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Sunday, October 2, 2022

Stitchin' the Day Away

                    "I found my own true love,   On blue Sunday..."                                 The Doors

Singing the Sunday Blues. Nah! I am not blue, I have just been working on some blue quilt blocks.

Good Sunday morning, Pumpkins. How is the 2nd day of October treating you?   These last few nights there has been a chill in the air.  

 The leaves are slowly beginning to change color in the holler and a few have fallen to the ground. Soon we will have a quilt of colorful leaves blanketing the earth. 


Speaking of leaves. I finished the embroidery work in my 1st Camping block. This block commemorates when Mr. Pinker and I went camping at Oak Ridge.  

The blue goose block is the 2nd Camping Block representing Goosepond where we like to camp. 

Do you have a slow stitching project for Sunday?  My quilting project will be Cheri Payne's Santas. 

My embroidery is not fantastic. It looks like a 5 year old did it, but I am ok with that .😃 Lol I am a kid at heart. 

Dear Marianne gifted me Homespun Elegances "Delivering Plenty" so  for my Sunday cross stitch I am going to continue working on it. It has been my Thankful Thursday stitch, but I don't think ole' Tom turkey minds me working on him today . 

You know what? It  is Santa Sunday in my stitching rotation, I better choose an extra cross stitch to work on. Hmmm. ! I think I need to work on another stitch from dear Heidi at All My Scattering Moments. Today's Christmas stitch will be "Silent Night" which she posted on her blog in the Dec. 15th 2009 post. 

These are the stitches that I have completed so far from Heidi. 

For Design Wall Monday, I will be working on more butterfly blocks. All of the wings are stitched . Now I am adding the bodies. 

Time to Write My Goals for the Week . Have you jotted yours down yet? 

Did I Get er' Done?   Well.... Last week's goals were:  

🧵 Work on the embroidery work on the Cheri Payne Santa blocks. I am quite smitten with these Santas.  Thank you so much, Joan for this pattern. 

🧵 Create Camping Block

🧵Work on Witchy Woman cross stitch. I have been working on this one for 2 years now. I do need to complete it. 

🧵Begin a new Mason Jar Cross stitch.

🧵FFO 2 more cross stitches

🧵Spend at least 15 minutes a day quilting on the Easter Quilt.

WOO HOO! Doing the Happy Dance! 💃💃💃💃100% complete on this past week's goals!!!

What's the Plans for the Week?  Well....

🧵  Finish Gingerbread embroidery

🧵 Spend at least 15 minutes a day quilting on the Easter Quilt.

🧵 Work on butterfly blocks. 

🧵Begin new house stitch. 

🧵 I may leave out on a week long vacation to Nebraska & Wyoming. I am still deciding on that. 

🧵Start and finish Heidi's Silent Night Freebie

🧵Begin a new Camping Adventures Block

Well I am off to stitch the day away. Are you doing the same? 

 As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

Count your rainbows, not your thunderstorms. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo.

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Angela of  So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That

Linda at Texas Quilt Gal for To Do List Tuesday - Tuesday


  1. All of your stitcheries are so cute! I love the butterflies in the first photo. Have an enjoyable stitching Sunday!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Gretchen. I have most of the wings appliqued on 20 butterfly blocks. Soon the bodies will be added and then I can start piecing them together. I am getting excited. Have a great week.

  2. Your work is great! Thank you for sharing and getting me inspired to get sewing and stitching!

    1. Aaah you are so kind, Helen and thank you for the sweet visit and compliment. I hope you have a wonderful and productive week doing something that you love. Happy stitching.

  3. You are going to have a wonderfully busy crafting week, Melisa!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. It started off slow but I pulled it together toward the end of the week and go more completed than what I anticipated. Happy stitching. Hugs.

  4. Oh I love your cross stitch choices! I do love fall the cool temps the colorful nature display, fun post! those santas are adorable

    1. Oh thank you so much, Lee Anna. I hope to make some progress on these stitches this week. As the daylight hours shorten, I enjoy a bit more stitching time. Have a wonderful week and happy stitching.

  5. Your Santas are lovely, it's going to be a cute quilt! Pretty Fall leaves too, the season is coming for sure ;) Have fun with your to-do list!
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up!

    1. Aah thank you so much Frederique. I look forward to finishing the Santa quilt and putting it into the hoop. I would love to have it completed by the holiday. Have a wonderful week and happy quilting.

  6. So many lovely things it's hard to pick a favourite. Have a great Sunday.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, for the sweet visit and the kind words, Linda. I have been hopping from project to project and enjoying each and every one. Have a very lovely week.

  7. Love all those seasonal cross-stitch designs you come up with! And the Santa's are adorable, too. Great job meeting all your goals this week!

    1. I am definitely a seasonal stitcher . I love to use them in my seasonal decor as well. I am looking forward to finishing the Santa quilt. Hopefully real soon. Have a great week, Diann and happy quilting.

  8. You have great projects to work during this Sunday and week ahead. Have fun, Melisa!
    Love your camping blocks and all your cross stitching.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Ivani. I definitely have enough to keep me busy , but chances are I will be chasing squirrels as well. Have a very lovely week.

  9. I love the idea of your Camping blocks!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Jenny. I got the idea from Melva at Melva Loves Scraps. She has made some real cute blocks. I can only imagine what great blocks you would come up with . You have some amazing camping adventures yourself. Have a great week, Jenny.

  10. I have just now discovered your cheery blog through Slow Sunday Stitching! And I am so glad to see all your fanciful projects! That leaf applique catches my eye right off the bat, and I am eager to follow your work on those weekly goals.

    1. Aaah I am so delighted that you stopped by for a sweet visit, Jayne and I am so appreciative of the kind compliment . I really enjoyed appliqueing the leaves using what scraps I could find in my bin. I am already dreaming of a new block for my camping adventure quilt. Have a wonderful week . Happy quilting.

  11. LOVE those sweet Santas, Melisa!! They ALMOST make me want to take up applique. Almost, but not quite!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Joy . They were so much fun to work on. I love applique especially since I can not always make my way to the quilting room. I am so tickled that these were tempting to you though. Lol. Have a great week and happy quilting.

  12. Love your Witchy Woman cross stitch. Is this one of your patterns or is there somewhere I can order it?

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear. It is one of my designs that I have been working on for a couple of years. I hope to share it this month sometime. Perhaps in the next couple of weeks when I return home from vacation. Have a wonderful week and happy stitching.

  13. Have fun with your goals this week, Melisa! That trip sounds like a fun thing to do! I've never been to either of those states, but maybe one day!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Brenda. I hope to get as much done as I can. I hope that you can visit those states one day; the scenery and history is amazing in both. Have a wonderful week and happy quilting.

  14. Really love the Santa Quilt that you are doing, so cute!! I am just trying to catch up on some of my to-dos, lol, who am I kidding?! I always end up adding one more thing, the list never gets finished for me. Yours seems to be very full, congratulations on your accomplishment. Go and enjoy Nebraska and Wyoming, I especially like Wyoming. Sending you warm hugs from sunny Arizona.

  15. Love your holiday stitching projects. Good luck with this week's list.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kate. I hope to get as much done as possible though I do have some lofty goals. Have a wonderful week yourself and happy quilting.


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