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Monday, April 12, 2021

Adventure is Calling

 Big HELLOS, ya'll! It is a warm beautiful day here in my neck of the woods, and I am enjoying some time out on the patio.  There is a slight breeze, and I am in the shade so come on and join me. 

Last Thursday, after the grandbabies left Mr. Pinker and I headed off on a delightful camping trip to Guntersville Lake in Alabama. 

Mr. Pinker likes to fish there, and I just like to camp.  I couldn't catch a fish in a fish tank. Lol


We were right on the lake and what a treat when we saw three eagles  flying above us.


 It was even a bigger treat when they landed in a nest two campers down from us. The nest was massive in a large pine tree.


 Underneath sat a little camper. I wonder if any of the limbs which make up the nest ever fall on the camper. The camper across from it has a great view of the eagles. 


 I was able to get a few photos. One eagle had a white head but the other two bald eagles had not turned yet. 


 On Friday, I went kayaking and paddled around a little island . A  young goose put her head down low in hopes that I did not spot her as I paddled by. Oh, but I did! 

 Later, I had a visitor come to my campground ; I wonder if she is the same goose from the island.   I think she wanted a little din din.  "No treats here , sweetie". 

Saturday was a rainy day so we hit thrift shops in neighboring towns. I hope to post photos of my small haul later this week.  

Well let's get to what I am up to today . I do have laundry going on. Do I have any takers on folding clothes? Lol.😂😃  Ok let's talk about something more fun than laundry.  Earlier this morning, I pulled out my Days of Our Lives project which is Little House Needlworks "Old Red Barn". I always work on this at noon when Days comes on. I have the farmers in and hopefully will get a start on the words tomorrow. 

 I then went into the Quilt Nest and began cutting fabrics.


 Lots of squares and binding for my Spring Chick Quilt. Lickety split, I sewed the binding on the chick quilt which I finished quilting last night.


 This evening I will sit on the patio and do a little binding. 

Since my Dogwood trees are in bloom , I have also pulled out my Dogwood Quilt to work on.

 I spread it out on the hill so I could give you a better look at this "scrap happy beauty". 

I got this quilt top at the Goodwill for only $3.99 . It is a fun scrappy quilt that I am quilting dogwood blooms in. I love the green sashing in the quilt. I am quilting leaves in it. If I really worked on this quilt it would be done in no time. 

 I have a lot of catching up to do on reading IG and blog posts. It may take a few days , but I look forward what others have been up to these last few days. I am so happy and grateful that you stopped by to see me today. I hope to catch up with you more later this week so please stop by. I always love visitors. Have a beautiful day and as always,

Happy quilting and stitching ya'll, 


I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.  

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap

Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday

Wander often and wonder always!

Hugs and Stitches. 


  1. Thanks, but no thanks to the folding of clothes....BUT....I certainly wouldn't mind sitting for an hour or two on that gorgeous patio of yours. How magical to see all that wonderful wildlife while out camping and canoeing. Those eagles are amazing. What a treat to see them in the natural habitat. Have a lovely day. Enjoy stitching the binding on that sweet little quilt.

    1. Hi, Kim. Thank you so much for stopping by for a sweet visit. I don't blame you on the laundry. Lol. It was a delight to see the eagles especially on the nest. I had never seen one of their nest that close up. Hope you are having a great day. Happy quilting.

  2. Replies
    1. It sure was, Pat.The first night was especially delightful and thankfully we had perfect weather except for an early morning shower on Saturday. Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit.

  3. What great pictures of nature!!
    Your patio looks so inviting!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Debbie. I am slowly getting the patio together, but it does not come alive until the flowers bloom. Hope your week is starting off well. Hugs

  4. Ack - doing laundry today. Rugs, large items, getting ready to get back on the road.
    Love your pics to Guntersville Lake. We're headed to AL later to see the grands and family.

  5. What an awesome getaway and you got to share it with nature. I’m sure the eagles were such a treat to see!! Your goodwill quilt is a treasure!

  6. It looks like you had a wonderful camping adventure, Melisa! What beautiful photos you captured of the eagles. Your projects are looking good!

  7. Looks like a great time. Special to see the Eagles! You must have been close to me when I lived in Georgia. We're going later this week to pick up our camper in Georgia and will stay on the lake there for the weekend and see the kids, then head home with stops in Tennessee and the southern mountains of Virginia at state parks for a few nights each. Looking forward to a new camping season and new places to explore. Brenda (The Quilting Nook)

  8. Sounds like you had a wonderful time camping despite the weather. Aren't the Eagles amazing. We see them in our neck of the woods frequently. Love all your projects, you always inspire me. Well off to hang my sheets on the line. No need to fold them, just put them on the bed after a few hours of sunshine. Happy Creating 😊

  9. Imagine my surprise when you mentioned Guntersville, AL. I'm northwest of Huntsville! The pictures of the eagles are lovely. I wonder how many young people know that they are the symbol of America? We have fought hard over the decades to bring them back from the brink of extinction; thank you for sharing!

    1. You are so correct, they really struggled for years.

  10. Oh wow! I'd love to see an eagle!!!!


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