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Friday, February 12, 2021

Quilt Happenings and a Thrifty Find

Happy Saturday, friends. Come on in for a little quilt update. Well let's start outside on this chilly day . I am leaping with joy with this thrifty find that I found at a thrift shop in Georgia this past week. It is a brown, tan and peach full size quilt, and it is hand quilted. Woo Hoo! I happy danced all through the store when I spotted this beauty.  The only thing is that it needs some repair along the binding, but that will be no problem whatsoever. I thought it would be perfect to display in the fall. 
And while we our out in the yard, check this out. Signs of spring with the buttercups fixing to bloom.  If it is not going to snow, then I say bring on spring. How about you? 
To be honest very little has gone on in respect to quilting or cross stitching this week with a little bit of daily life getting in the way, but I did work on my chicken quilt. 

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been working on these nine patch blocks and appliqueing chickens. 

The last chicken block was appliqued Friday. Though the gals still do not have eyes or wings, I have began playing with a layout. I am going for a certain size because it is going to go in the kitchen by the hoosier cabinet.  Hopefully, the constructing will begin today. 

While rummaging around in the Quilt Nest for some yellow fabric, I found this little quilt top made of red and yellow nine patches. I probably began this about 10 years ago, but for some reason put it away. I had began to applique' yellow flowers in the corners. I think I am going to work on this for the rest of February as I join Angela's link at So Scrappy. I need to add a center to the flowers (if I keep them ) and then decide from there. 
First , it needs a good pressing though. 

Wouldn't it look so cute displayed in my little yellow child's chair with Andy?

This week I have been all into this book called Quick Country Quilting by Debbie Mumm. I have always loved Debbie Mumm and was thrilled when I found this book at the Goodwill. It was published in 1992 by Rodale Press and contains 80 sweet country projects with easy to follow directions and applique templates. 

This is the quilt that has my heart a thumping ; it is called "Elsie & Co." and is the sweetest cow quilt.  I can picture this in my kitchen as well. How stinking CUTE!!!

And what a sweet patriotic heart quilt.

There are so many projects  with a wide variety of themes from geese to cats, to apples and even holiday quilts. 
This little quilt is called Checkerboard Crossing. This quilt was another reason I bought the book. I see a house quilt in my future. 

And lol I need a cat quilt too. I tell you what I really need is more hours in the day. There is so much I want to do. Wheww!

Well if I want all of these quilts, I am going to have to put a fire under my heels and get to work and hopefully next week I will have a little more progress. Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. You always make me smile and bring joy to my heart.  
Have a lovely weekend and as always...
Happy quilting, ya'll
I will be joining this sweet ladies in their link parties as they come available. Please hop over and see their wonderful blogs where you will find amazing quilts and needlework and links to other amazing quilters. Throughout the week, I often find myself wandering from blog to blog through their links and I enjoy every minute of it. 

Angela at So Scrappy for Scrap Happy Saturday
Alycia at Alycia Quilts for Finished or Not Friday
Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Can I Get A Whoop Whoop
Have a happy creative day! 


  1. Seems to be a time for finding things to finish deep in our stashes. I have found 2 recently. Very fun to find something "new " to do right at home! Stay safe and sew on!

    1. You are so right, Deb. Sometimes it is so relaxing just to find an old project and start inching it toward a finish. Thank you so much, dear for the sweet visit and happy quilting.

  2. I have that book stashed away somewhere, it does have lots of cute projects. The cow quilt is one of my favourites from that book too.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Karen. It is so much fun to look in the old books and get inspiration for the next project. I hope you have a lovely week and happy quilting.

  3. I have that book with bookmarks in it. I love the cow quilt and the apple quilt. Great thrift store find. Woohoo!

    I LOVE your chicken quilt. It's adorable. You picked the perfect fabrics for it.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Kathy. There are a lot of great projects in this book aren't there? I hope to continue working on the chicken quilt this week. Happy quilting.

  4. Those chickens are wonderful! Great find with the quilt, happy stitching!

    1. Thank you so much, Gretchen.I was so happy when I found that quilt. It has been awhile since I have found a hand quilted quilt at the Goodwill. Happy quilting.

  5. Your chicken blocks are looking fabulous, Melisa. What an awesome find on the quilt! The Debbie Mumm book has some beautiful small quilts in it. Happy Saturday!

    1. Thank you so much, Robin. I am excited to work on my chicken quilt. I have had the same quilt hanging in the kitchen for 16 years. So it is time for a change. Lol.

  6. Lovely thrift store find, Melisa!! Best of luck on getting your Chicken quilt together.

    1. Aah thank you so much for the sweet visit. I always enjoy going to the thrift stores, but finding a quilt puts the visit over the moon. Happy quilting and have a lovely week.

  7. What fun to dig in for fabric and come out with a quilt top. Enjoy finishing it up. Raggedy Annie will enjoy sitting next to it I am sure. So many cute patterns. I can see Elsie the cow in all the colors of the rainbow. How cut would a purple cow be?

    1. Lol , Angela a purple cow would be fantastic. I think my grandson would be jumping for joy for that. Great idea. Thank you so much for the sweet visit, dear. Happy quilting

  8. Congratulations on your thrift shop quilt! It's nice to know someone's labor of love now has a good home.

    1. I can not tell you how happy I was to find that quilt. It might not be the brightest in color but it sure is a beauty. Thank you so much for the visit and I sure hope you have a lovely week.

  9. what a great thrifty find... and please - make the cow one!! Its adorable!!

    1. Aah thank you so much , Alycia for the sweet encouragement. I think I am going to go for the cow quilt. Happy quilting.

  10. Hi,
    What a great find...a quilt and a book. I'm with you, I have so many
    ideas in my head, and I want to make them all. Have a great day!

    1. Thank you so much, Sherrie for the sweet visit. I am so glad I am not the only one with so many things that I want to do. I hope you are a lot more productive than me , Sherrie. Lol Have a beautiful week and happy quilting.

  11. Cute chicken quilt. Andy looks really happy with the red nine patch quilt. Looking forward for seeing which quilt you will do next, Melisa.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Ivani. I am excited to work on the chicken quilt .I only get a few hours a week to work on it, but knowing where I am going to put it spurs me on. Have a lovely week and thank you again for the sweet comment and visit.

  12. I just love the chicken quilt. What a great book find- so many fun projects.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Deb. I had made an orange chicken quilt to set out for fall, but I think it will work for spring too. The one I am working on has some of my favorite colors in it. Happy quilting and thank you for the kind words.

  13. I have the Debbie Mumm is a treasure! Have the cow pattern marked as a must do.

    1. Isn't that cow quilt adorable? I hope to be able to pull some fabrics soon. Debbie Mumm used to have a cute website too, but I am not sure if it is still up. I hope you have a lovely week and happy quilting.

  14. Thank you for the freebies, you are always so generous. I love looking at all of your wonderful creations. You are soooo talented.

  15. LOVE that sweet chicken quilt!! The colors are lovely!!!

  16. Thanks for sharing the quilt book! Just found one on ebay :)


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