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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Stitches, Quilts and Shamrocks- Foyer Decor

A lovely Tuesday to you!  

The last time I left off on my country clutter post , I was showing you the quilts in the small foyer/ hallway. I had pulled out 3 "springy" quilts to display on the old thrifted shutters. 

Since I was on a roll, I went back to the storage room and pulled out more goodies to decorate with. I was thinking " greens" and "St . Patrick's Day " as the theme. 
 It did not take long to fill the shelves to the brim with spring goodness with sprinkles of vintage pieces, baskets , doilies and wee quilts. 
Lots of country clutter on the old thrifted shelf. 

Some of the things on the top shelf stay out year round.  The riser is an old shelf from one of my Granny's dresser - a sweet reminder of days long ago.  

On the top of the drawer is a freebie from Notforgotten Farms called "Shamrock Basket" .  "Lucky" is a design from Trail Creek Farms.   I simply tucked it into some green enamelware bowls. 

The wool shamrock mug rug was a free design from Shabby Fabrics but I do believe it costs now. ( I am not for sure on that) .
 Tucked in the basket is my Shamrock Mini Sampler
 Lucky Shamrocks is a St. Patty's favorite. It  is a freebie from Nan Lewis of Threadwork Primitives. 

I tucked a little stack of bowls in a corner and put "March Squared" in one . It  is a freebie by Linda Stolz of Erica Michaels ,and it is on Rainbow Gallery website in the 2003 Cross Stitcher's Surprise series

The middle shelf holds a mod podge of items like pottery, sheep and stitching.  I chose some of my mini samplers and tucked it into one green planter. These little samplers were Mini Squirrel Sampler and  Little Red Schoolhouse Mini Sampler  . I placed them strategically where only the letters could be seen and not the "out of season " motifs. LOL. 

Rolled quilts , bowls and my sheep pitcher is in the opposite corner along with Winter on Pine Berry Lane

I just left the bottom shelf the way it was filled with just a few of my Watt's pottery pieces and knick knacks. 

So tell me . Do you think I am getting my green on? LOL. I missed not decorating for St. Patrick's Day last year so I am making up for lost time.   

Thank you for stopping by to see my clutter.  I will be posting a hutch tour soon. 

Clover at Sardis Lake. 

 As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"May your troubles be less and your blessings be more. " - unknown.

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 

Basket tree for March. 

Other Links That May Strike Your Fancy


  1. I can tell decorating brings you joy and happiness. I enjoy viewing all the lovlies!

    1. It sure does, Gretchen. It is a lot of work , but it brings me a lot of joy especially when pieces bring back fond memories. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  2. "May the Luck O' the Irish Be with You"--you have definitely gotten the Green-St. Paddy's Day vibe going really well. Love all those bits and bobs along with the stitcheries and little
    rolled up quiltlets;))) The Watts Pottery pieces are just beautiful...nice work on your entryway hugs, Julierose

    1. I am slowly getting of collection of St. Patrick's Day pieces. It was fun to decorate the hallway for the season. It makes me smile to see these thrifted treasures. Have a wonderful day, Julierose and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs

  3. Nicely done! I can tell you love to decorate your hallway! I was looking at your sheep pitcher and looks like a little mini quilt on its back. Did you make that? So cute. Blessings!

    1. Oh I do, Donna. It is usually the 1st place that I redecorate- starting with the quilts. Isn't the sheep pitcher the cutest! I bought it 15 years or so ago at Big Lots. They had a whole series of farm animals with quilts draped on their backs. I have the cows and chickens too. I just wish I had a pig. LOL. I hope you are having a lovely visit with your daughter. Warm hugs.

  4. You have a beautiful Irish spring in your home, Melisa! Love the basket tree! Hugs, B

    1. Aah thank you so much, Brenda. I think I may leave the basket tree up for awhile- perhaps until Memorial Day. Have a fabulous rest of the week. Hugs

  5. It was delightful to see your closeups of your green pieces. I think the Lucky piece you were asking about is by Trail Creek Farm.

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Robin and thank you for the information. I will add that into the post immediately. It is one of my St. Patty's favorites. Have a wonderful day. Hugs.

  6. It's always fun to see how you use your stitcheries to decorate. I think you've definitely got the green going on for this year.

    1. Aaw you are so very kind, Kate. Thank you so much. I enjoy displaying all of my handmades for the seasons; it gives me that warm fuzzy feeling. LOL. Have a wonderful day . Hugs.

  7. I enjoy all of your decor, Melisa. You have so many wonderful treasures for each season. I look forward to seeing the hutch.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Jeanna. I enjoy decorating with my little treasures. They bring back fond memories of making them or picking them up at thrift stores. I wish you a lovely rest of the week.Hugs

  8. Every corner displays unique objects with a beautiful story behind them.
    I enjoy your decor, Friend!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Isabel. It was a joy to decorate this small space for the season. Each little treasure brings back fond memories . Hugs and Blessings.

  9. You have such fun green dishes and stitching designs, Melisa! Love seeing them all. I'm trying to decide what to stitch next - in every post I see something I didn't notice before! Thanks for all the inspiration!

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Diann. I missed decorating for St. Patrick's Day last year so I have really enjoyed it this year. I am trying to decide what to stitch next too. I am torn between St. Patrick's Day and Easter. LOL. Happy quilting and stitching. Hugs.

  10. Always enjoy your posts, and seeing what's on your shelves. Love your patterns too! Would love to see another new saltbox house design in the future

    1. Aaah thank you so much , dear. I have a ball pulling all of these little trinkets and handmades together to enjoy for the season. Oh yes, I have several houses in the works. I hope to post more soon. It warms my heart that you enjoy them. Have a blessed day and Happy stitching . Hugs.

  11. I don't often reply, but I just have to tell you how much I enjoy your posts! I have lots of clutter, but it isn't organized like yours! I enjoy all your decorating ideas. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Aaah your kind compliment means so much to me. It warms my heart to hear that you like to collect too. I have to admit that not all of my areas are very well organized. I have a "junk room" to store stuff in. LOL. And it sure is a mess when changing out decor, but I do have loads of fun moving things about. Have a blessed and beautiful day and thank you for brightening my day. Hugs

  12. Loving all the green pottery. The Watts pottery pieces remind me of some special neighbors when I was a girl who had those dishes. Good memories. Looking forward to the newswt hutch tour.

    1. I have had some of the green pottery for years. I would pick them up here and there and then inherited some from my Nanny. The Watt's pieces were great thrifty finds from last year. I adore them. It warms my heart that these pieces brought back fond memories for you. Thank you for the sweet visit. Warm hugs

  13. Love all your spring decor, so pretty! Love your mini-pillows too, they all are so cute.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Astird. I am so ready for spring. I am still pulling out pieces and rearranging them. Hopefully, I will get it all up soon. LOL. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  14. Your spring decor share sure lifted my spirits! I like the basket tree!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Terry. You brought a smile to my day. I have to admit that I really like how the basket tree came out too. I am leaving it up for awhile. Have a fabulous day. Hugs.

  15. Love seeing your Spring and St. Patrick's Day goodies, Melisa! I still need to get mine out--winter is still on display here. Hopefully, this week :) Love that last photo of the pretty clover at the lake! ♥

    1. I think I just about have all my winter taken down except for a few things. It takes a while to change things out doesn't it? I look forward to seeing your spring pieces, Carol; I know they will be just beautiful. I hope it is warming up in your neck of the woods. It is a little chilly here today. Hugs.

  16. Everything is so sweetly pulled together! I love your country clutter! It makes me happy, too! And the new house is adorable! ❤

    1. Aaah thank you from the bottom of my heart. It has been nice to bring a little green into the house as I anxiously await spring. I wish you a lovely day and thank you again for bringing a smile to my day.Hugs.

  17. Your collection so many kinds of green dishes and pottery makes for such beautiful displays with the March and St. Pat stitches. The Watts pottery brings a special neighbor from my childhood to mind. They had a full set of those dishes and I always thought they were so pretty and special. The clover photo is just perfect.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Ginny. I have always had an affection for USA pottery and have been collecting it for over 30 years. The Watts collection is a new one having bought those pieces last year. It warms my heart that they brought back fond memories. I would love have more pieces but at thrifty prices . Hope you are having a great week. It has been a little chilly here. Hugs.


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