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Friday, March 31, 2023

A Quilt and a Tale!

Hello, Sunshine!!! 

        🌷🌷Tip toe through the window,

          By the window that is where I'll be

      Come tip toe through the tulips with me  🌷🌷

            - Tiny Tim 

Today I am tiptoeing through the tulips and doing a happy dance !   🌷🌷🌷🌷💃💃

Eeeh my Summer Days quilt top is finished!!!!

I added the borders the other day using a lovely floral print from the Pioneer Woman collection.    As soon as I completed it , I squealed with delight and ran outside with my quilt in arm looking for a place to hang it.  Mr. Pinker was down at the garage working on the lawn mower. 
"Hmmm Where can I hang this quilt ?" I said to noone in particular , but hoping my voice would carry all the way down to the garage.  Only the birds chirped. 

I  looked over my shoulder to see if Mr. Pinker saw me but with all indications he just kept working at his task without nairy catching me in his sights.  Oh, well. 

"We have a million and one trees here in the holler, surely I can find one willing to cradle my quilt, "  I said. 
Mr. Squirrel nibbling away at  a nearby birdfeeder nodded in agreement. 

"Yoo. Hoo does any tree want to hold  my quilt?" I  chimed. 
 I  then spotted the spindly redbud tree in bloom with the purtiest lavender pink flowers. 

So I tiptoed through the English Ivy , daffodils and  big yellow tulips.

  With a jump and sling of my arm I threw the quilt over the limb of the redbud and 2 seconds later a gust of wind, blew it right back off.
 "Oh bother , what a blustery day". I turned to look down the hill at Mr. Pinker, but he kept tinkering away.  "Why hasn't he noticed me? " I wondered out loud ; normally if he spots me doing something with difficulty , he comes to my aid.   I know  I know the logical thing to do was to ask him for help, but ..... oh well. Any whoo!

Not to be deterred, I  jumped like a mad  rabbit and slung the quilt again and little Miss Redbud and Ole' Mr. Wind worked in tandem to shake my Summer Days quilt and sail it through the air and down to the ground.  

Underneath my breath, I grumbled "Why do we  not have a clothesline anymore? I  just adore clotheslines!!"  😀

Soon  an idea came to mind and I tip toed out of the tulips and pulled a patio chair over to the redbud . With a clip of a few  clothespins , my quilt was secured to Miss Redbud .

 "Wahlah!!!! I screamed ,"Take that Mr. Wind!!!"   With gusto, Mr. Wind howled and  roared back at me with hopes of blowing me off the rickety chair. 
  Spryly, I jumped back and off the chair , grabbed my camera and with a snippity snap, I was snapping photos as the wind huffed and puffed trying to blow my quilt away.  
 After my photo shoot, I turned around and looked back down the hill. Mr. Pinker was not giving me any indication that he saw me jumping and climbing nor that there was a quilt fluttering in the yard. Why hadn't he seen all of this ruckus?  Oh, well, I thought.  
I took down my quilt and  did a little shimmy happy dance , stuck out my tongue to Mr. Wind and then hip hopped out of the flower bed.  Merrily, I went on my way back into the house. 
 Later that night, Mr. Pinker sat down in the living room and said "Soooo what quilt was you hanging?"  🙄😳  
Lol  I just shook my head and smiled. 

 The quilt will be going into  a hoop this weekend . It will be such a  delight to quilt on this during the Spring and summer months as I reminisce sharing the blocks last year. 

I truly appreciate the sweet Friday visit and  for you taking the time to listen to my little tale. 

Have a beautiful day and if I  you have the chance to tip toe through the tulips and do a little happy dance! 😀🌷🌷🌷🌷💃💃

PS. With all his tinkering, Mr. Pinker fixed the lawn mower and was merrily mowing in no time. Little did I know  that earlier he was looking over his shoulders at the house wondering why I wasn't coming to help him fix the lawn mower. Hee! Hee!   😄😆😜Lol now that is a tall tale!!!

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


We can not direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. 

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy . I love and miss you. 

 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Jennifer at Inquiring Quilter for Wednesday  Wait Loss- Wednesday

Denise at For the Love of Geese for Put Your Foot Down- Thursday

Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday- Thursday

TGIFF at Melva Loves Scraps for Thank Goodness Its Finished Friday- Friday

Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday

Alycia's of Alycia's Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant - Friday

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party - Friday

Sarah at  Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Whoop! Whoop! - Friday

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Angela of  So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Wordless Wednesday Early Spring on the Farm

Welcome, welcome , welcome, my sweet dear friends!!!!
Happy Wednesday and welcome to another Not So Wordless Wednesday post. 
Just thought I would  pop in and share some  random snapshots from the farm.  I hope they bring a warm smile to your day . Enjoy!

I appreciate the sweet Wednesday visit. 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


 I'd rather be on my farm than be the emperor of the world. - George Washington

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Ya'll come back now ,ya hear!

Dedicated to my baby sister , Amy who  loved the farm.   Love and miss you, Amo. 


Monday, March 27, 2023

Hoppin' to the Bunny Tree

Happy Monday, hunny bunnies!!! 

 Hoppy Spring

Bunnies are hopping everywhere.     You guessed it ! It is another Country Clutter episode. 😀


 Ya'll know I am no minimalist . I love collecting and enjoy a bit of clutter. It keeps my juices flowing and makes my heart sing. Yep! It's just my style. ❤😌😀

 Today I wanted to share with you my little raggedy white Easter tree. It is plumb full of all things spring, Easter and loads of stitching and I did not buy nairy a thing for it this year. 


 The other day little Mrs Pinker,  aka my oldest daughter, came over for a visit. Immediately she started laughing. 

2023 Easter Tree

"What?" , I asked with a puzzled look on my face.  

She began to study the loaded down tree intently , snickering as she studied. 

"What?" I asked again. 

"Oh my goodness, Mama. Who saves these things? " Is that bunny from my basket when I was 5 years old?"

One of the bunnies from Prairie Schooler Bunnies book # 178

 "Yep" I said  beaming brightly that I had saved it.

  Soon little Mrs. Pinker was hip hopping down memory lane looking at all of the pieces of her past. She about rolled when she saw a plastic candy container that still housed candy- vintage candy  I say. 

 A thrifted framed bunny stitch and a bunny sampler . Do you know who it is by? My memory escapes me. 

 After looking at all of the Easter goodies, I then said, "Lookie , I included loads of stitching too !!!" 

"Spring Has Sprung" by Country Cottage Needleworks and my  Love Trifle 

"Hmmm, fascinating - Where's the tree?", she asked. 

Another stitch I can not remember the designer of. Oh, bother. Lol. 

"Oh, it's in there, " I reassured her. "You know me- I don't want to see the raggedy branches. " 

And with that she  laughed and with  a wink of her eye she walked away hollering "Daddy, can you believe Mama saves all these things?" Lol

My little tree sits in a bushel basket . The topper is a wooden Easter stake that was bought years ago. Lots of loose flowers are tucked in here and there. All of my extra stitching was tucked among the branches. 

Stitches from Stitchy friends adorn my tree as well as vintage eggs. 

 This year I added teeny trading card size quilts in the tree using the tiny clothes pins that I thrifted last week.

Prairie Schooler Bunnies, Heart in Hand Needleart's "Grow Whirligig and my mini Hoppy Dazes quilt

 All around the tree is my children's Easter treasures. I always keep the cedar doll high chair by the tree; it is holding my daughter's Easter rabbits now.  


Near it is an Easter basket filled with little quilts and a large ceramic rooster. 

 The Easter wagon is from the 90's and hold a small stack of Spring mini quilts, a chocolate bunny and resin rabbit.  

But wait!!! That's not all, I have another mini Easter tree in my foyer. It is a carrot tree. 


 It sits in an olive bucket which in turn sits in an old enamel bucket . Below the tree is a thrifted bunny sitting a chair , a crock of homemade carrots and a resin bunny sitting on a spice box. 

Well how is that for Easter Country Clutter?😁😂😀 


At least you got to see some stitching and  mini quilt stacks as well.

 I will share the rest of my foyer and Easter hutch here soon.

  I truly appreciate you taking the time to join me.  

A little vintage cake topper, and loads of bunny stitches including Lizzie Kate's Spring stitch

Thank you to my sweet visitor who asked to see my Easter tree; you brought a smile to my day. 😊❤🤗

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Dear Easter bunny , can you fill my basket with more fabric and threads. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy who loved to decorate for all the holidays, Love and miss you, Amo


Sunday, March 26, 2023

Bright Sunshiny Day

Good afternoon, ya'll. The sun is shining bright and the birds are singing.  
Bee Update: The other day Mr. Pinker and I hung up boxes to catch a swarm or two . Fingers crossed we will be successful.

Meanwhile the bees have been out and about enjoying the fresh bright blooms, and they have been tending their hive. 

I have been working on Silver Creek Samplers patriotic stitch  which was gifted to me by dear Stacy . It was such a comfort piece to work on as my daughter made her way back to the U.S. from being overseas the other day.   Big bear hugs, Stacy. 🧸🤗

So are you enjoying a slow stitch today?   My needle and thread will be meandering along the border of my Grandmother's Love Quilt creating soft gentle curves.  
 I am almost finished with the 2nd border. 


1. Work on Butterfly blocks.

2. Continue work on patriotic cross stitch

3. Begin a new Easter Cross stitch

4. Work on embroidery for upcoming SAL

5. Quilt Grandma's Love

✅6.  FFO "Clover" cross stitch. 


Is the same as last week's. I just need to add the trim to the Clover stitch and then it will be put away until next March. 

 Did you hear that ? The needle and thread is calling my name so I better hustle to my stitching spot and get to work . Enjoy your day, sweeties and...

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


It never hurts to keep looking for the sunshine- Eeyore

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy . I love and miss you. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That

Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday 

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