Blog Archive

Monday, November 21, 2022

A Bit of This & That

The countdown is on!!!!

3 days until Thanksgiving!  Then we will be gobbling till we wobble here in the holler. 

We made a 2nd trip to the grocery store. I think we have all that we need. 

I pulled out my Thanksgiving journal called Giving Thanks. I bought this at the thrift store over 10 years ago.


It is a 10  year journal for Thanksgiving and holds 6 pages for each Thanksgiving. This year I will finish the journal.  I have added photos to my journal and the family loves to flip through it each year. 

Each Thanksgiving I fill out the pages in the evening. 

I hope to find another journal like this for next year. If I don't, I will make one. 

In the evening I have been enjoying the warm glow and warmth of candles. 

And the low light of strands of Christmas lights strung here and there- even on my Thanksgiving hutch . 

These are some of my white turkeys which is the start of an unintentional collection.

I bought the old crock cross stitch at the Goodwill for less than a dollar. It has a matching piece that I did not set out this year . The crock calls to me. 

I finished this darling free embroidery design by Joy at Days Filled with Joy.  Joy offered a section of Autumn for free on her blog over a span of a few weeks. There is still time to get it for free , but you better hurry.  

I am so excited that Joy will be starting a  free Christmas SAL next week as well as a  QAL . I look forward to seeing what she has in store for  us. To learn more about this SAL  just click the colored text for the CHRISTMAS SAL with Joy at DAYS FILLED WITH JOY which was posted  November 20 , 2022 . 

It's a busy , busy week, but I am not sure how much cross stitch or quilting I will get done, but let's look at my plans. 

Did I Get er' Done?   Well.... Last week's goals were: 
🧵 Finish Joy's Autumn SAL
🧵 Quilt on Frosty McChill
🧵 Work on Thanksgiving Menu. 
🧵 Clean house and prepare for Thanksgiving at my house. 

What's the Plans for the Week?  Well....

🧵  15 minutes a day quilting on Easter quilt
🧵 Quilt on Frosty McChill. EEEEH! I have all of the snowmen quilted . Now I am ready for the borders. 
🧵  Begin a new Christmas ornament. 
🧵  Put up mine and my sister's Christmas trees. 

Ok that will do it!!! I think I can accomplish 4 things in a week. Don't you? 
Have a very lovely week  and 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

Being happy is the greatest form of success! 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Thirteen years ago today was one of the happiest day's in your life. I wish you were here for C's special day.  I  Love and miss you, Amo.

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That
Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Linda at Texas Quilt Gal for To Do List Tuesday - Tuesday


  1. I love the idea of the Thanksgiving memory book. I'd like one for Christmas as well! Let me know where you find the next book. Definitely interested, Your white turkeys are sweet. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. It has been so much fun to look back through the memory book each Thanksgiving, Susie. We try to reproduce the photos each season with each person sitting in the same position. It is a hoot to look back at how the kiddos have grown.

  2. Great post Melisa! Those memories in that book are so special. I hope you can find a new one, but as you say, you really can make your own! I love the white turkeys! Have a great Thanksgiving!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Brenda. It has been a joy to fill this little journal up. I hope to find a new one perhaps on Amazon. Finger crossed. I hope you had a very lovely Thanksgiving. Hugs.

  3. Your collection of white turkeys is lovely, Melisa. What a wonderful idea on the Thanksgiving journal! Can't wait to see what you come up with if you go the make your own route. Wishing you and your family a very blessed Thanksgiving.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. I was quite surprised that this turkey collection has grown. I just pick them up here and there. We have enjoyed the journal for the last 10 years. I hope I can find another one here soon. Hugs.

  4. I know I've popped into your blog before, but just recently I've discovered what a treasure trove of beauty, inspiration, and freebies it is. Thanks for sharing your designs and showing how lovely they look when displayed as seasonal decor.

    1. Aaah Kim , you are so very kind. Thank you so much for the sweet visits and for making my day . I am so very touched. I hope you have a wonderful week and wish you a blessed holiday season.

  5. The Thanksgiving journal is a fabulous idea. What a lovely way to record all the memories. Love all your turkies.

    1. Sue our family has enjoyed the journal so much over the years. The kiddos love to look back at the photos and I usually add extra info like the ages, and any special activities that was going on. I hope to find another one for the next 10 years here soon. Have a very lovely holiday season.

  6. Oh I wish I could visit your house! It looks soooo cozy!!! I love the Thanksgiving journal, what a treasure - it will become a real heirloom I am sure, handed down to the next generations! May you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving! xx

    1. Aaah you are the sweetest , Joy. Thank you so much. You would be welcome to drop in anytime. Oh yes, we have enjoyed the Thanksgiving journal. It is hard to believe that I have already filled it up with family memories. I am looking forward to starting a new one come next year. Have a blessed week.

  7. Oh, I am all in for a Thanksgiving Journal and a Christmas Journal. What a fun and fulfilling way to keep the memories of these holidays for the family. Love your white turkey collection, but then I pretty much am in awe of anything that you put together. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy your family time to the max!! Sending you and yours warm hugs from sunny Arizona.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear Mary. The Thanksgiving journal is one of my treasured pieces to pull out each Thanksgiving. I just put in an order for a Christmas journal so hopefully it will be here soon. Hugs and love,

  8. Love the unintentional collection! A Thanksgiving Journal is a great idea to get OR make! Have a great week, Melisa!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Ginny. It is funny how little collection come to be when you don't realize it. I have picked up a white turkey here and there . Seeing them come together now has me focused on actually looking for some next year. Lol. Have a blessed week. Hugs.


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