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Monday, April 5, 2021

Weeding Anyone?

The birds are chirping, the bees are buzzing and the sun is shining- what a glorious day. Happy Monday, ya'll. 

So how was your weekend? I hope it was good. We had a large Easter supper Saturday with ham , casseroles, pastas and lots of yummy desserts. My girls and grandkids were out of town, but they returned Sunday for Easter dinner which was leftovers. The grandkids also participated in a  big Easter egg hunt. It is always fun because we do make it a challenge for them- yep that means climbing trees, diving into bushes, and there has been a calf known to hold an egg in its halter. Lol.  The kids love it. It was so much fun and perfect weather for the kids to play outside. 

I had planned on doing a lot of gardening today- I mean some down and dirty gardening. Pulling weeds , tugging on bags of mulch and transplanting plants, but that will have to wait till tomorrow.


This garden does need some attention though. 

I found out that the grandson has a ball game tonight, and I do not want to get too grubby. So that means it is a perfect day to sit outside enjoy the warmth and the sounds of critters running about. Of course, I have a stitching project too.  

I have been doing some prep work on 4 new blocks for my strawberry quilt- 2 blocks are nesting bowls and the other 2 are cupcakes. They applique pieces are pinned in place and ready to go. I will be working on these little blocks this week. 


My blocks are slowly growing . 

I am still debating on how this going to go together. 


I worked on my Days of Our Lives project this morning. What is a Days of Our Lives project you ask? It is just a project I dedicate to work on when I watch my soap opera.  My Days projects have always been Little House Needleworks. This time I am working on the Old Red Barn. I am using my own colors. I hope to work on the farmers this week. 

Tonight at 10:00 pm. you will find my sitting on the couch working on my Hart to Hart project. Lol.- that's the  project I work on as I watch Robert Wagner and Stephanie Powers solve mysteries.


 My H to H project is Abby Rose Designs, "A Joyful Heart". This was a gifted  chart by a sweet friend. Here is my progress the last time you saw it.  I might be working on the house tonight. 

Well that is what is going on in my neck of the woods today. Oh, please stop by tomorrow. We can do some chatting, stitching, and weeding. 😅😜 Lol did you notice how I slipped weeding in?  I got a little of my Nanny in me.  Have a beautiful day, sweet friends. Thank you so much for visiting. You make my day. As always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.  

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap

Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Lynette at What a Hoot! for BOMs Away Monday
Tish at The Madd Hatter for UFO Busting #140

May all your weeds be wildflowers!
Hugs and stitches


  1. Those are cute blocks from your strawberry quilt. I am not much of a gardener but I'd like to plant some annuals so I have some flowers to cut or enjoy blooming in ground. I better figure them out soon because the next thing I know it will be in the 80s and I'll be staying inside more and more!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Bonnie for visiting me today. I can not wait to plant flowers though hubby says I need to cut back. I hope you do plant a few flowers to enjoy. Cut flowers are always nice to bring in and enjoy. Have a lovely week.

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful family Easter get together, and the Easter Egg hunt sounds fun.

    1. It was wonderful, Jenny and the kids have a blast. Have a blessed week and thank you so much for visiting

  3. Melisa,
    I absolutely LOVE your strawberry quilt!! So incredibly cute!!! I hope you had a lovely Easter!!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

    1. Hi Deb. It was a fabulous Easter. Lots of good food and fun. I hope your Easter was just as joyous. Thank you so much for visiting me and have a blessed week.

  4. Adorable blocks! Happy Easter and all that spring brings.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting me today and leaving such a sweet comment. I hope you had a very Happy Easter and have a fabulous week.

  5. After all the rain, it doesn't take much sun for everything to start growing, does it? Sounds like a great Easter! Love your blocks and stitching.

    1. That is so true. I am amazed how the plants seem to pop up overnight. It was a fabulous Easter, Sue. I hope you had a great one as well. Have a blessed week and happy stitching.


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