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Sunday, May 2, 2021

A Berry Good Week

Happy Sunday, ya'll and Happy May!  I can not believe how fast this year is passing by compared to last year. How are you doing today ? Did you have a great week?  I sure hope so.  It was a berry good week here . 
I finished Emily's Strawberry, but I am calling mine Edna's strawberry after grandmother who would be 102 years old today!  This was the first time I finished an aida strawberry and found it to be pretty easy.  

It is filled with sawdust and cotton stuffing. The cap has wool, thin ribbon and a button to embellish. More berries are in my future. Emily's Strawberry was from Blackbird Designs and is in the book In Friendship's Way

On Tuesday, I shared my Sarah Jane's 1776 Saltbox . It is named after one of my distant great grandmother's who lived during that time. I also began pulling out more patriotic decor which I will share later. 

I went berry picking . There are lots and lots of fresh berries to eat. Of course, I ate a belly full straight out of the field. 

These will go in a pie and snacked on. 

Today, I plan to finish my Strawberry embroidered quilt. I shared these little designs a few weeks ago. Click here to visit that post and to get the Fresh Strawberry doodles. I just have one more block and 2 borders to quilt. Then on to the binding. 

Stitch Maynia began yesterday. Do you participate?  For the last 2 years, I have participated and started a new project each day- sometimes more. So I hope I will be able to do the same this year, but I fly be the seat of my pants. This week's projects are going to be Hands on Designs "Seasons of Celebrations" , a sweet gift from my friend Georgia.

 I have completed a couple of the months but want to get the whole series completed. So May 1st- I began "JULY". Since today is Santa Sunday , I will begin the December stitch tonight. 

Well I am off to do a bit of noon stitching, I hope you have a berry nice day and as always...
Happy Quilting and stitching, ya'll

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.  

                    Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap

Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday

Stay Sweet!
Hugs and Stitches




  1. So many beautiful stitching projects. It is good to remember a good and loving grandmother. Edny's strawberry is legal, as is the beautiful blue tableware. Thank you for sharing all the beautiful photos.

    1. Thank you so much for the sweet visit and comment. It was a good day to remember my dear sweet Nanny especially with this little berry . I think she would have approved. I hope you had a very blessed Sunday. Happy stitching.

  2. So many beautiful stitching projects. It is good to remember a good and loving grandmother. Edny's strawberry is legal, as is the beautiful blue tableware. Thank you for sharing all the beautiful photos.

  3. So many lovely projects. I found it funny to see your "berry" post when mine today is "A Beary Good Bookmark". :)

    1. Lol we must have been on a similar wave length. Loved your bookmark, Tammy; it was so sweet. Have a great week and thank you for the sweet visit.

  4. Melisa,
    Everything is all so pretty!! Loved seeing it all! Thanks so much for stopping by!!Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Debbie. I hope you have had a wonderful weekend. I have started to pull out my patriotic decor and have been working in the gardens. Have a very blessed week.

  5. Strawberries!! Love Ednas berry. I saw a friend’s fb pics from her daughter’s berry sweet first birthday party yesterday. Strawberries galore! Tis the 🍓 season!!

    1. Hi, Penny. Hope you are doing well. Thank you so much for visiting me today. That would be such a fun themed birthday party. I am going to have to suggest that to my daughter. I think my grandmother would love this little stitched berry I made in her rememberance . I hope you have a wonderful week.

  6. I just love the stitched strawberry and the quilt with the berry motifs is adorable. Happy Stitching.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Deb. I was so thrilled that the stitched berry worked up so easily and thankfully I finished my quilt today. Now I am ready to bind. Hope you have a very lovely week.

  7. You are a stitching whiz -- starting more than one project in a day?? Seasons of Celebration looks really cute.

    1. Hi, Bonnie. I hope you have had a very lovely weekend. Stitch Maynia is a lot of fun . I hope these little jump starts will get me moving along on some of these projects I have been wanting to work on. Have a fabulous week and happy quilting. And thank you for the sweet visit.

  8. Your Edna berry is adorable, Melisa. Well done! It looks like you are off to a good start for your Maynia. I don't do Maynia; I just want on the items on my list for May.

    1. Thank you so much, Robin. I am proud of my Edna berry. I do not know if I will start something each day this month, but I may; they will all be smalls though. I should work on my WIPS though. Have a great week and hugs.

  9. Quelle chance toutes ces fraises ! Le printemps tarde à venir chez nous, nous ne pourrons pas en déguster de suite de ces si bons fruits...
    Tous vos projets sont très beaux.
    Amitiés de France,

    1. Thank you so much, Christel. I hope that warmer weather is soon on its way where you live. The strawberry crop is doing well so far. Hopefully the sun will continue and their will be minimal rain. Have a wonderful week and happy stitching.

  10. The strawberries look delicious! They won't be widely available here until the middle of June at the earliest. I don't buy them in the grocery stores, the shipped in strawberries just don't taste as good as the local fresh berries. The strawberry pincushion looks very sweet paired with the blue willow dishes, happy stitching!

    1. There is nothing like fresh strawberries. I agree; the grocery store berries are just not the same. Thank you so much for the sweet compliment on my stitched berry; I am quite proud of it. have a lovely week , dear.

  11. Good morning! I'm another that eats the fruit in the garden. LOL I harvested ten strawberries yesterday. Didn't even wash! Your quilt is so pretty. I love red and white together. I am totally in love with your saltbox houses. I see a few being stitched here in California. Have a great week!

    1. Happy Monday, Angela. There is nothing like eating fresh fruit or veggies straight out of the garden or field is there? Lol. We ended up having a strawberry pie and boy was it yummy. Thank you so much on my saltboxes. I so enjoy stitching and sharing them. It warms my heart that others enjoy them as well. I hope you have a blessed week, dear.

  12. Absolutely beautiful projects! I love them! Thanks for sharing about Stitch Maynia - is sounds like there are no "rules", so perhaps it's not too late to begin? :)

    1. Oh no there are no rules at all. I so hope that you join in on the fun. Some stitchers work on WIPS; others will start just 21 projects for the year 2021. I hope to start 31 but I'll just have to see. It is just fun to start new pieces and get a jump start. Have a wonderful week and happy stitching.

  13. So many berry ideas! I really enjoy going back through and reading these older posts, and I'll be sorry when I'm all caught up! But that will be a while. =)

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