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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Spring Farm Hutch Tour

 Happy Thursday my dear sweet friends. Please join my in the kitchen for some cookies ,  a glass of sweet iced tea and some good ole' chit chat. I would love to share my hutch decor with you. Now hold onto your bloomers there is going to be a lot to see in a small space😀😃. 


 As soon as Easter was over, I was ready to dress the hutch in some new digs, and I knew exactly what I was going to do . 

 It all started with the Farmyard theme and the bright cheery colors- red and yellow. First,  I changed my shelf runners from the lace valance curtains to red and white buffalo check runners.  I then started off with my layers of Dollar Tree plates in reds, whites, and yellows. I love to decorate with plates. Ssshhhh! Don't tell anyone that I have a plate addiction. Well after I layered the plates,  it was then time to put all the farmyard goodness onto the shelves. I scoured my house for yellows, red and chicks. 


 Let's start with the top shelf.

 In the corner is a little cross stitch freebie chicken that I found off Pinterest year ago.  I am not sure who the designer was, but if anyone knows ,I would be so grateful for the info. It was one of the 1st pieces I stitched when I got back into cross stitching. 

 Next to it is a Pioneer Woman "Bless This Home " plaque and an old pitcher with a Dollar Tree hen salt and pepper shaker in it. 

The cross stitching in the middle is one of my designs from last year called the Bee Keepers ,but I have not written out the instructions or printed the chart out yet. 

 A thrifted chick and a Big Lots sheep pitcher rounds off the top shelf. The floral picks are from the Dollar Tree.  

The second shelf has my Nanny's old coffee canister- in my favorite color - RED. 

It may have been my great grandma's, but  I 'm not sure about that. 

On top of it are some gifted salt and pepper shakers and a pitcher with a hen in it - all given to me by my sister. 

My 3 spring Farm freebies are on the 2nd shelf finished in Dollar Tree trays with some reproduction fabric and Dollar Tree lace.

  Click the names of the stitch to go back to the original post and the pdfs. They are :  Spring on the FarmSpring Farmhouse and Spring  Farm Pasture


These  are all based on my family farms and childhood memories.  I paired them with some old thrifted bowls and a yellow riser from the Goodwill. 

Spring Chick Crock was another freebie that I left out from my Easter decor. 

Now on to the bottom shelf.


 In my old juicer, I changed out the bowl to a yellow Dollar Tree bowl and filled it with an appliqued chick and my freebie embroidery called Luv Chick


A Big Lots' heifer sits on a stack of plates and a little piggie is nestled into an old planter.

 My Farm Sweet Farm freebie stitch sits behind a thrifted ceramic chick. I had stitched Farm Sweet Farm last year  near Christmas time to put with my Christmas Farm stitches.

 I just simply changed out the embellishments so it could be used in the Spring and Summer Seasons. It is finished on a Dollar Tree chalkboard easel. 

 On the old vintage scale is some thrifted bowls and a Pioneer Woman cow plaque. 

 The old tea towel was found years ago and has the sweetest crocheted trim..  The lighted warmer stays out year round on the hutch. 


On the hutch door is a galvanized bucket with Walmart and Dollar Tree floral picks . 


Next to my hutch is my husband's great great grandmother's bakers table. 


The drawer pulls are little spools The top is enamelware.


 Usually this is just a knick knack and candy center for my grandbabies, but come Autumn and Christmas time , it is where I prepare baked goods. 

My little chick quilt that I completed earlier this year is draped over the edge held in place by a compote stand holding a strawberry pie plate. 


 Vintage jars and adorn the the doll bunkbed that is now being used as a shelf. 

Lots of vintage pot holders are hung above. 


Well that is my late spring hutch in a nutshell. It is one of my favorite hutch vignettes in awhile.  

 I need to start brainstorming on my patriotic hutch decor. First I need to decide what plates to use and then it will all fall in place. Lol. 

I am so thrilled that you stopped by today and took a gander at my country clutter. I know I pile a lot into a small section but it  is my style and it makes me happy.  I sure hope you have a beautiful day and hope ya'll stop by for a visit real soon. As always...

Happy stitching and decorating, ya'll


A farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn't be a farmer. 

Hugs and Stitches. 


  1. OOH! Lots of goodies! Love your decor, especially the farm animals. I grew up on a farm (in Norway). Love the small trays / cross-stitches too, they are so cute! Can't stop looking!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Astrid. There is nothing like the farm life is there? I have been collecting farm decor for a long long time and still love after all of these years. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and are able to get in a lot of quilting. And thank you again for the sweet visit and compliment.

  2. Oh my. I just love this vignette! Everything comes together so perfectly. So much goodness!

    1. Aah I so appreciate you visiting me today Tammy and for leaving such a sweet comment. I was thrilled that it all come together. I almost dread to take it down. But I have taken plenty of pictures in case I want to replicate it. Lol. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and thank you again for your sweetness.

  3. Oh my goodness....where to look??!! Your hutch is brimming with fun and gorgeous pretties to see. The strawberry pie plate is fabulous...but then everything is fabulous!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Kim. I sure have jam packed a small area but boy does it make me happy. I was so thrilled when I found the strawberry pie plate at the thrift shop for only a couple of dollars. I just had to have it. Have a fabulous weekend, Kim and I look forward to your Sunday post. Happy quilting.

  4. oh que votre cuisine est jolie!
    dès que la crise sanitaire est bien finie, je traverse l'océan pour prendre un café avec vous!

    1. I would love that ! Coffee, cake and a great visit. Thank you so much for visiting me today and for the such kind words on my hutch. I hope you have a very blessed weekend.

  5. So many cuties! Your cross stitching is lovely!

    1. Thank you so much, Gretchen. You are always so kind and complimentary when you visit and I appreciate you so much. I hope you have a very lovely weekend and are able to get in a lot of quilting.

  6. Your place always reminds me of a beloved country general store with all the knick knacks I could hope to find. Just love that sweet tea towel!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Sharon that is the sweetest compliment. I was told a few years ago that the visitor felt like they were at Cracker Barrel when they came to my And nope I wasn't cooking. Lol. I have been collecting many years and it is fun for me to move things around. Have a great weekend and thank you again for the sweet visit.

  7. I love and adore every bit of it!! Such sweet farm things and stitcheries. I love that you used doll bunk beds for a shelf. ❤️

    1. Aah thank you so much, Penny. I have been collecting these things for years. My hubby made my girls a little doll bed years ago and since the weren't using it, I might as well. Lol I have used their doll houses for display too. Lol. Thank you for visiting me today and for the sweetest comment. Happy stitching.

  8. Don't you love when your vision comes together? It all loves fabulous and so warm and inviting!

    1. Hi , Shelly. I am so thrilled you visited me today. It does feel fabulous when everything comes together. It is always a hit or a miss for me. Lol. I sure do appreciate your kind compliment. Have a wonderful weekend and happy stitching.

  9. Oh Melisa, your hutch looks fabulous. Well done!

    1. Thank you so much, Robin. I was so excited that it all came together. The cheery colors just brighten my day every time I go into the kitchen. Hope you have a great weekend. Hugs.

  10. I love everything in your hutch! Would love to stitch "Bee Keepers" if you release it. I have a green hutch that I decorate seasonally. So much fun!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Janet for visiting me today and for the sweetest comment. I was so delighted how the hutch all came together. I will have to put Bee Keepers on my list of writing it up and posting in the future. I bet your green hutch is amazing. Have a fabulous weekend.

  11. You find the cutest Dollar Tree goodies. And your original xstitch designs just make it all so special!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Jennie. I do love the Dollar Tree and the Goodwill. You never know what you might found there to use in crafting. I hope you have a fabulous weekend and happy quilting.

  12. So many wonders to find and see!! Love the chicks and the sheep pitcher, I wish that I had places in my small house for such a collectible gathering. Have a sweet wonderful day!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Mary. I really enjoy pulling out those chicks and that sheep out each year. I live in a small house too; it definitely can be a challenge being a collector. Lol but I enjoy it. Have a wonderful day.

  13. Your hutch looks so great, Melisa--love the cheery vibe all the yellow and red gives it. You have so many interesting collectibles, too. I look forward to seeing your patriotic hutch as that is one of my favorites to decorate for, too... Have a wonderful day! ♥

    1. Oh thank you so much, Carol for your sweet visit. I do love color and reds and yellows make my heart thump. I sort of dread changing out this hutch decor because I love it so much, but I am sure I will the patriotic hutch will come together. Have a great weekend and happy stitching.

  14. Just started reading your blog, thank you for the hutch tour, wow. I am so impressed, looked back at some of your older posts and .... can I come to your house for Christmas, it is so lovely.

    1. Aaah thank you so much for visiting me and for leaving the sweetest compliment. You sure are welcome to come by for Christmas. Lol. I do love decorating for that time of the year. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  15. Oh what fun! I always love to open your email to see what you are up to. You are so creative and have so many great ideas. Thanks so much for sharing!

  16. Always love your Blog.Your hutch is beautiful as always i almost visit your blog daily and everytime i find something new.Thank you for all the freebies and i wish you would post the Honey freebie it is adorable.Looking forward to stitching it.
    Keep your cross stitch and decorating coming for us to enjoy all your talent.

  17. WOW! So many beautiful things. So much eye candy! lol!

  18. Absolutely beautiful Melissa. It’s decor like this that makes a house a home. Love everything especially your stunning cross stitch trays x

  19. So cute!! Thank you for the tour! love your charts! I live in a small condo in Southern California so I don't have as much space to decorate :-)

  20. Melissa!!!
    LOVE, LOVE everything about this sweet Spring hutch!!!! So stinking cute!!! I realize that I should have left out my Easter yellow chicks..... I will have to remember for next year!!! LOVE the red and yellow as you know I am a lover of that color combo as I have it in my own Kitchen!!!! so pretty!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!


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