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Sunday, January 31, 2021

A Bit of Productivity

  Well Happy Sunday to you. I hope your week is starting off well. Can you believe January is coming to an end? Last night I was looking through my stitching/ quilting journal  and evaluating my progress for the month. Have you ever thought about when you are the most productive?  I  think I did pretty good for the month; though I do have to admit, I  have  found that January usually is not my most productive month. I think my productivity is affected from coming off the highs of Christmas, the change of the decor and the winter season. To be honest, right now  I am more drawn to sitting quietly and quilting on larger projects and here and there pulling in a few cross stitch pieces.  My mind wanders to warmer weather and patriotic quilting and stitching. Oh how I look forward to the summer.  

This is my progress on Tree of Samplings "Beauty and Grace" . 
I started 15 new cross stitch projects this month . Ten of those were my own design.  I completed 12 of those cross stitches and fully finished 9 of those. 

This is Winter Blues by The Stitchy Kitty. 

Frosty Stamp was a freebie of mine that I designed and completed this month. 

Winter Salt Box was one of my favorite January stitches completed. 

By the middle of the month, I was focusing on Valentine stitching. 
Luv Ewe was also a January freebie  . I also created this little redwork pin pillow. 
Three redwork pilows were created and finished in January  including Luv Chicken and Luv Moo . and five redwork quilt blocks. 
I enjoyed my time in the Quilt Nest this month too . Seven  new doll quilts were started and three were completed .

I pieced this little green quilt though it is not quilted yet. 
Peppermint Twist a  2019 little quilt was completed and later the binding was added. 

I pieced and later finished Little Boy Blue Quilt. 

I also joined Angela of So Scrappy in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge and created the first five blocks in a row quilt. She is hosting the RSC 2021 challenge where she is providing tutorials on a quilt she is designing.  The Hashtag blocks are the first blocks. 

Vinney Valentine was  started and completed inspired by Angela's monthly color challenge. January's color was pink.  I can not wait to see what February's color is. 

It is time for a new quilt for the kitchen so fabrics were pulled and blocks were made. I hope to progress further this coming month.  

 This month I was committed to working on 3 UFOs too . And who got me inspired? Why it was Patty at Elm Street Quilts. She has a link party for One Monthly Goals, and after drooling over her blog in 2020, I decided to take on the challenge. So I set 3 small goals. Do you want to see what I did? 

 Goal 1 was to hand quilt 1 1/2 hoops on my Easter Quilt which I started in 2019.


I have about a third of the quilt completed. I will quilt on it tonight for Slow Sunday Stitching with Kathy. 

 I am quilting this quilt using the Baptist Fan pattern . It is such a joy to work on.  

Goal 2 was to add borders to the Cherry quilt that I started in 2018 .  I worked on this goal on Saturday- there is nothing like waiting to the last minute. This little quilt lingered in the Quilt Nest for sometime.  I added a simple border  with some pretty reproduction fabric. This little quilt reminds me of a vintage tablecloth. I can not wait to quilt it.   The little quilt behind it was purchased at the Goodwill for just $1.99. It has different little teapots and vintage lace and buttons on it. I knew I would put it out in February for Valentine's.  I am linking to Angela of So Scrappy for Scrap Happy Saturday . 

Goal 3 was to construct a minimum of 20 yo yos that I started in 2016.  I ended up constructing  exactly 20 yo yos in the turquoise colors. In February, I hope to add some more to my growing yo yo basket.  I think I will focus on one color at a time.


I already have some yo yos attached for the beginning of a new quilt.

I plan to construct a house tonight as I work on one of my own little designs. I started this little sampler last night. There are only a few colors in this piece which makes for a relaxing stitch.  As I stitch, I will also contemplate my February goals which I will soon post. 

Thank you so much for visiting and seeing the UFOs that I worked on for January. Every little stitch moves me forward to a finish. 

Happy stitching, ya'll



Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Goodbye Winter Cross Stitch and Decor

Oh good bye my sweet winter stitches and winter decor.  It is that time - time put away the winter stitches until they come back again next year. 
Lots of winter stitching was on my buffet along with my favorite blue transferware. Dishes were propped in my Great Aunt's old scale that has always been on this buffet even when she owned both pieces.   Ironstone, and milkglass were scattered about . The main show was the cross stitch though.  I always display my monthly With Thy Needle and Thread's Word Plays and Lizzie Kate Monthly Bits on the buffet. 
Winter Blues by Stitchy Kitty was the newest addition to my winter decor . It is an older design that was gifted to me by my sweet friend, Georgia. I stitched it in pretty blues that I had in my stash.  Below it is a Prairie Schooler snowman mounted on a snowflake ornament from the Dollar Tree. 

Prairie Schooler "Snowy Days" was completed a couple of years ago in brighter colors.
 I  made some changes to make a couple of the children look more like my girls. The little blonde on the sled is my youngest daughter; she was always dressed in pink, and everything had to match.  The little girl in mismatched clothes with a pink hat is my oldest.When she was out playing, it was all about playtime not fashion lol. 

On my sofa table was this small that I completed last year called "Snow' . It was a freebie by Istitch Designs
This is Season's Greetings by Little House Needleworks but after seeing my friend, Nancy's stitch, I changed mine to Winter Greetings. 

In the kitchen is a tiered tray that sits beside my corner sink. Lots of snowmen were stacked in the tray. Yes, they are saying goodbye today as well. 

That little snowman cup is the newest addition - a thrift store find. Most of the treasures in the tiered tray are ornaments and salt and pepper shakers. 

Chickens and all things farm related will be replacing these little snowguys. 

I loved my hutch this year. I did not have as much cross stitch on it, but I did have a lot of blue transferware. The top of the hutch which you can see a glimpse never changes; it has old cola crates and advertising tins on it. 

I could not find my usual little runners that I put on each shelf so I used old lace valances.  Little creamers have snowmen and bottle brush trees in them . The old scale has some tiny bottle brush trees in an old soap dish. 

The white platters behind the transferware , the scale and the juicer usually stay on the bottom shelf year round. 

I stitched this little embroidery in 2018. This little guy makes me so happy.  Nope - we do not have snow here. 
 The next 2 shelves have more transferware and snowmen. My sister gifted me the jolly snowman dish on the top shelf. 

Two freebie cross stitch pieces sit on the top shelf. 
The January stitch is a freebie from The Rainbow Gallery and was designed by Erica Michaels. Click here  to see this series.  It was finished on a thrifted metal butter dish with some homespun ruffles  and pretty ribbon from the Dollar Tree. 

The Frosty Stamp was one of my freebies . If you would like to see more of it just click here .  I finished it on a Dollar General stand. I hope to have seasonal pieces for this stand. 

The second shelf has two pieces of cross stitch. This piece by Triology called "Cheer" . I finished it on a rough cut bread board. I stitched it in what I had in my stash at the time.  
I love that little blue ceramic milk jug. Come May it will be decorated with flags. 

The 2nd cross stitch on the shelf was a Christmas gift from my dear friend, Nancy. Nancy stitches the most amazing pieces and her finishing is superb. 

That's my 2021 winter hutch and winter decor. Now it is time for the Valentine decor to come out. 

On a different note, I have another Barnyard Redwork Stitchery completed to add to my bowl of pillows. 

This is Love Moo. I stitched it in DMC 304 on a 5" square of fabric and then whipped it into a little pillow. 

If you would like to stitch it , click on here for the pdf.

Click here to check out Luv Ewe and Luv Chicken

I so appreciate you stopping in to see my little winter displays and hope you come back again . Have a beautiful day. And as always...
Happy stitching, ya'll,


Monday, January 25, 2021

Ewe Have My Heart- 1869 Crock - Freebie

Hello, dear friends. Have you already transitioned into Valentine stitching? I officially started stitching Valentine's last week and am loving it. I have been so inspired by all of the lovely stitches that I have been seeing on Instagram.   I do not have a lot of Valentine decor, but slowly it is growing with each sweet little stitch.  This past weekend, I worked on a little design that I could incorporate in my Valentine decor but can also stay out year round. 

I love sheep. I love old crocks. So why not put a sheep in a crock? Lol. This piece is called "Ewe Have My Heart- 1869 Crock". 


I had posted another crock piece in December called  Fall 1869 Crock . You can find it by clicking on the name. 

Six floss colors were used in this piece which were DMC 3345, blanc, 310, 221, 224, and 842. I stitched mine on 14 count tea dyed aida that came out so nicely. My tea dyeing is a hit or miss. 😂 This time it was a hit at least for me. 


This is a small measuring 44 x 39 and on 14 count aida that measured 3 1/8" x 2 3/4". Love my smalls. 

As I stitched it, I knew I wanted it to be a round finish, but did not know what I was going to complete it on. After stewing over it for a few hours , eureka! Fortunately, I had a little round paper mache' box that I had purchased at Dollar Tree, and I knew it was somewhere deep in my finishing stash. It would be perfect. I was doing a happy jig when I realized yes it would fit.  


 I painted the box with black and chocolate brown paint- trying to give it a prim look.

 I then mounted the stitched piece on  mat board with 2 layers of batting and  tacked it to the lid of the box. I created a little jute cording with jute from the Dollar Tree. 


The box looked sort of plain so I added some homespun to the box. Inspired by my  IG friend, Nancy , I wrapped a double twine bow around the box and with that I had a finish.  I have to say  Nancy is a prolific stitcher and has amazing finishing ideas.  She is always sparking my imagination.   Thank you , Nancy. 

I hope to add more crock stitches to my collection. I think one would be so cute mounted on a cheese crock or even in a pie tin. So many ideas whirling in my head. 

Ewe Have My Heart - 1869 Crock & Luv Ewe 

                                Luv Ewe was a freebie last week.                                       

I would be delighted if you added this to your future stitch list. If you are interested, just check out the pdfs below. Now I am not a professional designer  so no professional set up here. I have to put each page in its own pdf. 

For the instruction page , click here  .

For the colored chart, click here .

For the black and white pdf , click here  . 

This little sheep was such a joy to stitch, and I am so proud to add it to my ever growing sheep and farm stitches. 
Did you see my little redwork sheep called " Luv Ewe "   that I posted last week?

 This is another little Barnyard redwork piece called "Luv Chick" .
 I stitched it in DMC 304 on a 5" square of fabric. I made it into a little pillow and hope to have a bowl full soon. I am also going to restitch them to make a little quilt.

Click here for the pdf .  Check back in and you may find these little doodles stuck in random posts. 

Thank you so much for stopping in for a visit. Hope you come back for a visit soon . Have an awesome day and as always...
Happy stitching, ya'll
Your visits and sweet comments always bring a smile to my face. Thank you so much. I would love to see your stitches. You can always tag me on Instagram and use #pinkernpunkinquilting or Direct Message me. 
It is a beautiful day so why not create something special. 

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