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Friday, April 16, 2021

Basket Case Friday

Woo Hoo ! It is Friday. Where did the week go?  It sure did pass by  like a whirlwind . I can honestly say I got very little done. Lol. I blame it on the warm weather, playing in dirt,  and of course I had to go watch the  grandbabies' ballgames. 

Some days it is hard to go into the Quilt Nest especially when it is bursting at the seams just begging for a good cleaning. It will happen someday, I promise. I did pull out some scraps to complete a wee bit on the quilt front though. 
My sweet friend, Joan sent my a little basket template for applique. I love needleturn applique' . I worked on a small blue basket quilt. Oh, it is so cute!! I am going to quilt on it tonight. I have the backing cut and the batting is ready to go. Now just to put it in the hoop.  I think I will cut out some more baskets for another basket quilt too.

As long as I am talking about baskets, I thought I would show you some of my baskets throughout the house. 
A vintage picnic basket with WIPS inside and quilts on top. 

A basket of saltboxes. 
A big basket of WIPS . I think this chair from my Great Grandma might become my new stitchy spot. Perfect spot to gaze out the window at the squirrels and birdies as they  fight for the feeders. 

A basket of little quilts on a stack of quilting and stitching books. 
And finally a basket stack with vintage Annies. The red basket holds a Christmas Annie that stays out year round and the small baskets hold floss. 
Ok, enough with the baskets. So what else did I work on?  Well today I  worked on a few more blocks for my strawberry quilt.

 I added some stacking mixing bowls and some strawberry cupcakes. 

Not my favorite blocks , but they are ok. I do love that blue bowl though. 

Well that's my unproductive quilt week in a itty bitty nutshell or should I say basket. Hope you have accomplished more than I have. Have a fabulous weekend and as always...
Happy quilting, ya'll

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Angela of So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday

Alycia of Alycia Quilts   For Finished or Not Friday

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop

Michelle  at  From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant 125

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party

Today is the day! Make it happen!
 hugs and stitches, 


  1. jolie collection de panier, bon week-end

  2. Your new stitching corner is a pretty spot. Love those little needleturn baskets. There is so much delight to be seen in your lovely home, Melisa.

  3. Love your strawberry blocks. Is this a specific quilt pattern?

  4. Thank you for taking us on the basket tour, Melisa! I know that you will enjoy your new stitching spot. Happy Saturday!

  5. You've got some fun baskets with more fun goodies in each. Hope you've been stitch a few new baskets as well.

  6. You are a prolific cross stitcher. I really like your salt box houses. I think your applique looks great. Such wonderful progress on your strawberry blocks. Have fun quilting.

  7. We all love baskets, don't we!!! You have some super cute ones! That mini basket quilt is totally adorable!!!

  8. Lovely BLUE blocks scattered throughout your post, Melisa! I think my favorite may be that sweet Saltbox house pillow. (Pin cushion?)

  9. Hardly unproductive, Melisa, you've been busy as usual. Thanks for the basket tour through your home.

  10. Your little basket quilt is so cute! I like quilts all rolled up in baskets, too - that's a fun way to store them!

  11. So many baskets filled with so many of your lovely creations, Melisa! My favorite is your basket of saltbox houses--adorable! Love the idea of you using that old chair as your stitching spot--it looks perfect :) Have a great week ahead ♥

  12. Love all these baskets!! I think I should come over... you have the most interesting things!!


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