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Wednesday, December 21, 2022

A Warm Winter Wednesday

 And a very warm winter welcome to you, my friends.

This is Season's Greetings by Little House Needleworks. After seeing my friend , Nancy's, version where she changed the wording, I did the same. 

These last few days have been spent with family enjoying birthday parties, ball games and all the joys of the Christmas season. 


In the evenings, the house is all a lit with the warm glow of Christmas lights and candles.

Night time is my favorite time to stitch.

"Sampler Pear V" which is a freebie from Samplers and Santas blog

I have completed the piecing of the Christmas Quilt which was a free Christmas QAL hosted by Joy at Days Filled with Joy.

 Isn't it lovely fluttering in the wind?

Last night, I finally decided to settle down and finish "Winter Haul " which I shared on Thanksgiving in my November, 24, 2022 post

I finished it on a Dollar Tree paper mache box that I painted black and distressed. The ruffle is from a gingham pair of paints that I ripped into strips.  I simply turned the box on the side and added a big bow that I can remove if I so desire. 

After days of rain, the river across the road has been  on the rise.

 Fortunately, the waters  have  not gone beyond the gate or crossed the road into our yard.  

Colder temperatures are headed our way.  I hope all of you are staying warm, safe and cozy particularly on this 1st day of winter. 

Well, my dears. Today I will be bustling about in the kitchen for there is Christmas baking to attend to.  


 I am so happy and grateful that you stopped by for a sweet Wednesday visit.  Have a very lovely day and 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food, and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand, and for a talk beside the fire. It is the time for home. - Edith Sitwell. 
Hugs and Stitches!!!  Warm Winter Wishes !

Dedicated to my sweet Baby sister, Amy . I love you, Amo. .  It is not the same without you! You are such a blessing. ❤


  1. Have a very Merry Christmas Melissa!! Enjoy all the season brings. I am looking forward to some stitching time and rest before school starts again.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Joy. I hope that you had a very Merry Christmas as well . And I wish you as much stitching time as your heart is content. Hugs.

  2. Lovely decorating! I hope the water doesn't get any higher! Today I'm baking dinner rolls, tomorrow they'll be delivered to our close neighbors. Some of the neighbors we've met, some we haven't. Happy stitching and Happy Christmas!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Gretchen. I always enjoy this time of the year. I hope that you had a nice visit with your neighbors.

  3. I love the warm glow of lights also - in the evening we dim our RV lights and the Christmas lights seem to come alive!
    We had lots of rain and thunderstorms last night - so weird this time of year with the chill in the air.
    Your QAL is so pretty!
    Christmas blessings

    1. Your RV sounds so cozy, Donna. There is a RV park in our area that puts up Christmas light all through the park. I have always wanted to camp there during Christmas and dim my lights and enjoy them. I hope all was well after the thunderstorm. It can be scary when in the rv. Big hugs.

  4. Not sure how I missed the chart for Winter Haul, I am going to go back and get him for some cold January stitchin'. Thank you Melissa. Happy Holidays!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Vicki. I hope you enjoy Winter Haul. You will have it stitched up in no time. Hugs.

  5. Your Christmas quilt top is a beauty, Melisa. Love the cardinal stitch with your changes to it! Happy Wednesday!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. I can not wait to get it quilted. It was a lot of fun to work on. Hugs.

  6. Your embroidery turned out so beautifully as well as your quilt. I'm in love with the cardenal one! Wishing to you and your family a merry Christmas, full of blessings and cheer!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Diana. I had so much fun working on the QAL and I so thrilled to have finally finished my stitching. Hugs.

  7. Your Days Filled with Joy QAL turned out lovely. Thanks for sharing the Samplers and Santas link. So different and fun. Looks like you are getting a wet Christmas. We went below 0 last night. Brrr! Lots of snow out there so no worries on the White Christmas front. Our household is a bit under the weather with a bug and I didn't get the neighbor goodie bags delivered. They are going to be late, I think.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Ginny. I had a lot of fun working on the QAL. I hope everyone in your family is feeling better . It is never a good time to feel poorly , but during the holidays it is particularly rough. I am sure your dear neighbors will enjoy their goodie bags and will certainly understand. Hugs.

  8. Your home looks so cozy and inviting, Melisa! I do love that darling snow man you designed. Will have to print it off for the future :) Thank you again for you creativity and generosity this year ♥

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Carol. You are so kind. I have been on a snowman kick here lately. Have a wonderful week. Hugs.

  9. Aaah thank you so much, Jenny. I am so glad I finally got this piece finished. Hugs


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