comments about what to try and I don't think I have anything else to add. I mostly use my Samsung tablet to write my blog and to read and comment on blogs, and when I'm having trouble, often the solution is to completely shut it down and then turn it back on again. Maybe that will help? Hugs! 🩷

    1. Oh thank you so much, Diann. I just recently had to purchase another Chromebook after our trip when my other one went down. So I was not sure if this was an operator error ( me) or if it was Blogger. But it seemed to have worked itself out so maybe it was Blogger. Next time I will remember to try shutting it down; I did not even think of that. LOL Warm hugs.

  19. The same thing happened to me with Blogger and commenting on my own posts to reply to others. I finally just gave up. But today I was able to leave comments. Maybe Blogger just gets its knickers in a wad sometimes.
    As far as not being able to leave comments. That may have something to do with your browser settings. Do you use Firefox? If so, near the top of the screen to the left of the box with the URL is a little shield icon. Click on it and move it move the little toggle button to turn off enhanced tracker protection. I don't know how it may work with other browsers.
    I hope you get it sorted out. Tech problems are the worst!

    1. Oh Nancy, I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one who has had this problem. It is quite frustrating isn't it? I thought it might be me in learning this new computer, but this evening, all worked out and it allowed me to reply. Thank you so much for the tips. I am not sure what is on this computer if it is Firefox or something else. I will have to ask my hubby. I will certainly check into the tracker protection and whether it is on or off. Have a blessed day and thank you again. Hugs.

  20. I am pretty useless in tech areas. I know what I need to do the things I do and when it doesn't work I am like you and have to seek out help. As far as a Summer SAL I like the idea of Americana. I hope your issues are resolved soon.

    1. Ginny, I am with you- for I am useless when it comes to technology as well. LOL. Fortunately, it started working this evening so I am over the moon now. I hope it was just a Blogger issue. You know I love Americana. Thank you so much for the suggestion. I am getting excited about creating. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  21. When I try to reply to a blog comment on the blog, Blogger has made everyone a non reply and it wont work. So i have to reply via my inbox email, click on each person's name which takes me to their email name and reply there, but of course it doesn't bring up their comment doing it this way! Very frustrating so I can understand how you are feeling. Sorry but I'm no help at all

    1. It seems like Blogger has made some changes in the last few months or something is going on. LOL Thankfully, it worked this evening, but it sure was frustrating. Thank you so much , Jenny . It makes me feel better that I am not alone in my frustrations. Have a blessed weekend. Hugs.

  22. Son contenta tu abbia risolto,io non ci capisco niente…bella idea quella dei francobolli estivi! Io ,se possibile,includerei anche qualche soggetto di montagna….per es una baita, una stella alpina…ciao

  23. I hate tech issues! Sorry you are having problems, Melisa. I hope you get it resolved soon.

  24. Reading all the replies I'm glad to learn you were able to return to normal. Blogger does funny things sometimes.
    I'm happy to say I finished all the stamps of the winter SAL and now I'm working on the header. And what's this I hear? A summer SAL? Yay, count me in! Sunflowers, bees, watermelons, lemonade, ice cream, I'm trying to think about more ideas.


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