Blog Archive

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!! 

Good morning ya'll. It has been a few days since I have visited.  I hope that you had a very lovely Thanksgiving and weekend.   We had a very nice Thanksgiving , but Mr. Pinker and I  were running here, there and everywhere  with some family health issues. So these last few days I have been back and forth between households , checking on family, delivering meals and visiting.  In between that, I have been pulling out Christmas totes. I do feel like I am behind on Christmas decorating. Eeek ! I haven't even got my cross stitch tree up yet. 

In the kitchen the top of the old mustard yellow hoosier  has been decked with Christmas cookie jars, pine garland and a few wooden Santas.

Old tobacco prints are in background which were given out  to the farmers at the warehouse sales. 

 I left my Thanksgiving turkey out. I just thought he was too cute to put away just yet. 

 I changed out the apron that hangs off the edge of the hoosier to a vintage Christmas one. Isn't it darling?  I think it is made from an old tea towel. 

I pulled out my pink and white afghan to snuggle with on the couch. Do you know what pattern this is? I do not know anything about crochet. Nanny used to crochet afghans and buy them 2nd hand. She always had one on the back of the couch and the chairs. Now I find that I do the same. 

Little to no stitching has been completed since Thanksgiving.  However last night, I was able to spend a couple of hours at the sewing machine. Let me show you what I worked on! 

Joy at Days Filled with Joy  is off and running with her free Mystery  Christmas  Quilt Along. Last Wednesday , November 23rd,  she gave Clue number one plus the schedule. If you missed that post just click on the colored text. Any whoo! I have Clue 1 finished - 8 pretty four patches. Easy Peasey. I can not wait to see what tomorrow's clue will be. 

Joy is such a sweetie! She is also hosting a free Stitch Along with a Christmas embroidery.  Are you going to join in? I sure hope so.  Joy posted Week 1's Stitch on her blog on Friday November 25th along with the fabric needs and the flosses she is using. Click the colored text to visit the SAL .  Thank you so much , Joy. I am so excited to participate in both. 

While I was at my sewing machine, I also worked on this quick and cute  little nine patch  which is a free design from Temecula Quilt Company posted on the blog in the December 10, 2018 post. 

I enlarged the blocks  with my nine patch blocks finishing at 6".  So  now this merry little quilt is waiting patiently  to be put in the hoop. I do plan to make a smaller version using the measurements in the pattern though. 

I bet you have been staying very busy too. Have you got all of your Christmas decorating completed?  Oh , what about shopping?  Did you fight the crowds for Black Friday deals?   Not me! I will be buying online for most of my goodies . The grandbabies are pretty easy to buy for. 

Well , dear friends I have one more tree to put up and then I can officially sit back and enjoy the Christmas season. So I better get at it!  Have a beautiful day and ...

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

Christmas now surrounds us. Happiness is everywhere.  Our hands are busy with many tasks as carols fill the air- Shirley Sallay

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sweet sister, Amy. I miss and love you so much. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That

Linda at Texas Quilt Gal for To Do List Tuesday - Tuesday


  1. As I read your post and see such beautiful Christmas images, the music of the Christmas carol resonates in my head: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
    Beautiful decoration and charming sewing and embroidery work
    Hugs from Spain

    1. Oh thank you so much, Isabel for the sweet Tuesday visit and kind words. That is one of my favorite Christmas carols. I have been very busy trying to prepare for the holiday. I hope you have a very lovely week, my friend.

  2. Your Christmas decorating looks lovely! I haven't done much yet, this is a busy week. Friday is a stay at home day, it will happen then. Most of our grandchildren live away and don't come to Indiana for Christmas, we give them money. Have a blessed week!

    1. Aah thank you for the sweet visit, Gretchen. These days  are definitely busy ones. I hope that you get all that you want to get accomplished this week.   It makes it a lot easier when you can just give the grandkids money so they can get what they want.  I will be doing that for the nephews this year. Have a great week. Hugs. 

  3. Look at you jumping in on a QAL and a SAL! Busy, busy! Love the story about your grandmother and crocheted afghans.

    1. Lol thank you so much, Susie. I just wish there were more hours in the day to do all of the fun things I want to do. My Nanny definitely loved buying and making afghans and they are definitely cozy. Have a great week.

  4. Thanks for sharing your Christmas decorations - dh and I decorated the RV the day after Thanksgiving. Also delivered food to Mike's mom who has Covid. What a few years, right?

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Donna. I bet your RV looks so lovely decorated for the holidays. I am dreaming of the days when Mr. Pinker and I can be full timing it. I hope that Mike's mom feels better very soon and her case is mild. I agree , these last couple of years have been rocky. Hugs and blessings.

  5. Oh and thank you for sharing the website for the QAL and SAL. Going to check them out!

    1. That is great Donna. I finished up both of these in just a couple of hours . I hope you join in. Hugs.

  6. I love looking at all your goodies, and I think my favorite photo is the last one. I'm sorry to hear about the health issues - I'm sure the doctors Pinker helped everyone feel better. Love the nine patch quilt! Your pretty post makes me think of Christmas sugar cookies - one of my favorite things about Christmas. Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Linda for the sweet Tuesday visit. I have been busy bustling about the kitchen. The last photo is one of my favorites as well. I pulled out a bit of my jadeite to enjoy. Now I am hungry for sugar cookies. Lol. Have a great week. Hugs.

  7. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at your house, Melisa. Your quilt blocks and mini quilt are looking fantastic.

    1. I have been bustling about trying to get out the Christmas decor. The days seem to fly this time of the year. So I will get up what I can. Thank you so much for the sweet visit, Robin. Hugs.

  8. Oh, Melisa, it does my heart good to check out your blog and see all those fun Christmas decorations! Yes, mine is pretty much done, but I love Christmas and leave my tree up year round! I did decide after this year, I will take it down and do something different next year. I'm with you! ALL my shopping except what we did in TN for my granddaughter was done online! I absolutely hate fighting crowds. I think mine is all done, maybe a few stocking stuffers will be picked up IF I make it to the Dollar Tree! It's so funny, the grands, though 10 to13 love their stocking gifts as much as their regular gifts!! Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings. Have a great week!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Brenda for your sweet visit and kind words. Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. It is so much fun to go all out on the decorating. Woo hoo on getting most of your shopping done. You are on the stick. I hope to get mine completed very soon. It is funny how the grandkids like the little treats. Mine are the same way . Thank goodness for the Dollar Tree. Have a lovely week.

  9. Fun to see your Christmas decorations and sewing, Melisa! I haven't gotten started on thar yet, but today might be a good day for it. It's snowing here and that puts me in a Christmas mood. Happy Stitching!

    1. Oh my, Diann. I am a bit jealous over the snow. It does sound like the perfect day to stay in and work on Christmas. I hope you get all that you want accomplished. Have a great week .

  10. You have such fun Christmas decor. No I've not started on my decorating. I'm going light this year as I don't have Grad Girl to help me (she won't be home till Christmas Eve). Enjoy your holiday mystery quilt.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kate. I bet it will be different with Grad Girl being away until Christmas Eve. I do not blame you on going light on decor. Have a wonderful week and thank you for the sweet visit.

  11. Your Christmas decor evokes so many memories for me. I love the apron! I haven't even cracked open my Christmas bins yet!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Wendy . Your kind compliment just warms my heart. I love searching for vintage aprons at a thrifty price. This is one of my favorites. Have a great week.

  12. It's always so nice to see your decorations.

    1. Oh thank you so kindly, Jenny. I feel like I am behind on getting them out, but that is ok. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed week and thank you again for the sweet visit.

  13. I am not ready for Christmas.
    Love seeing all your decorations. Enjoy the new Mystery and Stitching along. Have a nice week.

    1. Christmas will certainly be here in no time. I feel as though I am never ready , but I do love the holiday so. I hope you have a very lovely week , Ivani and thank you so much for the sweet visit.

  14. Thank you for sharing the links to the quilt and stitch alongs. I will be sure to check them out! I hope that the medical issues are quickly resolved and everyone is better soon. I always love to see what you are up to for the different holidays. My sis & bil are restoring a vintage Airstream so I always think of them when I see things like your last photo. So cute! I am finishing up my stitched ornaments (your patterns) for family to get in the mail. No decorating yet! Hope this week is a good one for you.

    1. Happy Tuesday, Ginny. I hope you decide to join in on the SALs . These worked up quickly . I think Joy is going to do one for each season which will be fun . Thank you so much on the kind well wishes. It is never a good time to be sick but it is especially hard during the holidays. How fun that your sis and BIL are restoring an airstream. I bet it is a joy for them to work on it and bringing it back to its original beauty . How exciting. I do love anything camper related. Have a wonderful week, my friend. Hugs.

  15. You are such a busy lady!!! Christmas is so close, I do light decorating because we do family celebrations at either my daughter's or my son's (draw straws). My children and grandchildren are all adults!! (how did that happen???), so my list consist of $$$ and home made goodies. Knitting, quiltilng and cross stitch items with a few handmade ornaments thrown in for good measure. Love all of decorating , can't wait to see the Christmas Hutch. Take care of yourself and your family, stay well and safe. Sending love and warm hugs from sunny Arizona.

    1. I am keeping my nose to the grindstone hoping to get a lot done, but lol I sometimes feel like I am spinning my wheels. How fun that your DD and Son draw straws to decide where to celebrate . Do they alternate Christmas and Thanksgiving? That is what my hubby's family does. It is a lot easier to give money to the kiddos and grandkids. I think I will do that with the nephews this year. Right now the grandbabies are still specific on what they want so I can accommodate. Lol. Hugs and love.

  16. Hi Melisa! Your Christmas decorations are beautiful and just my style. I was able to decorate my house over the Thanksgiving break. I love to decorate for Christmas. I have 3 large trees and many smaller ones. On Thanksgiving day I started your Christmas eve saltbox and love it. Now I need to shop for my grandchildren. Have a blessed week friend.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Joy. I have been collecting Christmas for over 30 years and love decorating for the season. It sounds like you had a very busy Thanksgiving weekend. I hope you had help to get all of your decorations out. I am so honored that you are working on the Christmas Eve Saltbox. Enjoy , my friend. Oh how fun to shop for the grandbabies. I hope they gave you ideas of what they want. Hugs.

  17. It is always a pleasure to come and enjoy your decorations for each season, I see a lot of lovely things for Christmas. I just finished decorating my house, inside and outside. It took us all the weekend right after Thanksgiving and yesterday afternoon too, but it's finally done!

    1. Putting out Christmas decor is certainly a lot of work isn't it? But oh so much fun. Thank you for the sweet visit, Diana.

  18. I always read your blog, but I don't comment much...sorry! The afghan is made with granny squares. Take Care!

    1. Aaaah thank you so much, Donna. Your sweet visits mean so much to me. There is certainly no need to apologize. I was wondering if the afghan was a granny square design. I am used to seeing them in varied colors. Thank you for the information dear. Have a very lovely week.

  19. It certainly is looking like Christmas over there! I haven't followed Joy but I will check out her blog. Good luck on your projects!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Cheree. I do love all things Christmas. Joy always has something fun going on. Have a wonderful week.

  20. oooh oooh oooh! Loving all the Christmas goodies and so glad you are joining in on both the mysteries!! I hope you had a great week and thanks for joining in on Monday This and That! xx

    1. Joy , I am enjoying every minute of the the SAL's . I look forward to each and every post. Have a fabulous week.

  21. Joy , I am enjoying every minute of the the SAL's . I look forward to each and every post. Have a fabulous week.


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