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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Little Fall Throughout the House

Hello, dear friends. I hope your week is going well, and you have had the opportunity to do something that you truly enjoy. Today I thought I would share just little photos of my home and fall decor. It is not all complete , but I think I am ready to move some Halloween decor into the mix.  
My sofa table is crammed fall with vintage items and fall goodness. I have 3 cross stitches that are all freebies. The "Pumpkin House " is a freebie from La Comtesse & Le Point de Croix blog. The Autumn Bird is a freebie from Waxing Moon Designs available on her website.  "Happy Cat" is one of my designs and is available by clicking here.  This year I used black and white buffalo checked runners and table cloths on all of my tables. I love the look, and they transition between seasons well. The little squirrel salt and pepper shakers are Dollar Tree finds. Aren't they the sweetest.?

I use a plate stand that I got at the Goodwill as a tiered tray. I just change out the plates for the season. I have orange Dollar Tree plates on the stand now. Usually I keep the same milk glass pieces on the stand but just change out the decor. I added little salt and pepper shakers from Walmart and Family Dollar on the top tier. 

Little saucers and milk glass containers and a small plaque round out the bottom tier of the plate stand. 
This is just a glimpse of some of my dining table decor. We do not eat here so it is a great place to decorate. The newest addition to my fall decor is the little red truck that I got a few weeks ago from Family Dollar. Though the pics are glued in , I think I will try to remove them and change them out by the season. I would like to get another one of these trucks to paint a different color too. The stitching in the background is one of my pieces that I just completed. I finished it in a thrifted frame and used an old shirt as finishing fabric.   

This is a new tiered tray that my daughter got me. I is filled it with pumpkins, pics, salt and pepper shakers and gingham pumpkins from the Dollar General. I just got the little "Thankful " salt box at Walmart. I think I will paint windows and a door on the opposite side so I can turn it around and have it displayed even after the fall season.  The little Autumn piece is another one of my stitches that I just completed and is finished on a Dollar General stand.
Stacks of fall and Halloween quilts are waiting to be put somewhere. 

Here is a peek of my buffet with pumpkins, scarecrows and crow stitching. The  saltbox stitching is one of mine called Autumn at Crow Creek. Click here if you would like to stitch it. It is a freebie. 

We live in an old house and in the living room is a brick plant stand that was constructed by the original owners . It was later converted into a glass cabinet.   Well below it, I have an enamelware red pot filled with a quilt, pumpkin, sunflowers and Dollar Tree metal cornstalks. That lantern is from the Goodwill for just a dollar.  Score!

This is a small glimpse at one of my hoosiers. It is filled with old crocks , pottery, a pip berry garland and crows. I am an advertising tin collector and the shelf on the wall near the ceiling is jammed packed with tins.  Old tobacco prints are behind the hoosier. Farmers could get these at the tobacco market when they took their tobacco crop to sell in the 90's. 

The little dough bowl is filled with thrifted goodies, a homemade pumpkin and a freebie cross stitch. 

On the old wooden bench is some old crocks, a homemade prim pumpkin made from a skirt, a punch needle of one of my designs and a small rug hook of my design. A riser stool holds a little quilt, a yo yo quilt and a small freebie stitch. 

  A few of my favorite autumn stitches in the living room including " The Goode Huswife's ' Ida Mae" and The Wooley Ewe's Autumn at Sunflower Ridge. " 

And tonight I have a finish to add to my Halloween decor which is Lizzie Kate's Spooky String. Here it is paired with my Halloween abc quilt. 

Well that is a little bit of fall going on in my home. I hope that you are enjoying your fall/ Halloween decorating even though it might not feel like fall in some areas. Lol.  Thank you so much for dropping in . Please come back and  visit anytime. 

Happy fall decorating,



  1. It was fun having a close-up tour of your fall decorating, Melisa! You sure have found some great Goodwill finds :) I do miss going to Goodwill... It is open here, but I'm still nervous about going into stores so I've avoided it. I do have to venture out and get my flu shot today--booooo!!! But, it is so necessary with all the worries about Covid and then flying to California again to visit my sweet grandbaby :) Hope you have a lovely day ahead!

    1. Thank you so much, Carol. I guess you can tell I am obsessed with going to the Goodwill. My trips sure have been cut back since Covid though which in a way is a good thing. I will not stop if there are a lot of vehicles in the parking lot. How exciting you will be getting to go see your grandbaby soon. There is nothing like them. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Melisa

  2. Beautiful Fall decorating! You have the gift of arranging and creating a feast for the eyes. Thank you for sharing. Your Spooky String turned out adorable! Hope you have a great day!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Merritt. I sure do enjoy arranging and rearranging my decor. I am a seasonal decorator and love to change things out. I was so happy with my Spooky String. I was able to get several things FFOd yesterday which was so nice. Have an great day. Hugs, Melisa

  3. Melisa, thank you for the early fall tour of your home. I love your new blog header picture. You have found some cool items at Goodwill along with the dollar stores. Enjoy your Thursday.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. I have enjoyed every minute sitting and stitching and looking at my fall decor. I have Apple Pumpkin candles burning and my fall candy corn lights lit. Now if the weather would cool down here. We did not get the rain that was expected today. Lol. Hugs, Melisa

    2. Thank you too, Robin about my header. I piddled with that yesterday which was a first for me. My daughter had put my first header on. I am hoping to change it out seasonally. We will see come winter if I can change it out again. Lol.

  4. Melisa!!
    Love everything!! So warm and charming!! Love your tiered trays!!Loved the Fall tour of your home!! I am changing the drapes, curtains and linens over in the Living Room and then will decorate it for Fall... Finally finished the outside!! Until we get frost and then will buy a few mums...
    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and for letting me know that you did by leaving a comment!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Thank you, Debbie for stopping by to visit. I have been enjoying the tiered trays. I love to pack them full. How fun to change out the drapes and curtains. It is amazing how just doing something as simple as that gives a whole new look and feel to the room. I can not wait to see your fall decor in the living room . I loved your kitchen and porch. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Melisa


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