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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Harvest Home- A Fall Freebie

A Terrific Tuesday to you, Sweet Friends! Are you ready for an awesome day? I sure am.  

We are expecting some early morning showers, but  hopefully, the sun will pop out  by mid day.  Yesterday we had several showers and even one thunderous storm, but fortunately, there was no damage. I spent the day piecing away on quilt blocks listening to the pitter patter of rain on the rooftop- a perfect day for this gal.  It was  not until late in the evening that I was able to stitch. 

Speaking of stitching, I have a "stitch"  to share with you that I stitched up way back in 2021. I meant to share it last year,  but time got away from me. 

It is called Harvest Home

Harvest Home is a bright blue home  with glowing orange windows. It sits upon a hill which is filled with pumpkins, crows and corn as well as one lone scarecrow that is not doing his job. Look at all those crows!!  Shoo! Shoo!  Hee! Hee! 

I stitched Harvest Home on 14 count coffee/tea dyed aida. The design size is 80"x 80" and on 14 count aida, it would measure about 5 3/4" squared.  I finished my stitch on a little metal plaque that I found at the thrift store. 

There are 13 DMC floss colors in Harvest Home which includes: 310, 311, 407, 434, 646, 720, 814, 838, 931, 972, 3345, 3371, and 3823.


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


This is a larger design so I am posting a larger print version of the symbol chart. I hope that helps. 

So tell me have you started working on fall quilting and stitching? 

Have a fun fabulous  day and thank you  for taking time out of your busy day to spend it with  me. Love ya'! 😘🤗


As Always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you does not even begin to express how  grateful I am . 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I love and miss you so much. You were and will always be a blessing in my life. Love you , Amo. 

Monday, July 29, 2024

County Clare Monday

Hip Hip Hooray! I have a new start and it is celebrating Red , White and Blue! 


 Good morning, Sweet Peas and Happy Monday. How was your weekend? I hope just as delightful as mine.

Now onto my new start.😀 

Diann at Little Penguin Quilts has been piecing away on Bonnie Hunter's County Clare  Blocks  . 

After seeing Diann's blocks, I just had to jump on the wagon. After searching my quilt room high and low for lots of green scraps which I just had a few, I decided that I would just piece the blocks in my favorite colors- reds, whites and blues! 

 I may rename my quilt as I work on it- we shall see. 

If you missed Bonnie's instructions, she gives the measurements on her blog Quiltville   which she posted in her  July 6, 2024 post  ; this is her leader /ender project and will be mine as well along with my Scrappy Flag blocks.

 Alrighty , that's what I will be working on today. Scrappy Flags and County Clare blocks. I will share my progress on the Flag blocks later. 

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


"Where liberty is, there is my country. "

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I miss and love you so much.   ❤👼

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Tale and "Sew Day Basket" - A Sewing Freebie

 Hip Hip Hooray! It's a holiday!

Well it should be! It is National Thread the Needle Day! 

There is multiple meanings for "thread the needle", but for us crafters- well we know ,  it is the perfect excuse to sit back and enjoy a day of slow relaxing stitching!  I look for any excuse to sew. How about you? 😁

For the last two years, I have celebrated this special day with  sneak peeks  of my grandmothers' sewing boxes  and all of the goodies that they stored in their baskets. Great  Grandma Annie had the most unusual things in her basket.  If you would like to take a peek , just click on the colored link above. ⬆

Great Grandma Annie's early 1900's sewing basket

I also shared Grandma Annie's Sewing Basket ,a quick wee stitch, dedicated to my great grandma whom I never met, but who is near and dear to my heart. ❤💖

Last year I shared , warm memories of my Nanny's "Junk Room" which is what she called her sewing room. That was where all of the magic took place . Little Raggedy Anns and Andys would dance their way out of the "Junk Room"  and into the hearts of us youngin's. In memory of Nanny, I shared the Sew Stitch Tomato Pinkeep- a big ripe tomato ripe for the "sewing" . 

Hmmm what should  I share this year?!🤔 

How about another peek into a vintage sewing basket? I am always game to see what is lurking among the needles and threads aren't you? 😀🧵🪡

A few years ago, Mr. Pinker and I was taking a long romantic stroll in the thrift store on our usual date night when I spotted it - a big copper colored sewing basket ! Hallelujah! Eeeeh!

Vintage sewing box bought in 2019 at the Goodwill

With a click of my heels and a rattle of my buggy, I sped across the aisles right to the display case where the basket was showcased. 

As I stood there waiting patiently, another shopper spotted what I saw, and she rushed right behind me.

"Can I  help you ? " asked the cashier' 

" You sure can! I  would like to see the sewing box in the case, please!" 😁

She quickly pulled it out  and sat it on the counter. 

"Are you going to buy that?" asked the other shopper.

" I do believe I will ," I said with glee. 

 She looked it over and said , "You are getting a great deal; I would have liked to had it too.  Enjoy. "   She turned away and continued her shopping .

Meanwhile I took a moment  to open the box to see what was in it. "Eeeh! Wooden Spools and lots of goodies ! Score!", exclaimed to no one in particular. ( Hmmm,  I swear I heard the loud speaker say " Husband of Crazy Lady on aisle 1 needed" )  Hee! Hee!😀😂🤪🤪

Anywhoo,  I proceeded to do a happy dance all the way to the other side of the counter to the  cashier. Mr. Pinker just rolled his eyes and smiled.

 When we got to the car he said , "How much did you pay for that?"  

With a grin a mile long, I  said, "HOLD ON TO YOUR BLOOMERS! $3.99!"

"  Yahoo! "I yelled out the window .

 Mr. Pinker  shook his head and said "Oh my!  Contain yourself,  my crazy little thrifty quilt lady!!!!" 😊😄

Now let's see what is in the sewing box. Shall we? 

Wow! This is a neat and tidy box.  I am going to call  this Miss Tidy's Box. You will not find my sewing box this neat. Hee! Hee! 

This is the 1st tray of vintage sewing items. 

The first tray is filled with lots of spools of thread and zippers all made in the good ole' USA.  

Items from the first tray. Colorful zippers and old wooden spools. 


Snaps , buttons and a needle envelopes

Vintage needle envelopes. 

The 2nd tray is even neater. Oh , boy! What goodies will we unearth? 

The 2nd tray is neat as a pin.

Buttons, elastic, Hem tape, buckles, buttons. Hmmm I wonder if Miss Tidy made clothing. 🤔  

Seam binding $.19 - Wow ! Those were the days. 

Goodies in the 2nd tray of the box. 

Oh yes! I believe Miss Tidy was a seamstress. The bottom  section of the box has a Dressmaker's Tracing Paper from Kmart at only $.68 a pop. 

A peek into the bottom compartment of the sewing box. 

Carbon Paper, lace , labels , 

Some of the items in the bottom of the vintage sewing box. 

  Miss Tidy was very tidy -she did  not have any crazy items like Great Grandma Annie had in her sewing basket. 🤣

There are a lot of great vintage items with fantastic packaging . 

While looking through Miss Tidy's sewing basket , I learned a lot of things. She made clothes, used a lot of browns, blues and burnt red threads, enjoyed using snaps in her clothing and purchased most of her items from Kmart. I also learned she was probably a Tennessee gal based on the matches case. Hmm. I wonder if anyone will ever study my sewing basket. Hee! Hee! 

 How about a stitch?

 My newest quick stitch is called "Sew Day Basket"

It is a wee stitch that can be stitched up in 2 shakes of a lamb's tail! 

 I finished Sew Day Basket using 2" fabric strips and ribbon from Hobby Lobby. 


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


Needle and Thread

Oh my, I have been chatty today. I hope I did not talk your ears off. But I sure do appreciate you stopping by to celebrate with me and to listen to my  crazy tales. 

Now tell me. Have you pulled out your needle and thread yet? 😀

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all


"Gather your threads of life and stitch them into joy!"

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy ,   I miss and love you so much.   ❤👼 Also dedicated to my Nanny , Great Grandma Annie and Miss Tidy for the great sewing basket. .

The vintage sewing box was a thrifty find that I purchased in April in Whitney ,TX

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Bee Yard - A Bee Freebie

 Hello there, Beeeautiful! Welcome! 

Mr. Pinker went out to the bee yard the other day and checked the bees.

 He said one hive did not look too good.  Oh, bother!   I have my fingers crossed that it will make it. 

These bees look healthy though.  Aren't they amazing? 

Though I have my bee stitches on display somewhere year round , at the end of July and August I pull them out to be on full display.  

Mini Bee Sampler   and , Honey Jar- From the Mason Jar SeriesHome

I will continue stitching bees and sunflowers into August. What do you stitch this time of the year? 


My newest bee stitch is called Bee Yard. It is a super simple stitch and fairly quick too. 

I finished Bee Yard on a wooden plaque that I purchased at the Dollar Tree in the craft section a couple of years ago.  The burlap ribbon is also from the Dollar Tree. 

 I painted the board white and then mounted my stitch on foam board along with some batting. I also covered two other boards with complimentary fabrics.  

Black / White gingham fabric and a yellow fabric were used for finishing. 

Lots of little bees are buzzing about in this bee yard. 😀🐝🐝🐝


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


Well Sweeties, I better buzz. I know you have places to go, x's to be crossed and quilts to quilt! Have an awesome day doing what you love! 
Love ya!

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all


"Spread  a little sweetness wherever you go!🐝🍯"

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I miss and love you so much.   ❤👼

Shaggy the stray  is still  hanging about. I can not get close to her, but she is not running away which is a good sign. 

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