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Monday, July 22, 2024

A Scrappy Patriotic Monday

 Are you working on patriotic stitching? I still am!  I just am not ready to move on to another season. πŸ˜€ But there is 62 more days until Autumn so I guess I should move on. 

Happy Monday, y'all. I fully finished U. S. A. which I shared on my July 13, 2024 post.  

Patriotic Mason Jar with U. S. A.

The week before I had purchased this little silver butter tray at the thrift store for a $1.00. I knew I would find a use for it, and by golly, this stitch fit perfectly! 

Today I will continue working on more Happy Scrappy Flags.  I shared the measurements for these blocks in my May 20, 2024 post. 

This past week I added 20 more to the ever growing stack of flags. I now have a grand total of 100 happy flags.  I have decided to write messages of "patriotism, love and hope " on some of the flags.  

 Alrighty, I have got some flags to piece so I better get on the move. I wish you a marvelous day . 

Hey , do something special for yourself  today; you deserve it. Love ya! 

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all


"Just another magic Monday."

Hugs and Stitches!!! πŸ€—πŸ§΅

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I miss and love you so much.   ❤πŸ‘Ό

A new house is in the works. First step, put in the garden! πŸ˜€πŸ‚


  1. Such a beautiful jar ! Love your thrift shore find !
    Enjoy your day !

    1. Oh thank you so much, Annelies. I have really enjoyed working on the mason jar stitches. The butter dish was a great find; it has a really pretty design and was a perfect finishing piece. Enjoy your day. Hugs.

  2. My, you have so much going on Melisa! You are so organised. Love the butter dish, it was just what you needed for that finish. ☺️ Can’t believe how much Aida you must have, it looks lovely with the tea dying. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ The new cross stitch start looks fabulous!
    Have a super day! πŸ€— Barbara @flashinscissors. πŸ™‹‍♀️πŸ‘πŸ’œxx

    1. Happy Monday, Barbara. I hope your week is off to a great start. I was over the moon that the butter dish worked out for a finish; it was a lucky find. I always struggle with finishing though .LOL. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. Hope you are getting in some stitching time. Hugs.

  3. You find the neatest things to finish your cross stitch! I keep forgetting to measure my finishes when I go thrifting! Your happy flags is coming along nicely. Blessings!

    1. I always keep my eyes peeled for finishing pieces, but I do struggle with ideas. This little dish was a great find. Thank you so much for the sweet visit, Donna. I hope you are doing well and are enjoying your travels. Hugs

  4. Great idea to write messages on your little flags...that will make them into a lovely memory quilt...hugs, Julierose

    1. Oh thank you so much, Julierose. I wrote messages on my last butterfly quilt and I enjoy looking back at what I wrote. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  5. I'm not ready to move on from our patriotic display either, and I am almost done with my patriotic flag quilt using your pattern. Hubs has offered to put it up above our fireplace for best viewing. Love the little silver tray, the price was sure right!

    1. Aaah that is so exciting, Linda. I hope you will post a photo when you have your quilt finished. I know it will look amazing! Thank you so much ; you brought a big smile to my day . Hugs.

  6. I will keep my patriotic items up for a couple more weeks and then transition into something else for a couple weeks before September hits for the fall things to come out of hiding! Looking forward to seeing more of your new house stitching.

    1. It is always hard for me to put away my patriotic . I used to keep mine up till Labor Day, but Fall always calls my name now. I have noticed that some stores are starting to put out Fall which gets my juices flowing fall for quilting. How about you? LOL. Thank you so much for the sweet visit, Vicki. Have an awesome day. Hugs.

  7. Love your patriotic finishes, Melisa! Your flag blocks are looking fabulous. Happy Monday!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. I am enjoying piecing them. I cut more fabrics last night. I am using my "ugly " fabrics, but they do look pretty in the flags. LOL. Have a fabulous day. Hugs.

  8. I love your little flag blocks and really enjoyed making some this year! I'm not quite ready for autumn yet, though, but like the colors of August first. Sunflower colors - gold and green. Looking forward to seeing your newest house stitch!

    1. I agree, Diann. I like the golden yellows of August too especially sunflowers and such. It is always blazing hot here in August , but once the stores start putting out Fall decor I start dreaming of pumpkins. LOL. Isn't this year just flying by? Have a fabulous day and thank you for the Monday visit. Hugs.

  9. Hey Melisa, love your flag blocks, you just amaze me in all you get done. Can’t wait to see your new house. You have a great day. ❤️πŸ€—

    1. Happy Happy Monday, Patti. I hope your week is off to a lovely start. Oh , I am just hip hopping from project to project. I sure wish I could focus on one, but I guess fluttering about is the fun part for me. LOL. Have a blessed day and stay cool. Hugs.

  10. I try to keep my patriotic decorations up until the end of July and then out comes the Summer decorations until Fall. I love your flag quilt blocks - I made flag banners a few years back out of red, white and navy dot fabrics from Joann. Also happy to see a new house you are working on! I have a list of all of your houses in monthly order and a working down the list. I started in March when I found your website and not sure how I stumbled on it but it has been so inspiring - thank you for the hard work you do and share with your fellow crafters! At that time my oldest daughter decided to retire from her Etsy shop she had for 10 years where I sewed fabric bows and purses for young girls and she made other types of bows. With her three daughters and going back to college full time she had to let it go. I was so "lost" for awhile but then found all the wonderful cross stitch patterns I could do - thank you again for your generosity!

    1. Happy Monday, Carrie. It sounds like you do like I me in respect to the Summer decorations. I enjoy the watermelons, bees, sunflowers and garden items. Can you tell that I love Summer? LOL. Oh I bet your flag banners were just darling. I have a thing for polka dots. I wish we had a Joann's nearby. I always stop at one if I see them when traveling. It sounds like you stayed quite busy helping your daughter with her Etsy shop. You brought back warm memories of my girls when you said you made bows and purses. Mine loved the big bows that matched their outfits and of course purses. They always had to have bows for the pony tails when playing ball too. I am so glad that you are enjoying cross stitch . It's very relaxing isn't it? I wish you a wonderful day and thank you for the sweet visit. You brightened my day. Hugs

  11. I have one more patriotic cross stitch piece to fully finish, then I think I will be finished with patriotic for this year. I'm still plugging away on bee stitches. I love your flag blocks, tempting. Enjoy your day!

    1. Oh how fun, Jeanna. I can not wait to see your patriotic finish. I know it will be as cute as a button. I have really been enjoying seeing you bee stitches. Have a blessed day and Happy stitching and quilting. Hugs.

  12. So much fun happening in your stitching/sewing spots. I don't know why I even try to do seasonal stitching. I'm a miserable failure. Big sigh - LOL I love your little flags. HMMM just had a thought - maybe I should stick to patriotic themed stitching and sewing. Definitely food for thought. Have a great Monday!

    1. Lol , Darlene, I can not imagine you being a failure at anything! Your stitching and quilting has always been beautiful and inspiring. I think I could work on patriotic and Christmas stitching all year round. But I have the tendency to hip hop between projects. I eventually get something done though. LOL. Have a fabulous day, Darlene and thank you for the sweet Monday visit. Hugs.

  13. You always get ideal finishes for your embroidery.
    Have a nice week

    1. Aaah thank you very kindly, Isabel. The little butter dish was a lucky find. I was so happy that the stitch fit perfectly. I am hoping to interchange my stitches on this dish. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  14. I love the jars! I am doing a year of jars. If I ever get it done, I will share it with you. That little silver tray is so lovely. It really finished off the USA so beautifully. Do you have a plan for all your sweet little scrappy flags? 100 would make quite a large quilt if you use them all together in one quilt. I like the idea of growing the garden and then building the house to suit that garden. I will look forward to seeing it. What color will this house be? Your last little quote gave me an ear worm. The song keeps playing in my head! LOL

  15. Oh Ginny, I have an obsession with jars too. I started a jar quilt a few years ago but it has fallen to the wayside; I do need to pick it up again. I have been mulling over the idea about the flag quilt. I was thinking of having the little flags surround a larger flag with sashing in between the flags , but I am not sure. I have a little box with lots of scraps cut so I would like to use those up but I keep adding to them. Hee! Hee! I started the house in my stitch . It is going to be an orangish brick house surrounded with sunflowers. I am easing into Autumn. Lol. Don't you just love the Bangles. I was singing it too. Hugs.

  16. Love your USA stitch. So pretty. I'm not quite done with patriotic fun yet either, Melisa. I just finished a little quilt (which I'll probably share on Saturday) and I want to start a couple of small pillows. My BFF gave me the pattern for my birthday and I've just waiting for a little time to start on a couple. Hope your day was busy with those sweet flags!

    1. Happy Tuesday, Susie. Thank you so much for the kind words on my USA stitch. I enjoy working on patriotic items so much. I can not wait to see your quilt on Saturday. How exciting! I hope you enjoy your new starts . Have a wonderful day. Hugs. 

  17. Your scrappy flags are so cute! Hard to believe that July is almost over. August will be hot, but fall kicks in at the end of September. The year is certainly going quickly.

    1. Gosh , July has flown by hasn't it? It seems like yesterday we were celebrating the 4th. Oh yes, August is always a scorcher here and very muggy. Fall is always a very busy time of the year . I am already dreaming of fall quilting. Thank you so much for the sweet visit, Kate. Hugs.


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