Monday, March 3, 2025

Flowers Blooming and the New Hot Spot

 Flowers are blooming!   Well , at least in the quilt room. 

Around the Garden blocks in the works. 

I finished appliqueing 4 blue blocks in my Around the Garden quilt. 

Pretty pinks and blues play nicely together! 

Using scraps from the scrap bag for appliques. 

I will be cutting fabrics for new blocks this week. I have not decided what type of flower will bloom in the new blocks.  Hmmm , maybe a tulip.

OOPS - CORRECTION : I need to make a correction. In my previous posts about my On the Positive Side , I kept saying they were 12 1/2" . They are NOT . They are 10 1/2" unfinished. I am sorry about that. 
These blocks are 10 1/2" x 10 1/2" unfinished. 

After over a year, I finally fully finished Love Delivery. Love Deliver was a freebie that I shared last January.  I had hoped to find a metal envelope to finish it on , but after waiting so long, I went with the good ole' pillow finish using vintage lace and a button from my stash.  It is better done than sitting in the  basket  waiting, I say. 😏

I will keep it short and sweet today. Mr. Pinker and I are going to run errands today which includes grocery pickup and eating at the new "hot spot"! - Food City! LOL. 

After 4:00 the hot bar is 2 for $12.00. 

We then may take a long romantic stroll in the Goodwill. Hee! Hee! ❤😀😁 It is Monday Mania where a certain color is priced at a $1.29- that's my kind of price . 

 Have a fabulous day, Sweeties! 

 As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"Dream higher than the sky and deeper than the ocean.  " - unknown.

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy who loved to grocery shop just like Nanny. Love and miss you, Amo. 

Mini Bunny Sampler  and Miss Flopsy  


  1. I love your little flowers, so cute! You are giving me more ideas, happy stitching, happy shopping!

  2. Your quilty garden is certainly bright and pretty. Looking forward to seeing what flower you pick for March. Enjoy your errands.

  3. Your little flowers in your garden quilt are so pretty; love the shapes...nice appliqueing on these
    Only 16 degrees this morning --the 2nd day of our Arctic Blast here--;((( Hoping for some warmer temps later on this week...hugs, Julierose

  4. Food City and Goodwill sound like my kind of day!

  5. Your quilts are so happy! Love the colors. Romance and goodwill—yes!


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Flowers Blooming and the New Hot Spot