Sunday, March 2, 2025

Quilting on Otis Payne

 Is is Sunday already? My how this week has flown by. 

Welcome, Sweeties. 🤗 Please do come in . May I offer you a cup of coffee and perhaps a treat-  S'mores Casserole?   It sure is rich and yummy to the tummy!  

I pulled out my bow tie quilt that I purchased last year at the World's Longest Yard Sale. 

I named it Otis Payne's Bow Tie after one of my ancestors. 

Did You Know?  Bow Tie Block History
The Bow Tie quilt block dates back to the 1880's and was published in 1895 by the Ladies Arts Company . Other names for the Bow Tie block are, Neck Tie, Colonial Bow Tie, Peekhole, True Lover's Knot and Dumbbell.

I have been quilting away on this beauty using red thread.  It is  my evening quilting project  that I work on when I sit back and watch Midsomer Murders on Pluto TV.  Usually, I can get 4 bow ties quilted in a couple of hours. 

Isn't this fabric snazzy? I like to dream of where this fabric came from . Perhaps this purple flower fabric was from a dress of the quilter. 

Or maybe the seersucker fabric was from her pants. I would like to think that these bits of fabrics held fond memories for the  quiltmaker.  

I have been using beeswax , a gift from our bees, to condition my thread as I quilt. It really has made a difference. 

I fully finished Spring Flutter last night. It is now ready for display.

 I stuffed this pillow with snippets and scraps from my quilting ventures. It is a lot heavier and stiffer, but I do like the feel of it. Thrifted chenille trim was twisted and used for the trim. 

A Blackbird  Design's stitch  will soon be made into a pinkeep. This is "Winter" a sweet gift from , dear Sonja. Thank you so much , Sonja.🤗❤ I enjoyed each and every stitch.

Kathleen Tracy at A Sentimental Quilter is hosting  a Civil War Mini Sew Along. 
She posted the Introduction in her  Feb. 27, 2025 post. 
Information about Block 1 was posted  in her Feb. 28, 2025 post. 

I will be cutting my fabrics today. 

Now onto the plans for the week. 

Did I Get'r Done...Well Last Week's Goals were..  
✅🌞1. Work on Flaming Butterflies quilt
🌞2.Work on potato chip blocks
🌞3Work on Photo albums.  I am trying to catch up on 2015 photos. 
❌🌞4. Piece some bow tie blocks . I am still waiting on the arrival of my fabric. 
🌞5. Work on Around in the Garden blocks with the new color of the month.  I cut out the fabrics.  
🌞6.  Finish my new house stitch .  Eeeeh! Aunt Fannie's Letter and Keys House is completed. Hopefully, I will share it soon.

🌞7. Begin a new cross stitch. 

Hmm.... What Should I do This Week? 
🌞1. Work on Flaming Butterflies quilt
🌞2.Work on potato chip blocks
🌞3Work on Photo albums. 
🌞4.Continue quilting my bow tie quilt
🌞5.Work on piecing more Mr. Snow blocks.   
🌞6. Continue working on Signs of Spring House. 
🌞7. Work on Around the Garden Blocks. 
🌞8. Piece some Bow Tie blocks. 
🌞9. Begin new cross stitch.

I think that is enough keep me busy  don't you?  So what do you have planned for the week? Well Sweet Peas , I am off to see what I can get into.  Stay sweet and enjoy your day!

 As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"If you want to be somebody, you got to rock the bow tie. " - unknown.

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday

Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday


  1. I like to watch Midsommer Murders also! I always think the couyntryside looks so picturesque there but the murder rate is out of sight! I'm going to check out the Civil War sew along, happy quilting on your bow tie quilt!

  2. We love Midsommer also and also watch Sherlock Holmes which follows it here...
    Your OP bow tie rescued quilt is going to be so beautiful quilted in red, Melisa!! I use bees wax to condition my thread too--lucky you to have your own producers right on your site;)))
    I hope your Sunday is a good one hugs, Julierose

  3. Good Morning! Love the bow tie quilt! We'll be leaving dd's home this morning - on our way to AL for dh's work and seeing our other dd and family. Finally finished repairing her quilt, and put it back together with a different backing and binding. Boy, that took a long time! I looked ather Civil War Mini-Sew but I actually have no Civil War repros at the moment. Maybe later, ;-)

  4. Lovely quilt, Melisa!
    Have a great Sunday!!

  5. Your S'mores Casserole looks yummy. It's great to see Otis Payne's Bow Tie being quilted. I dream right along with you about the previous life of all those sweet fabrics. I had actually forgotten about seersucker - it used to be a very common fabric of my wardrobe!

  6. The quilting on your bowtie quilt is looking so good, Melisa. Well done on getting Spring Flutter fully finished! It is darling. Lots of stitching on my agenda this coming week! Oh, and I am checking out a new to me stitch group on Monday.

  7. Awww - I just finished the Spring Green Saltbox on Friday night and started The Ewe House last night - just love your cross stitch houses!! (and all of your other patterns that I stitch!!) I have never made a quilt but started cutting out squares for a simple quilt from the crib bedding that my 3 granddaughters used. The oldest will be 11 in June and the youngest will be 5 in May so it has been awhile since they were in the crib. I took all of the pieces apart and pressed all the fabric scraps and cut into squares. Now to get started and figure out how to make a small quilt - you are the inspiration! Thank you for your gift to everyone - such a joy to have found your blog and your creativity and inspiration. Carrie

  8. It is fun to wonder where each fabric came from. Enjoy your hand quilting time with that beauty. Good luck with your to do list for this week.

  9. Your life is like a quilt
    And everybody weaves their share
    Some weave huge great tapestries
    And some weave tiny squares
    Some squares bring you laughter
    And some will bring you tears
    Some are stitched and sewn by those
    Who are no longer here
    In places there are threads
    From people choosing not to stay
    And every time you touch these threads
    It brings back all the pain
    But every little thread
    That weaves its joy and pain and fun
    Has stitched a quilt together
    Of the person you’ve become
    And every little tiny part
    Has slowly taught you how
    To weave your contribution
    Into the blanket you have now
    So I know there are squares that comfort you
    And some that you dislike
    But without them all you wouldn’t have
    This patchwork of your life
    Becky Hemsley 2020
    Beautiful artwork by Lee Seung Hee
    'Patchwork' is from the book Talking to the Wild

    is there someway that you can make this into a cross stitch pattern with motifs for me Melisa? i'd gladly pay you for your assistance. this is so beautiful i would love to make a cross stitch piece and hang it in my quilt room.

    thank you for any help you can provide me. you are the best!!!

    love and blessings are coming your way Melisa. have a wonderful, blessed day.

    Debra Broyles

  10. The bow tie quilt will be a special remembrance of your garage sale trip! Don't you just wish you had all the history of that quilt.

  11. I am a scrappy girl, for sure, so Otis Payne's Bow Tie quilt is perfect in my eyes. This quilter had quite the variety. Or maybe, she had a scrap or block exchange with her circle of quilting friends and this was the result. Finding vintage quilts and thinking about the maker is part of the fun. The bright red probably made your heart sing when you saw it, huh?

  12. That bowtie quilt is gorgeous, Melisa! I can sure see why it appealed to you with all its scrappy fun. I love the red background and how it helps the bowties stand out! Have a wonderful week - hope you get a lot done!

  13. I've been crazy about Otis Payne's Bow Tie Quilt since the first time you showed it to us. It's a fabulous quilt. I haven't made a bow tie quilt in years then turned around and sold it. Big mistake. Should consider making another one. HMMM Have a wonderful Sunday, keep your needles threaded and keep your hands busy. Big Hugs, DarleneJ

  14. I've always thought that there can't be too many people left in Midsomer. =) Otis Payne's Bow Tie is wonderful. And I must say how glorious the backdrop of your rural patch of earth is.


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Quilting on Otis Payne