Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

"Get on Board with Sewing" - A Country Pineapple Quilt

Good morning, ya'll and welcome. Eeeh! I am so excited I am joining my first blog hop with Melva at Melva Loves Scraps an Brenda at Songbird Designs. They are  hosting "Get on Board with Sewing Blog Hop" in celebration of September being National Sewing month. All one had to do was have a sewing project that had the surf or tropical theme. 
Well for me, I just knew it would be a country project with a tropical feel . Hmmm . What says tropical but also has a country vibe?  Soon it came to me a Pineapple.  It represents warmth and hospitality.  Perfect! 

Stand tall. 
Wear a crown
And be sweet on the inside. 

I chose some country fabrics that I have had in my stash - some close to 20 years or more. Aren't those homespuns so yummy? 

From the red homespun, I cut the fabric 12"X 18 1/2" . I added two yellow border fabrics to the side measuring 2 1/2" x 18 1/2". 

From the green homespun, I cut 2 strips measuring 2 1/2" x 15 1/2". I sewed these strips to the top and bottom of the background piece. 

After a good pressing , I was ready to applique. 

I decide to needle turn applique my piece . So I traced my applique pieces , pinned them in place and went to town or should I say the beach😂. 

Soon my quilt was complete. 

Then it was  time for it  to go into a hoop. It did not take long to quilt and bind this piece. 

Now it is complete and ready to hang. 

I had to introduce my Country Pineapple to some of my Country Clutter . 

Earlier this year my mom bought a couple of pineapples at Walmart on sale. After reading on the internet that you could grow a pineapple plant from placing the top in the dirt, I thought I would give it a go. 

 I took the tops and plopped them in the dirt and each one is doing quite well and have  certainly grown.  Have you ever tried to grow your own pineapple? I would be interested to know  how it went. 

If you would like to create your own Country Pineapple Quilt , just check out the links below. 
Click here for the Instructions.

Click here for applique pattern pg. 1. 

Click here for applique pattern pg. 2

If you have missed any of the tropical fun, let those fingers do some clicking and surf on over to these lovely ladies' blogs. You will not be disappointed. Tomorrow is the last day for blog hoppin' fun. 

 Thursday, September 1

Did you know there is a giveaway in the blog hop. If you are interested go to Brenda's blog Songbird Designs and enter the Rafflecopter giveaway. There are some great prizes. 
Thank you , for the sweet visit and as always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

HOspitality is simply an opportunity to show love and care. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy who was always friendly and hospitable to every person she met. She never met a stranger.I love and miss  you, Amo.❤❤👼 


  1. Your appliqued pineapple quilt is really cute! Keep us updated on how your pineapple plant is doing. Do you have any idea how big it will grow to? Happy stitching!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Gretchen. I am not sure how big the pineapple plant will be. It has grown quite a bit this summer. One plant I have in the sun and the other in shade. They look the same though. This winter I will keep them in the greenhouse. I will certainly keep you posted though. Have a great week and thank you for the sweet visit.

  2. Replies
    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. It was a fun quick project. I hope you had a super Labor Day weekend. Hugs.

  3. Very cute! Unfortunately, my stash is in storage but it sure gives me ideas for later!

    1. Happy Tuesday, Donna. Aah I am so glad this gave you some ideas to use later on. I bet sometimes you miss being able to get in your stash at a whim, but I bet it is a lot of fun when you do get into it and revisit all of your lovely fabrics. Have a great week , my dear and thank you for the sweet Tuesday visit.

  4. Cute pineapple wallhanging. I have the top and bottom fabrics also in my homespun stash. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Karrin. Oh how fun! I certainly miss when homespuns like these were easily available in my area at least. I so appreciate you stopping by for a visit today. Happy quilting.

  5. What a darling wall hanging Melisa! Your fabrics are yummy - I'd love to see your stash. ;) I like your pineapple plant - very tropical feel - let us know if it produces!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Linda. It was a super quick quilt to put together and love that I was able to use some of the homespuns. I am very anxious to see what the pineapple plants do. Even if they do not produce it was fun to see if I could grow them . Have a great day and thank you for the sweet visit. Happy quilting.

  6. That is just an adorable pineapple wall hanging, Melisa! I think it's perfect with the theme as well as your country decor! Love it! I hope your pineapple plants grow and product for you! Love the little saying about the pineapple as well. And, I am SEW happy you chose to blog with us for your very first blog hop. That is indeed an honor! Thanks for sharing and joining us on this journey!

    1. You are so very kind, Brenda . Thank you so much. I have certainly enjoyed every minute of the blog hop and have found much inspiration. Thank you for all of the work that you and Melva have put into it. Ya'll have brought joy to so many. Happy quilting.

  7. That is such a cute project, Melisa, and so perfectly fits your style! You make that needleturn applique look easy - very inspiring. Thanks for including those templates and directions for the project, too!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Diann. It worked up quickly. I do love needleturn applique especially since I can take it anywhere to work on. I hope you have a very lovely week and thank you again for the sweet visit.

  8. I love your little pineapple quilt! I actually have a pineapple raised bed garden with about 10 plants in it. There is actually a pineapple farm a few hours from me and I learned so much about growing them from the owners when I stopped at their roadside stand. Most people cut the top off a pineapple but all you need to do is twist it out. Then take the top and pull back about 3 or so rows of the little leaves at the bottom and you'll see little nubs that are baby roots. Then you just put it in the ground and let mother nature do her thing. The plants will regenerate year over year. Dole has several videos on Youtube that show the growing process, its rather fascinating and they are so much better than the ones in the store!

    1. Oh thank you so much , Shelly for the information that is so fascinating that you have a raised bed of them and a pineapple farm is not so far away from you. I will definitely check out the video and may move my pineapple plants to raised beds or large pots in the greenhouse . I look forward to seeing how my plants progress and will keep you posted. Hugs

  9. Love your country pineapple with the crown, Melisa!!! Great job on growing a couple of pineapples, too!!!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Nancy. I had a great time using up some of my homespuns in this quilt, plus it was a quick project. Growing pineapples have been a fun experiment this summer. I hope they will survive the winter and maybe produce. Fingers crossed. Have a great week. Happy quilting.

  10. Love your pineapple, the crown and the poem! I wish you luck with your pineapple - I have never grown one but am interested in your result. Any idea of how long it takes?

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kathleen. The little quilt was a fun quick project. I am not sure about how long it takes. It was sorta whim to start these plants. But one of my dear followers said there are videos by Dole on Youtube that has information on growing pineapples so I am going to check them out in hopes of getting a few tips. It has been a fun experiment though and has given a bit of interest to my patio garden though. I hope you give it a try.

  11. Yes, we have successfully grown pineapple (and had fruit) from planting the crown of a pineapple. I hope you have as much success growing your pineapple as you did in creating your applique pineapple!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Yvonne. I did not know if it would work or not on growing a pineapple in a pot, but thought I would give it a try. It has been a fun experiment. I hope I have as much success as you did. Thank you for the sweet visit .

  12. Cute country pineapple. :) Thanks for joining in on the hop! Blessings, Melva

    1. Oh thank you so much, Melva. It has been such a fun experience. I so appreciate all of the hard work that you and Brenda put into this blog hop and into your blogs, You both bring so many joy and inspiration. Happy quilting.

  13. Your pineapple is a very cute wall hanging!! Thanks for sharing the pattern!

    1. Aaah you are so kind, Gail and thank you for the sweet visit. It was a simple but quick quilt to work on . Have a wonderful week and happy quilting.

  14. Your country pineapple is cute as it can be <3 Thanks for sharing the pattern.
    Yes we planted the crown of pinepples and they grow and had fruit.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Ivani. I had a ball working on this little quilt plus it did not take long at all. I hope that I have as much success as you have had. It has been fun to see my two plants grow this summer . Thank you again for the sweet visit. Happy quilting and stitching.

  15. Such a sweet Pineapple Wallhanging!!! Thank you very much. Thanks to Shelly Nichols with her comments about planting the pineapple. I guess my son has done everything correctly, he has one growing very well and it had a tiny pineapple starting. We will see what happens, lol. Have a wonderful day. Sending you warm hugs from sunny Arizona.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear Mary. Oh how exciting that your son is growing his own pineapples. I hope you will let me know how it goes. Hugs and blessings. 

  16. this is wonderful. until this hop I didnt know what the pineapple stood for. I love that it is for hospitality. thanks for sharing and inspiring

    1. I so appreciate the sweet visit and comment, Lori. This was the first pineapple quilt that I have made, but I have collected a few pineapple pieces over the years. Have a great week .

  17. So gorgeous!!! Thanks for the pattern and the inspiration! xx

    1. Aaah thank you so much , Joy. You are so kind. Wishing you a blessed day . Happy quilting.

  18. Oh I knew you would come up with something clever, love the pineapple, my favorite fruit. I've never tried growing my own but look forward to seeing how yours grows. So glad you joined in.

    1. Aaah thank you so much. I sorta jumped in at the last minute so this was a quick project , but fits right in with my country decor. Have a great week and happy quilting.

  19. Nothing says "tropical" more than a pineapple. Love the country feel to your wall hanging.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Karen. I loved using the homespuns plus this pineapple will fit right in with my country decor. Happy quilting.

  20. Thank you for the country pineapple pattern. I love pineapples!


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